Biden is an accomplice to the mass murder of Americans


Always Faithful
Sep 28, 2018
Walker County, TX
I ran across this article today: Dan Bongino: Here's why Biden is an accomplice to the mass murder of Americans

Please view the Bongino speech before posting. Thanks.

Some American families are mourning their child, nephew, niece, brother, or sister who took a regular drug, but the Cartel added deadly Fentanyl, and we're losing thousands of people in American cities plagued by the Drug Cartels down south of the border way. :( Who is responsible, and why? As I requested, listen to Bongino, who is a former secret service agent who protected the Clintons in his career. He's a law and order man. This thousands of Americans dying in the prime of their life or before on account of the Chinese fentanyl being distributed by the Drug Cartel who operate prolifically on an insecure border. We might need to reread/ understand the Hunter Biden old computer board information. Lots of abrupt departures from the Biden administration.
The drugs came when Trump was president and Oblama, and Bush, and Clinton, and Bush, and Reagan, and Carter, and Ford, and Nixon etc, etc, etc. These people chose to do illegal drugs and you want to blame a president, only one president, Bongino is playing you people like a fiddle and you are dancing for him to push an illogical conclusion of a theory as to why people die from drugs, alcohol, nicotine, caffeine, fat, salt, water, etc, etc, etc.

Heart disease was the number one cause of death, followed by cancer, with these two causes of death accounting for a total of 1.29 million deaths. Accidents and stroke were the fourth and fifth leading causes of death.Jul 5, 2022 the number,fifth leading causes of death.

COVID-19 was third leading cause of death in the United ... the number,fifth leading causes of death.
Is Biden culpable in heart disease also and the ingredients that are the biggest killers are perfectly legal...
Fentanyl POISONING is at epidemic levels. Like I have said, this is the cost of having NO REAL MEDIA. If we did, we would have journalists all over the China/Drug Cartel attack on our country. Instead we have silent acceptance of whatever China does to us.
I ran across this article today: Dan Bongino: Here's why Biden is an accomplice to the mass murder of Americans

I listen to Dan all the time and he is totally right. Biddum should be impeached next year then charged for murder. Imagine that, the WH saying that Republicans were just pulling a "political stunt" sending illegals to DC that wouldn't be here to send there at all in the first place if not for the Biden White House in the first place!

Sometimes I wish I could be at a WH presser or briefing to ask my own questions!
Like I have said, this is the cost of having NO REAL MEDIA. If we did, we would have journalists all over the China/Drug Cartel attack on our country.

We do, Mike. Real news and journalism aren't dead yet. Slowly, the networked MSM is being replaced by others since they refuse to do their jobs.

Can someone explain why they are putting fentanyl in drugs they already have no problem selling? Is it to make people get a better high so they will buy more drugs? Is it to stretch the product so they can get more drugs out of a batch or whatever?
I listen to Dan all the time and he is totally right. Biddum should be impeached next year then charged for murder. Imagine that, the WH saying that Republicans were just pulling a "political stunt" sending illegals to DC that wouldn't be here to send there at all in the first place if not for the Biden White House in the first place!

Sometimes I wish I could be at a WH presser or briefing to ask my own questions!
Oh lol. And Democrats never do any stunts... 4 years of Steele dossier total fabricated lie carried by every leftist news in the world... Biden killing Trump wins--the pipeline deal was stopped halfway done--- Biden's viral video bragging to his buds that when as Vice-President he gave a third world country being given a 3 billion dollar Foreign Aid Package 6 hours to pack Air Force Two with a billion dollars in untraceable American cash, and they did it when he threatened to take away the 3 billion dollar package. Now, that little extortion proof has been removed from its viral nature long enough to reduce the amount he claimed and introduced his son Hunter getting a million a year for a Burisma annual shareholder meeting, blah, blah, blah. then that was aborted from the web and youtube too when Hunter's old computer contents were to be imminently revealed to all Americans. For some reason, it's on the Demmie "ignore" button, and since they panicked and got Uncle George Soros to change legal minds about hearing the case against Joe and Hunter Biden a year before he squeezed 20,000 Demmie mules for extra votes to beat Trump. Biden does all for money. I had a feeling he had to have connections with the south-of-the-border cartels to come up with freebies and an open border for all at taxpayer expense.
I ran across this article today: Dan Bongino: Here's why Biden is an accomplice to the mass murder of Americans

Please view the Bongino speech before posting. Thanks.

Some American families are mourning their child, nephew, niece, brother, or sister who took a regular drug, but the Cartel added deadly Fentanyl, and we're losing thousands of people in American cities plagued by the Drug Cartels down south of the border way. :( Who is responsible, and why? As I requested, listen to Bongino, who is a former secret service agent who protected the Clintons in his career. He's a law and order man. This thousands of Americans dying in the prime of their life or before on account of the Chinese fentanyl being distributed by the Drug Cartel who operate prolifically on an insecure border. We might need to reread/ understand the Hunter Biden old computer board information. Lots of abrupt departures from the Biden administration.

Well Biden ordered the clot shot onto millions of people. How many have died from that? Not to mention all those now with life shortening conditions from the clot shot.
The drugs came when Trump was president and Oblama, and Bush, and Clinton, and Bush, and Reagan, and Carter, and Ford, and Nixon etc, etc, etc. These people chose to do illegal drugs and you want to blame a president, only one president, Bongino is playing you people like a fiddle and you are dancing for him to push an illogical conclusion of a theory as to why people die from drugs, alcohol, nicotine, caffeine, fat, salt, water, etc, etc, etc.

Heart disease was the number one cause of death, followed by cancer, with these two causes of death accounting for a total of 1.29 million deaths. Accidents and stroke were the fourth and fifth leading causes of death.Jul 5, 2022 disease was the number,fifth leading causes of death.

COVID-19 was third leading cause of death in the United ... disease was the number,fifth leading causes of death.
Is Biden culpable in heart disease also and the ingredients that are the biggest killers are perfectly legal...
Biden hustled disaster when he opened the Border and discontinued the building of the wall that was working well, not to mention defunding the brave first responders in the Border Patrol that had stopped the cartels dead in their tracks toward the end of Trump's first term as President.

Biden pissed all over every good thing Trump did by (1) Destroying the Stock Market to please the Democrat Commies in the party. Bernie was ecstatic!
(2) Erased the border with his "y'all come" speech directed to the illegal crossers, that included thousands of parentless children, thousands of coyotes driving the people like oxens, enough fentanyl kill pills to take out a middle-sized American town every week, and a record two million and more crossing the border his first year of y'all comes and dancing in the streets like there were no thousands of Americans dying from the bounty of the evil drug cartels. That's enough for the moment. I didn't mention how he pissed off every soldier who took an oath to obey orders and respect the Constitutional laws when Biden jerked troops out of Afghanistan without listening to advisers telling him to evacuate Americans living in Afghanistan before removing the troops. Nope! Nothing doing, Do Nothin' Joe Biden knows it all! Advisers, boo hiss!!! What a jerk city this nation has been through with do-nothin' but destroy America Joe Biden. We the voters are not amused. :cranky:
The drugs came when Trump was president and Oblama, and Bush, and Clinton, and Bush, and Reagan, and Carter, and Ford, and Nixon etc, etc, etc. These people chose to do illegal drugs and you want to blame a president, only one president, Bongino is playing you people like a fiddle and you are dancing for him to push an illogical conclusion of a theory as to why people die from drugs, alcohol, nicotine, caffeine, fat, salt, water, etc, etc, etc.

Heart disease was the number one cause of death, followed by cancer, with these two causes of death accounting for a total of 1.29 million deaths. Accidents and stroke were the fourth and fifth leading causes of death.Jul 5, 2022 disease was the number,fifth leading causes of death.

COVID-19 was third leading cause of death in the United ... disease was the number,fifth leading causes of death.
Is Biden culpable in heart disease also and the ingredients that are the biggest killers are perfectly legal...
The cause of deaths for 1 million human beings was ignored by your link, doll. 1 million unborn children died every year for at least 30 of the past 49 years since Roe versus Wade.
Well Biden ordered the clot shot onto millions of people. How many have died from that? Not to mention all those now with life shortening conditions from the clot shot.
Well I have no doubts that Biden will have several people per issue to blame if his tomorrows are like his yesterdays.
Fentanyl POISONING is at epidemic levels. Like I have said, this is the cost of having NO REAL MEDIA. If we did, we would have journalists all over the China/Drug Cartel attack on our country. Instead we have silent acceptance of whatever China does to us.
But but the govt said they solved the opioid 'crisis"....
If Trump was president, it would be reported on 24/7.
Point well taken! The hooligans didn't mind their own vicious lies for over 4 years, which is well over a thousand days, and they're still at it now because January 6.
If Trump was president, it would be reported on 24/7.
I hope for the day he is re-elected and this garbage-smearing pro-communist crowd go some place else to inflict the national footshoot, but not here in the USA. Long live the Communist Control Act of 1954. Communism is a faux religion that preaches death to all who disagree with the oligarches in charge of the people's rights rather than the people entitled to human rights as otherwise described in the Constitution of the United States of America.
  • Congress passed the Communist Control Act of 1954 (CCA) as an amendment to the McCarran Internal Security Act of 1950 “to outlaw the Communist Party, to prohibit members of Communist organizations from serving in certain representative capacities, and for other purposes.”
  • The Communist Control Act banned Communist Party of the United States. Communism squelches freedom, and anyone who doesn't like it is "the enemy," and the communist answer to 'enemy' dissidents is to relieve them of their life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness. That's why we should respect that law and not shove it in the waste basket that has been done for 68 years now due to misinterpretation of what communism is next to a democracy in which freedom rings.
Can someone explain why they are putting fentanyl in drugs they already have no problem selling? Is it to make people get a better high so they will buy more drugs? Is it to stretch the product so they can get more drugs out of a batch or whatever?
Fentanyl is cheaper, easier, and more powerful.
The only reason more people are dying is that you can't tell the cut % because there are no standards for illegal drugs.
If they ended the war on drugs, nearly all deaths go away.
Congress with the illegal war on drugs is really the one killing all these people.
Point well taken! The hooligans didn't mind their own vicious lies for over 4 years, which is well over a thousand days, and they're still at it now because January 6.

I hope for the day he is re-elected and this garbage-smearing pro-communist crowd go some place else to inflict the national footshoot, but not here in the USA. Long live the Communist Control Act of 1954. Communism is a faux religion that preaches death to all who disagree with the oligarches in charge of the people's rights rather than the people entitled to human rights as otherwise described in the Constitution of the United States of America.
  • Congress passed the Communist Control Act of 1954 (CCA) as an amendment to the McCarran Internal Security Act of 1950 “to outlaw the Communist Party, to prohibit members of Communist organizations from serving in certain representative capacities, and for other purposes.”
  • The Communist Control Act banned Communist Party of the United States. Communism squelches freedom, and anyone who doesn't like it is "the enemy," and the communist answer to 'enemy' dissidents is to relieve them of their life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness. That's why we should respect that law and not shove it in the waste basket that has been done for 68 years now due to misinterpretation of what communism is next to a democracy in which freedom rings.

That is silly.
All humans naturally are always communist.
When it is families, primitive tribes, etc., it is always communist, not for profit.
And communism is just over shared resources, and has nothing to do with how you decide to form or run government.
Any true democracy will always be socialist or communist, because capitalism is inherently totalitarian, profit motivated, greedy, and abusive.
The cause of deaths for 1 million human beings was ignored by your link, doll. 1 million unborn children died every year for at least 30 of the past 49 years since Roe versus Wade.

The problem is the population doubles about every 50 years, and that is bound to lead to species extinction eventually.
Abortion is absolutely necessary to end lives that should never have been.
Human beings have high fertility rates because for millions of years were had no defenses and were consumed as food by predators.
Now that we are predators, we have to cut our reproductive rate by 80%.

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