Biden is coming for trump

Show us all what part of this is a lie.

The plural part. He refused to submit documents requested in one subpoena. After having turned over, over 7,000 documents and testifying several times.

There was never a blanket refusal to obstruct Congress in any investigation during Obama's two terms. Unlike Trumpybear who obstructed everything.
Really? Like Joe "the groper" Biden voted for the Iraq War. He also used quid pro quo on Ukraine(he admits it in the video) and his son profits from embezzling millions of our tax dollars so Hunter can get rich? You okay with that buddy? Is that your way of a government douche bag? Aint going to happen again.. Ukraine has opened its own investigation on Corruption, if Sleepy Joe is found guilty they will ask to extradite him. Joe is going to do time, in a Ukraine jail, that isnt like US jails. Maybe he will die in there, like the Dems want Roger Stone to die in jail of the US..Equal justice for everyone, not even Joe is above the law, right?

And either is your King trump the scum of the earth

Bwaaaahhaaaaaa…..Still believing in that Bug Eyed habitual LIAR? A liberal will never learn, because to learn means you have to have an IQ higher than a slug.


One huge problem, Biden isn't a Liberal. Bernie and Warren are liberals. And the majority of the Democrats IRL are not either. So you keep preaching and trying to run off Dem Voters but they are angry as hell and will vote.

Bwwaaaaaahhhhaaaaaa. Pull your head out of your ass man, Biden is just as liberal as any other one, but he hid it well, until lately when he was pandering to Bernie voters, then he showed his true colors when he couldn't control his dementia. No one wants an idiot old white liberal in the White House because he would forget where he is, and probably end up at the bottom of the Potomac.

Biden is a socialist the next open slot to the left of Obama is socialism and Biden happily stepped in ! he will be painted as a socialist if and thats a big if he actually wins the nomination ! the dems are going to give it to him even if Sanders edges him out ! they are all socialist Bernie is just more to the left a communist.

Is that all you got, Joe Mc? Let's all do a rouzing round of the "3rd Red Scare".
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That’s absurd and dumb. Trump has been nothing but confrontational with Russia, but dummies like only know what the criminals in the establishment tell you.

Yet he uses the propaganda from the Russian Troll Farms. The Gig is up, we are onto Rump. And we are on to the partyoftherumpsters in the Senate that want to keep trying to dig up dirt on Biden. We don't pay them for that. In the last few years, I really don't know what we pay them to do. But they certainly aren't doing it.
I was on the phone talking to my very perceptive friend. I read him the titles of the posts here at USMB. He said that most sounded like Russian trolls. I agree.
do you mean that there is someone else on this planet as dumb as you are ???AMAZING !

Actually, you are proof that there isn't anyone on this Earth dumber than you are. Be very careful with those 3 brain cells. You really can't afford to lose any more.
Biden has to get through Sanders before he faces Trump ! and do you really truly believe that Biden can withstand what Trump is going to throw at him ! do you think after being utterly destroyed people are going to feel sorry for Biden and vote for him ?? is that the strategy ?? the sympathy vote ?? actually that might be the best chance for Biden !! Trump is liable to find and bring Corn Pop to the debate ! Biden gets angry and insulting to constituents at town halls calling farmers fat and challenging them to push ups ! the man is not all there ! there is absolutely no telling what Trump will do to make Biden look like a bumbling idiot !its going to be very nasty for Joe !

And what happens if Biden doesn't bite the bait and actually runs a clean campaign and sticks to the issues? rump will just madder and madder until he is just frothing at the mouth.
Biden is coming for trump

Joe doesn't even know what part of the country he is in....he introduced his daughter as his wife last night.....Trump would rather run against a corrupt challenger like Burisma Joe than a commie with hand outs of free goodies....
This is 2016 all over again with a male Hilldabeast.....

Keep saying the same tired crap over and over. It's not working anymore. The Dems and disgruntled Reps are voting for Uncle Joe and there is nothing you can do about it except keep pissing them off so they show up at the polls in droves. I want to thank you for your assistance, Rumpster.
Keep dreaming...I don't know a single republican that would ever vote for Biden...maybe a few RINO's will but that won't come close to putting creepy uncle Joe on top....

That's right, insult us old time Republicans even more. We understand that you are NOT a republican, you are a party of the rump so that releases us to vote for someone else other than the mad hatter rump.
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Bidens not well mentally or physically, heart problems, strokes, eyes bleeding out. He really needs to go home to his family.

The good news is, when Biden checks into the WH, he gets to bring his wife along with him. Funny how that works. Let's get an appointment with United Van Lines (gold division) for the move by rump. And have the Federal Marshals ready to escort him out of the WH right after the eviction. Imagine that, instead of Rump evicting people from his properties, the Tax Payer gets to evict him.
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The end of trump is near.

Super Tuesday tally: Biden wins 4 states, Sanders takes 2

When you are so scared of an opponent that you have to break the law and get impeached, it's time to think about what you are going to do when your presidency is over. Biden is coming and he is going to whip trumps ass. Along with Biden will come two hydrogen bombs named Obama and they are going to be fired up to blast trump into oblivion. The time is coming to an end for trump. Live it up while you can trump lovers...

Biden has forgotten his name by now.

The only thing that counts is that his driver knows how to get to 1600 Penn Ave.
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Yet he uses the propaganda from the Russian Troll Farms. The Gig is up, we are onto Rump. And we are on to the partyoftherumpsters in the Senate that want to keep trying to dig up dirt on Biden. We don't pay them for that. In the last few years, I really don't know what we pay them to do. But they certainly aren't doing it.
I was on the phone talking to my very perceptive friend. I read him the titles of the posts here at USMB. He said that most sounded like Russian trolls. I agree.
do you mean that there is someone else on this planet as dumb as you are ???AMAZING !

Actually, you are proof that there isn't anyone on this Earth dumber than you are. Be very careful with those 3 brain cells. You really can't afford to lose any more.
Biden has to get through Sanders before he faces Trump ! and do you really truly believe that Biden can withstand what Trump is going to throw at him ! do you think after being utterly destroyed people are going to feel sorry for Biden and vote for him ?? is that the strategy ?? the sympathy vote ?? actually that might be the best chance for Biden !! Trump is liable to find and bring Corn Pop to the debate ! Biden gets angry and insulting to constituents at town halls calling farmers fat and challenging them to push ups ! the man is not all there ! there is absolutely no telling what Trump will do to make Biden look like a bumbling idiot !its going to be very nasty for Joe !

And what happens if Biden doesn't bite the bait and actually runs a clean campaign and sticks to the issues? rump will just madder and madder until he is just frothing at the mouth.
Joe Biden is not mentally fit ! you will see that in 10 days when he faces Sanders one on one !
Biden is about as exciting as Bob Dole was in 1996...

After the "Excitement" and chaos of the last 3 years, a little quiet would be nice.

Yes, after the GOP wins back the house and retains the Senate and WH, it will be great to see the insane Democrats shut the fuck up.

It wouldn't be the GOP, it would be Party of the Rump. I already posted the 14 rules of Fascism. Careful, now, it sneaks up on all of us if you actually read a world history book instead of just eating the covers off it and claiming you ingested the knowledge.
Biden is about as exciting as Bob Dole was in 1996...

After the "Excitement" and chaos of the last 3 years, a little quiet would be nice.
you idiots will never stop bitching and complaining ! there is no way to satisfy the spoiled childish mindset of the left ! remember yall were blocking traffic vandalizing and burning neighborhoods when your hero Obama was POTUS !
I was on the phone talking to my very perceptive friend. I read him the titles of the posts here at USMB. He said that most sounded like Russian trolls. I agree.
do you mean that there is someone else on this planet as dumb as you are ???AMAZING !

Actually, you are proof that there isn't anyone on this Earth dumber than you are. Be very careful with those 3 brain cells. You really can't afford to lose any more.
Biden has to get through Sanders before he faces Trump ! and do you really truly believe that Biden can withstand what Trump is going to throw at him ! do you think after being utterly destroyed people are going to feel sorry for Biden and vote for him ?? is that the strategy ?? the sympathy vote ?? actually that might be the best chance for Biden !! Trump is liable to find and bring Corn Pop to the debate ! Biden gets angry and insulting to constituents at town halls calling farmers fat and challenging them to push ups ! the man is not all there ! there is absolutely no telling what Trump will do to make Biden look like a bumbling idiot !its going to be very nasty for Joe !

And what happens if Biden doesn't bite the bait and actually runs a clean campaign and sticks to the issues? rump will just madder and madder until he is just frothing at the mouth.
Joe Biden is not mentally fit ! you will see that in 10 days when he faces Sanders one on one !

He's already faced Sanders and the last time, Biden killed it. Bidens best defense is to keep saying that Sanders doesn't have a clue which he doesn't. Are you saying that you would wish Sanders off on all of us for President? Or are you just nervous that Biden can beat Rump in the General?
Biden is about as exciting as Bob Dole was in 1996...

After the "Excitement" and chaos of the last 3 years, a little quiet would be nice.
you idiots will never stop bitching and complaining ! there is no way to satisfy the spoiled childish mindset of the left ! remember yall were blocking traffic vandalizing and burning neighborhoods when your hero Obama was POTUS !

Let me discuss this with you. Wait a minute, I need to go out and vandalize something.........Okay, I am back.
do you mean that there is someone else on this planet as dumb as you are ???AMAZING !

Actually, you are proof that there isn't anyone on this Earth dumber than you are. Be very careful with those 3 brain cells. You really can't afford to lose any more.
Biden has to get through Sanders before he faces Trump ! and do you really truly believe that Biden can withstand what Trump is going to throw at him ! do you think after being utterly destroyed people are going to feel sorry for Biden and vote for him ?? is that the strategy ?? the sympathy vote ?? actually that might be the best chance for Biden !! Trump is liable to find and bring Corn Pop to the debate ! Biden gets angry and insulting to constituents at town halls calling farmers fat and challenging them to push ups ! the man is not all there ! there is absolutely no telling what Trump will do to make Biden look like a bumbling idiot !its going to be very nasty for Joe !

And what happens if Biden doesn't bite the bait and actually runs a clean campaign and sticks to the issues? rump will just madder and madder until he is just frothing at the mouth.
Joe Biden is not mentally fit ! you will see that in 10 days when he faces Sanders one on one !

He's already faced Sanders and the last time, Biden killed it. Bidens best defense is to keep saying that Sanders doesn't have a clue which he doesn't. Are you saying that you would wish Sanders off on all of us for President? Or are you just nervous that Biden can beat Rump in the General?

Biden will be easier to defeat than Sanders. Biden has 50 years of baggage and the sharpness and mental acuity of a marble.
Haha, the predictable , spoonfed Trump cult line

First: obstruct all efforts to get the facts

Second: cackle and point and say nobody has the facts

Comedy gold...
You just admitted you have no facts.

Pro Tip: Don't try to be a Smart-Ass and a Dumb-Ass simultaneously.

Did you really take the time to type this out or is a cut and paste from the GRU things to say when you have nothing else?
Show us all what part of this is a lie.

The plural part. He refused to submit documents requested in one subpoena. After having turned over, over 7,000 documents and testifying several times.

There was never a blanket refusal to obstruct Congress in any investigation during Obama's two terms. Unlike Trumpybear who obstructed everything.

So he turned over 7,000 documents unrelated to the case in question and refused how many thousand documents that were. He was also found in contempt about which nothing was ever done.

Then Hillary turned over emails carefully screened by her attorneys and deleted 30,000 under subpoena with "BleachBit".
Biden is about as exciting as Bob Dole was in 1996...

After the "Excitement" and chaos of the last 3 years, a little quiet would be nice.

Yes, after the GOP wins back the house and retains the Senate and WH, it will be great to see the insane Democrats shut the fuck up.

It wouldn't be the GOP, it would be Party of the Rump. I already posted the 14 rules of Fascism. Careful, now, it sneaks up on all of us if you actually read a world history book instead of just eating the covers off it and claiming you ingested the knowledge.

Shouldn't you be on a ledge somewhere? You sound like a lunatic.

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