Biden is coming for trump

You see folks there is trumpland and then there is the real world. In trumpland you see a president that turned around an economy, successfully negotiated the end of the Korean war, was the victim of a coup whereby he was found innocent of all charges and who has made America stronger on the world stage.

In the real world we see a president handed a economy undergoing record growth for more than 7 years before he took office, a failed tax cut, a trade war that has raised what it costs to live here and has fucked up farmers to no end, a failed foreign policy whereby our president plays buddy buddy with the worst most deplorable assholes on the planet and disses long time friends, allows a Korean dictator to run amok just as long as he gets a nice letter, kids still sitting in cages on the southern border and families separated probably forever, an increase in homegrown white nationalist terror, a manufacturing recession, the gutting of health programs and agencies intended to protect us from potential pandemics, using the justice department to investigate and possibly imprison all who dissent, breaking nuclear agreements that were working, pulling out of a world wide climate change agreement, impeached yet the republican majority in the senate was complicit in refusing a trial and letting him get away with stopping critical testimony be heard and important documentary evidence be seen, claims of exoneration when the investigating body by policy could not indict and did not exonerate.

This man claimed he was going to drain the swamp, yet he was the biggest alligator in the swamp and is presiding over the most corrupt administration in this nations history.

And yet in trumpworld, they really think this man is just going to easily be re elected.
We warned you stupid Moon Bats that Crooked Hillary was a terrible candidate. Nobody liked her hateful lying ass and she had more baggage than Delta Airlines. You didn't listen.

We are warning you now. Biden is a terrible candidate. A real dullard clown with tremendous baggage. Probably suffering from the early stages of dementia. Connected to the worse administration in the history of the Republic. Corrupt family operation. Wrong agenda for this country. Trump will tear him to pieces.

Don't put your head up your ass like you have done before. Listen this time.
I predict Stacy Abrams to get the VP nod. No worries.

We can only hope!

Georgia Democrat Stacey Abrams Owes Voters Answers On Her Tax Scandal
August 23, 2018

Georgia Democrat Stacey Abrams Owes Voters Answers On Her Tax Scandal

But the sitting president has obviously committed tax fraud, so try to remember how low the bar is that you cultists have set.

Really? You better send your proof to the IRS. They don’t seem to have any. Though you best remember sending feces through the mail is illegal.
Well now we have liberals saying Trump did not win the election
I don't personally think Trump is afraid of Joe Biden but I do think that if Biden ends up being the nominee he will be able to appeal to moderates a lot better than Sanders would be able to do in the general election.
He doesn't appeal to the people who don't want a president suffering from brain damage.
Right. It's plain that both Trump's and Biden's brains weren't built to talk intelligibly on a daily basis this long. Neither remains fit to serve, never mind being deserving of the honor. Feeling sorry for Reagan was bad enough.
The end of trump is near.

Super Tuesday tally: Biden wins 4 states, Sanders takes 2

When you are so scared of an opponent that you have to break the law and get impeached, it's time to think about what you are going to do when your presidency is over. Biden is coming and he is going to whip trumps ass. Along with Biden will come two hydrogen bombs named Obama and they are going to be fired up to blast trump into oblivion. The time is coming to an end for trump. Live it up while you can trump lovers...
/——-/ Trump will roll Biden into a ball and bounce him around the debate stage.
Well now we have liberals saying Trump did not win the election

Well Trump Derangement Syndrome is a serious mental illness that causes all kinds of confusion.
It’s now beyond that and we need a new name for it
We now have:
Biden is not on an extortion video.
Schumer did not threaten Supreme Court Judges.
Trump did not win the last Presidential election
The end of trump is near.

Super Tuesday tally: Biden wins 4 states, Sanders takes 2

When you are so scared of an opponent that you have to break the law and get impeached, it's time to think about what you are going to do when your presidency is over. Biden is coming and he is going to whip trumps ass. Along with Biden will come two hydrogen bombs named Obama and they are going to be fired up to blast trump into oblivion. The time is coming to an end for trump. Live it up while you can trump lovers...
/——-/ Trump will roll Biden into a ball and bounce him around the debate stage.
View attachment 310537

Biden is going to destroy trump in debates. A debate is not a trump rally, and trump has no ideas.
Trump is just as good at making money as he is at winning elections. he will destroy biden.
Well now we have liberals saying Trump did not win the election

Well Trump Derangement Syndrome is a serious mental illness that causes all kinds of confusion.
It’s now beyond that and we need a new name for it
We now have:
Biden is not on an extortion video.
Schumer did not threaten Supreme Court Judges.
Trump did not win the last Presidential election
Trump lost the popular vote and the electoral college is why he is president. The other two things did not happen. But when you live in trump world you make shit up and if you repeat it more than 5 times, it becomes true.
I don't personally think Trump is afraid of Joe Biden but I do think that if Biden ends up being the nominee he will be able to appeal to moderates a lot better than Sanders would be able to do in the general election.
He doesn't appeal to the people who don't want a president suffering from brain damage.
Right. It's plain that both Trump's and Biden's brains weren't built to talk intelligibly on a daily basis this long. Neither remains fit to serve, never mind being deserving of the honor. Feeling sorry for Reagan was bad enough.
Bernie is the same thing. Billionaires and corporations aren't the only problem we face here.
You see folks there is trumpland and then there is the real world. In trumpland you see a president that turned around an economy, successfully negotiated the end of the Korean war, was the victim of a coup whereby he was found innocent of all charges and who has made America stronger on the world stage.

In the real world we see a president handed a economy undergoing record growth for more than 7 years before he took office, a failed tax cut, a trade war that has raised what it costs to live here and has fucked up farmers to no end, a failed foreign policy whereby our president plays buddy buddy with the worst most deplorable assholes on the planet and disses long time friends, allows a Korean dictator to run amok just as long as he gets a nice letter, kids still sitting in cages on the southern border and families separated probably forever, an increase in homegrown white nationalist terror, a manufacturing recession, the gutting of health programs and agencies intended to protect us from potential pandemics, using the justice department to investigate and possibly imprison all who dissent, breaking nuclear agreements that were working, pulling out of a world wide climate change agreement, impeached yet the republican majority in the senate was complicit in refusing a trial and letting him get away with stopping critical testimony be heard and important documentary evidence be seen, claims of exoneration when the investigating body by policy could not indict and did not exonerate.

This man claimed he was going to drain the swamp, yet he was the biggest alligator in the swamp and is presiding over the most corrupt administration in this nations history.

And yet in trumpworld, they really think this man is just going to easily be re elected.
Nice review, but no surprise the bottom had to be tested considering the crap this country has been tolerating this long, not to mention putting a black man in the White House. Apparently plenty insist we dig even deeper. We have a chance with Bernie. Biden will triangulate away anything that's left.
Well now we have liberals saying Trump did not win the election

Well Trump Derangement Syndrome is a serious mental illness that causes all kinds of confusion.
It’s now beyond that and we need a new name for it
We now have:
Biden is not on an extortion video.
Schumer did not threaten Supreme Court Judges.
Trump did not win the last Presidential election
Trump lost the popular vote and the electoral college is why he is president. The other two things did not happen. But when you live in trump world you make shit up and if you repeat it more than 5 times, it becomes true.
And as soon as the popular vote is presented then the idiot stamp is sealed
Thank you for voluntarily raising your hand
Well now we have liberals saying Trump did not win the election
He did lose the popular vote. He is president on a fluke technicality that has happened only 5 times in our history. So don't pretend that trump had a resounding victory in 2016.
Well now we have liberals saying Trump did not win the election

Well Trump Derangement Syndrome is a serious mental illness that causes all kinds of confusion.
It’s now beyond that and we need a new name for it
We now have:
Biden is not on an extortion video.
Schumer did not threaten Supreme Court Judges.
Trump did not win the last Presidential election
Trump lost the popular vote and the electoral college is why he is president. The other two things did not happen. But when you live in trump world you make shit up and if you repeat it more than 5 times, it becomes true.
And as soon as the popular vote is presented then the idiot stamp is sealed
Thank you for voluntarily raising your hand
No, I stated a fact. You sealed your idiot stamp long ago when you decided that Biden committed extortion based on a soundbite.
The end of trump is near.

Super Tuesday tally: Biden wins 4 states, Sanders takes 2

When you are so scared of an opponent that you have to break the law and get impeached, it's time to think about what you are going to do when your presidency is over. Biden is coming and he is going to whip trumps ass. Along with Biden will come two hydrogen bombs named Obama and they are going to be fired up to blast trump into oblivion. The time is coming to an end for trump. Live it up while you can trump lovers...
/——-/ Trump will roll Biden into a ball and bounce him around the debate stage.
View attachment 310537

Biden is going to destroy trump in debates. A debate is not a trump rally, and trump has no ideas.

You are confused Moon Bat.

The thing that cemented the victory to Trump in 2016 was how Trump destroyed the filthy ass lying Crooked Hillary bitch in the debates, especially the last one. She never knew what hit her.

Sleepy/Creepy Joe will be made to look like a fool. He looked like an idiot in the Moon Bat Primary debates and his opponents were all amateurs compared to Trump.

Trump just has to mention what an idiot Biden has always been and mention the fact that Biden was part of the most failed administration in the history of the Republic. His administration increased poverty, appointed dingbat supreme court justices, decreased family income, ran up debt, raised taxes, increased regulations, fucked up health care, weaken the military and gave away the store to the fucking Muslims.

Biden being against Constitutional rights and believing in this silly ass AGW scam will be rammed up his ass.

Bernie got in trouble by praising Cuba. That dipshit Biden was part of the administration that sent the dumbass Neggra down to give Castro a blowjob in front of the whole world.

Biden is fucked. The Democrats have nobody worth a shit.
I don't personally think Trump is afraid of Joe Biden but I do think that if Biden ends up being the nominee he will be able to appeal to moderates a lot better than Sanders would be able to do in the general election.
He doesn't appeal to the people who don't want a president suffering from brain damage.
Right. It's plain that both Trump's and Biden's brains weren't built to talk intelligibly on a daily basis this long. Neither remains fit to serve, never mind being deserving of the honor. Feeling sorry for Reagan was bad enough.
Bernie is the same thing.
Yeah, funny how Bernie always just gets waved off because no one can actually think up a cogent objection. Sorry, wrong. No signs of dementia with Bernie.
Billionaires and corporations aren't the only problem we face here.
Gee, thanks. No kidding.

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