Biden IRS to crack down on....waiters and waitresses...

That he met with them? Like this?

Or this?

View attachment 755636
Meeting people for a photo-op is not a crime

You need to prove those people gave Biden money and he did something in return.

What is taking you so long?
OK….then you need to show the following

Where Joe Biden received any unreported income
Where Joe Biden performed any favors for those who gave him the income

That is selling influence

Unless you have any proof of BOTH
You have nothing

And I guess you think there was no selling influence when Hunter was selling his finger paintings for up to a half-million dollars to anonymous Chinese buyers?

But I digress: I have a bridge here in Cleveland I'm about to sell. You can set up toll booths and make all kinds of money!
And I guess you think there was no selling influence when Hunter was selling his finger paintings for up to a half-million dollars to anonymous Chinese buyers?

But I digress: I have a bridge here in Cleveland I'm about to sell. You can set up toll booths and make all kinds of money!

OK show the influence that buyers who bought paintings received

Start with…..Joe Biden did the following for China or Hunters business partners

I will wait
Taxes are your share of the costs of running and maintaining a first world country. Like condo fees. living in a first world country isn't free. The road, bridges, schools, libraries, court system, and army cost big bucks you need to pay your share.

You could move to a country with no taxes, like Mynamar, Lebanon or Monaco, but you'll need to be very rich to do it. You'll need your own private "security force" to protect your wealth in the third world countries. No taxes mean no police forces, no protection of property rights. It's every man for himself.

Taxes are okay for necessities, but not for putting us endlessly deeper into debt by using the money for pork and vote buying like the Communists do.
How can you do that when they are anonymous buyers? It's a criminal tool to avoid being caught selling influence.

Yes, they are anonymous to Hunter as was reported last weekend.

Hunters paintings are sold by a third party and Hunter never finds out who bought them

It is a legal tool to ensure there is no appearance of impropriety
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Yes, they are anonymous to Hunter as was reported last weekend.

Hunters paintings are sold by a third party and Hunter never finds out who bought them

It is a legal tool to ensure their is no appearance of impropriety

I know it is. That's how professional criminals operate. You really think Hunter doesn't know who is funding the crime family? My niece painted better when she was 10 years old. The stuff is junk that isn't worth $50.00 yet alone $500,000.

I can just imagine the outrage by the left if Don Jr did anything close to this.
Shitlibs are mostly unemployable.... they're too busy aborting kids or raping the ones that dodged the coat hanger. And they're too mentally ill to contribute anything.

Taking from the productive and giving to the non-productive is they only they'll survive. So the question is: why do we care whether they survive or not?

I certainly don't.

Your post says nothing about liberals that has any relationship with the truth or facts, but says volumes about your anger and hatred, directed at people who disagree with you.

Conservatives have just as many abortions are liberals, and so do evangelicals. Abortion is a medical necessity, and should be a non-politicized issue. In every state with abortion the ballot, even deep red states, the VOTERS overwhelmingly support the right of women to make decisions about their own pregnancies.

As for your allegations of rape by Democrats, you are truly creepy and disgusting. Republicans have nothing left but false allegations of rape, perversion and indecency. You're beyond deplorable.
I know it is. That's how professional criminals operate. You really think Hunter doesn't know who is funding the crime family? My niece painted better when she was 10 years old. The stuff is junk that isn't worth $50.00 yet alone $500,000.

I can just imagine the outrage by the left if Don Jr did anything close to this.

Don Jr. received a half billion loan from the Chinese government and you said NOTHING. And 3 days later Don Sr. lifted sanctions on a Chinese spy company. Where were YOU when this was happening?

You keep calling the Bidens a "crime family" while law enforcement officials and prosecutors keep calling the Trump Corporation out as a being run like a crime syndicate, including the demand for "loyalty oaths". Once again, accusing others of the things that Trump is doing.

That's really backfiring on you clowns in the "Weaponization of Government Committee". At every hearing, the only party "weaponizing government" has been Donald Trump and the Republicans.
I know it is. That's how professional criminals operate. You really think Hunter doesn't know who is funding the crime family? My niece painted better when she was 10 years old. The stuff is junk that isn't worth $50.00 yet alone $500,000.

I can just imagine the outrage by the left if Don Jr did anything close to this.

Other than your rampant paranoia, do you have any proof Hunter Biden is informed by the third party who bought his paintings and what they expect in return?

Hunter Biden is a better artist than Picasso. I can point to any modern art and make the claim that it is worth $50 not $5 million
I know it is. That's how professional criminals operate. You really think Hunter doesn't know who is funding the crime family? My niece painted better when she was 10 years old. The stuff is junk that isn't worth $50.00 yet alone $500,000.

I can just imagine the outrage by the left if Don Jr did anything close to this.
Too bad you have no evidence of any of your crap, just Republicans making stuff up about the bidens and Democrats. Poor America.
Taxes are your share of the costs of running and maintaining a first world country. Like condo fees. living in a first world country isn't free. The road, bridges, schools, libraries, court system, and army .....
If that were all the government spent money on there would be a massive surplus.

Other than your rampant paranoia, do you have any proof Hunter Biden is informed by the third party who bought his paintings and what they expect in return?

Hunter Biden is a better artist than Picasso. I can point to any modern art and make the claim that it is worth $50 not $5 million

You are either blind or a moron. If not for being Hunter the art gallery would have laughed him out of the place trying to sell that crap. And yes, the Republicans are going to trace where those paintings went and who paid for them. The show is just beginning to start.
Don Jr. received a half billion loan from the Chinese government and you said NOTHING. And 3 days later Don Sr. lifted sanctions on a Chinese spy company. Where were YOU when this was happening?

You keep calling the Bidens a "crime family" while law enforcement officials and prosecutors keep calling the Trump Corporation out as a being run like a crime syndicate, including the demand for "loyalty oaths". Once again, accusing others of the things that Trump is doing.

That's really backfiring on you clowns in the "Weaponization of Government Committee". At every hearing, the only party "weaponizing government" has been Donald Trump and the Republicans.

Oh please, if Trump was doing anything shady the Communists would have been on him like white on rice. Now name me one bureaucracy that was weaponized for Trump.

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