Biden is coming for trump

actually i hope the left does go after Trump hard ! that just galvanizes conservatives ! we are coming out to vote in record numbers ! we take nothing for granted ! we know the left will cheat and stoop to any illegal tactic[voter fraud] to win ! heck dems are already rigging the primary against Sanders ! so we know that yall lie cheat and steal in the nov ! we are going to show up in the biggest republican turnout in history ! remember millions of conservatives didnt vote in 2016 because they weren't sure Trump was a true conservative ! now he has a record number of support from the right ! the never Trumpers are now on his side ! get ready for an ass kicking pal ! and you know its possible or else you would accept the challenge of leaving USMB !:5_1_12024:

1. Rump is NOT a conservative
2. YOU are not a conservative
3. You are a Party of the Rumpster
4. I voted for Biden as an Indie because Rump is insane
5. I am an old style Republican
6. I never make bets with someone of more than questionable character.

Oh look, you see yourself as Omnisciencent. How special.

When I am dealing with you small intel children, I have to speak to you Special.
Trump is not a Republican if he says so but guys are girls if they say so
Lib 101

You're just jealous that they wear that Yellow Syphon Sun Dress better than you do, skippy.
Homophobic mischaracterization of gays
You will have to turn in your libtard card

They never issued me one. But I still have my old GOP Sooper Secrit Decoder ring though.
Why do you say stereotypical things about gays?
The end of trump is near.

Super Tuesday tally: Biden wins 4 states, Sanders takes 2

When you are so scared of an opponent that you have to break the law and get impeached, it's time to think about what you are going to do when your presidency is over. Biden is coming and he is going to whip trumps ass. Along with Biden will come two hydrogen bombs named Obama and they are going to be fired up to blast trump into oblivion. The time is coming to an end for trump. Live it up while you can trump lovers...

But you won't wager your participation on the board on it.

Not very confident.

I'm confident. I just refuse to take your wager.

So watch what happens to trump when the big guns start aiming at him. He should have kept his mouth shut about ex presidents and did his job. But no, he didn't. He knew he could race pimp people like you by making false claims about Obama every time his ass was put in a lurch. He will probably end up facing the Obama vice president, with an Obama endorsement, a pissed off Barack and Mrs. Obama on the stump, Bloomberg/Steyer, Republicans for the rule of law and the Lincoln project putting up killer anti trump ads all over the place. Not to mention the DNC and the campaign itself.

trumps time is short.
actually i hope the left does go after Trump hard ! that just galvanizes conservatives ! we are coming out to vote in record numbers ! we take nothing for granted ! we know the left will cheat and stoop to any illegal tactic[voter fraud] to win ! heck dems are already rigging the primary against Sanders ! so we know that yall lie cheat and steal in the nov ! we are going to show up in the biggest republican turnout in history ! remember millions of conservatives didnt vote in 2016 because they weren't sure Trump was a true conservative ! now he has a record number of support from the right ! the never Trumpers are now on his side ! get ready for an ass kicking pal ! and you know its possible or else you would accept the challenge of leaving USMB !:5_1_12024:

1. Rump is NOT a conservative
2. YOU are not a conservative
3. You are a Party of the Rumpster
4. I voted for Biden as an Indie because Rump is insane
5. I am an old style Republican
6. I never make bets with someone of more than questionable character.
there is no way you were ever a republican ! you complain about how unfair life is to much to be a pull yourself up by the bootstraps like a real man like a conservative !

I get rewarded for my time spent working like very "Good Republican" does. I get my Military Retirement and SSI that I earned keeping it so you are able to post this nonsense. If it was just you, I would have went into corporate business where I could rape and pillage and get bloody assed rich. But it wasn't for you. It was for every "Good Republican" ever borne. If you knew anything about the history of the Republican Party you would understand the term "Good Republican". You don't because you are a Party of the Rump.
Actually it was about Trump abusing his office for personal gain
Actually, that lie that was never based on evidence was proven wrong.

But I get it. You're desperate because your 2 leading candidates are a senile pedo and a Socialist with a heart condition.
The end of trump is near.

Super Tuesday tally: Biden wins 4 states, Sanders takes 2

When you are so scared of an opponent that you have to break the law and get impeached, it's time to think about what you are going to do when your presidency is over. Biden is coming and he is going to whip trumps ass. Along with Biden will come two hydrogen bombs named Obama and they are going to be fired up to blast trump into oblivion. The time is coming to an end for trump. Live it up while you can trump lovers...
Could be the colored vote cements Trump’s second term.

yes, let's call them "Colored". Or how about Nigras? No wonder the African American, Latino and Asians support Biden.
Biden's approach to politics is based on appeasing the right. i dont see him coming for Trump, he's gonna get destroyed at the debates
Biden will sound like a broken record player at the debates: "Look! C'mon man! I was the one who got that thing done!"

To coin a phrase from the Democratic National Chair to the Republican National Chair (really not a Republican but a Party of the Rump", "You can just go to hell". And that is the message for November 2nd.
Trump can’t win without him
That’s absurd and dumb. Trump has been nothing but confrontational with Russia, but dummies like only know what the criminals in the establishment tell you.

Yet he uses the propaganda from the Russian Troll Farms. The Gig is up, we are onto Rump. And we are on to the partyoftherumpsters in the Senate that want to keep trying to dig up dirt on Biden. We don't pay them for that. In the last few years, I really don't know what we pay them to do. But they certainly aren't doing it.
I was on the phone talking to my very perceptive friend. I read him the titles of the posts here at USMB. He said that most sounded like Russian trolls. I agree.
Most of our Conservative posters are Russian Trolls
. . and most of our lefty posters are Common Wealth Trolls. . . .

Are you including me in that?
This all reminds me of the last days of the Soviet Union - when the entire politbureau consisted of very, very old and very, very incompetent old men.

Trump, Biden, Sanders...ALL are decrepit, incompetent old geezers!

Any way you turn it, we're all seriously screwed!
So he turned over 7,000 documents unrelated to the case

There were all relevant to the White House's response. But there was none that proved the faulty case the House was trying to make and find.

He was also found in contempt about which nothing was ever done.

I think it took till May 2019 before the courts battle was finally over. Neither side got what they wanted out of it.

"A settlement in a seven-year legal battle between the House and the Justice Department over records related to a gun-running investigation known as Operation Fast and Furious was publicly announced Wednesday just as similar clashes continue to intensify between the House and Trump administration."

Subpoena fight over operation Fast and Furious documents finally settled

No Contempt of Court was found against Holder by the Judge.
But you won't wager your participation on the board on it.

Not very confident.

I'm confident. I just refuse to take your wager.

So watch what happens to trump when the big guns start aiming at him. He should have kept his mouth shut about ex presidents and did his job. But no, he didn't. He knew he could race pimp people like you by making false claims about Obama every time his ass was put in a lurch. He will probably end up facing the Obama vice president, with an Obama endorsement, a pissed off Barack and Mrs. Obama on the stump, Bloomberg/Steyer, Republicans for the rule of law and the Lincoln project putting up killer anti trump ads all over the place. Not to mention the DNC and the campaign itself.

trumps time is short.
actually i hope the left does go after Trump hard ! that just galvanizes conservatives ! we are coming out to vote in record numbers ! we take nothing for granted ! we know the left will cheat and stoop to any illegal tactic[voter fraud] to win ! heck dems are already rigging the primary against Sanders ! so we know that yall lie cheat and steal in the nov ! we are going to show up in the biggest republican turnout in history ! remember millions of conservatives didnt vote in 2016 because they weren't sure Trump was a true conservative ! now he has a record number of support from the right ! the never Trumpers are now on his side ! get ready for an ass kicking pal ! and you know its possible or else you would accept the challenge of leaving USMB !:5_1_12024:

1. Rump is NOT a conservative
2. YOU are not a conservative
3. You are a Party of the Rumpster
4. I voted for Biden as an Indie because Rump is insane
5. I am an old style Republican
6. I never make bets with someone of more than questionable character.

Oh look, you see yourself as Omnisciencent. How special.

When I am dealing with you small intel children, I have to speak to you Special.

I know, you're a legend in your own mind. You are jusat another Prog foot soldier son, your opinion of yourself is MUCH too high.
That’s absurd and dumb. Trump has been nothing but confrontational with Russia, but dummies like only know what the criminals in the establishment tell you.

Yet he uses the propaganda from the Russian Troll Farms. The Gig is up, we are onto Rump. And we are on to the partyoftherumpsters in the Senate that want to keep trying to dig up dirt on Biden. We don't pay them for that. In the last few years, I really don't know what we pay them to do. But they certainly aren't doing it.
I was on the phone talking to my very perceptive friend. I read him the titles of the posts here at USMB. He said that most sounded like Russian trolls. I agree.
Most of our Conservative posters are Russian Trolls
. . and most of our lefty posters are Common Wealth Trolls. . . .

Are you including me in that?
Show us all what part of this is a lie.

The plural part. He refused to submit documents requested in one subpoena. After having turned over, over 7,000 documents and testifying several times.

There was never a blanket refusal to obstruct Congress in any investigation during Obama's two terms. Unlike Trumpybear who obstructed everything.

So he turned over 7,000 documents unrelated to the case in question and refused how many thousand documents that were. He was also found in contempt about which nothing was ever done.

Then Hillary turned over emails carefully screened by her attorneys and deleted 30,000 under subpoena with "BleachBit".

Don't forget the destruction of Hillary's devices with a hammer.

A shredder is the preferred method. With a hammer you could miss the memory chips.
The end of trump is near.

Super Tuesday tally: Biden wins 4 states, Sanders takes 2

When you are so scared of an opponent that you have to break the law and get impeached, it's time to think about what you are going to do when your presidency is over. Biden is coming and he is going to whip trumps ass. Along with Biden will come two hydrogen bombs named Obama and they are going to be fired up to blast trump into oblivion. The time is coming to an end for trump. Live it up while you can trump lovers...

TRUMP easily won the republican nomination in 2016 without having to force anyone out of the race. Had Buttigieg, Amy and Styer not dropped out before ST Biden would have lost big to Bernie. Democrats knew the only way to force Biden through is to give people no other choice as an alternative to Sanders.
Trump did not win anything easily and for most of the primary trump had a plurality of 30 percent. There were at least 15 republican candidates in that primary and 14 dropped out with Kasich being the last one and Cruz talked shit on trump at the convention. So let's stop pretending trump is the greatest president of all time and can't be beaten because he's running from a primary challenger right now as an incumbent.
Biden is coming for trump

I finally figured it out. Biden is coming in for an early concession to shake Donald's hand and congratulate him on his 2nd term.

I guess Joe has a faint streak of decency in him after all.

A second term that's not coming.
Why support Biden, IM2? Aside from his dementia obviously blooming and a new family scandal erupting, I seriously doubt any Merrick Garland will support Biden. Anita Hill sure won't either. Why would any decent person considering the mountains of horrid crap this shameless tool for the establishment has said and pulled over the years? Obama even chose Hillary over this clown? Wtf?
Biden is coming for trump

Joe doesn't even know what part of the country he is in....he introduced his daughter as his wife last night.....Trump would rather run against a corrupt challenger like Burisma Joe than a commie with hand outs of free goodies....
This is 2016 all over again with a male Hilldabeast.....

Keep saying the same tired crap over and over. It's not working anymore. The Dems and disgruntled Reps are voting for Uncle Joe and there is nothing you can do about it except keep pissing them off so they show up at the polls in droves. I want to thank you for your assistance, Rumpster.
Keep dreaming...I don't know a single republican that would ever vote for Biden...maybe a few RINO's will but that won't come close to putting creepy uncle Joe on top....

That's right, insult us old time Republicans even more. We understand that you are NOT a republican, you are a party of the rump so that releases us to vote for someone else other than the mad hatter rump.
Trump is doing the things the republican establishment have been promising to do for 40 damn don't try and tell me who or what a real republican is...I'm a real republican conservative...and so is Trump....what you Romney and Kristol types are I do not know...opportunists I guess....liars more like it...Bill Kristol voting for Joe?...what is that?....all these years of him talking like a conservative and one election goes against his wishes so he turns to Biden?....don't make me are being conned and you are being suckered....
Biden is coming for trump

I finally figured it out. Biden is coming in for an early concession to shake Donald's hand and congratulate him on his 2nd term.

I guess Joe has a faint streak of decency in him after all.

A second term that's not coming.

LOL, whatever you need to tell yourself in order to sleep at night. Hypothetically, what if it does?
I don't personally think Trump is afraid of Joe Biden but I do think that if Biden ends up being the nominee he will be able to appeal to moderates a lot better than Sanders would be able to do in the general election.
He doesn't appeal to the people who don't want a president suffering from brain damage.

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