Biden is coming for trump

Right...funny how the dems flip-flop on what's acceptable.
You seem very confused. In America, we make a choice between two people. It won't be that they find that acceptable, it will be that they find the mentally ill criminal in the white house more unacceptable. Try to focus.
You don't like Trump, please don't be insulting. Is that too hard? All the rants about how people where absolutely certain Trump was going to be removed from office, well that's echoed here. Biden has a snowball's chance in hell of getting elected.
Low IQ Joe is a friggin joke, the worst major party candidate since Bob Dole in 1996, and worse on the gaffe issue.

This is a total surrender. Anything to stop Bernie.

Trump is now officially re-elected.
Right...funny how the dems flip-flop on what's acceptable.
You seem very confused. In America, we make a choice between two people. It won't be that they find that acceptable, it will be that they find the mentally ill criminal in the white house more unacceptable. Try to focus.
You don't like Trump, please don't be insulting. Is that too hard? All the rants about how people where absolutely certain Trump was going to be removed from office, well that's echoed here. Biden has a snowball's chance in hell of getting elected.
Biden is about to beat trump. The senate republicans won't be the ones voting for president.
Low IQ Joe is a friggin joke, the worst major party candidate since Bob Dole in 1996, and worse on the gaffe issue.

This is a total surrender. Anything to stop Bernie.

Trump is now officially re-elected.
Trump gaffes every morning on twitter. The democratic voters are stopping Bernie, that's how this thing works. And Biden is going to beat trump.
Is Biden running for the Senate or the Presidency?

Does he even know?
And we're still waiting for the oranges of the investigation.
Right...funny how the dems flip-flop on what's acceptable.
You seem very confused. In America, we make a choice between two people. It won't be that they find that acceptable, it will be that they find the mentally ill criminal in the white house more unacceptable.

The burisma nothingburger will affect zero, give or take zero, votes.
Impeaching Trump was nothingburger that ended up wasting time and treasure on. I feel like all these pro Biden posts are something out of an Orwellian novel. I don't hate Biden, or wish him ill. But Trump is going to get another term. We are so fed up with Democrats. Wake up and smell the "covefefe".
You see folks there is trumpland and then there is the real world. In trumpland you see a president that turned around an economy, successfully negotiated the end of the Korean war, was the victim of a coup whereby he was found innocent of all charges and who has made America stronger on the world stage.

In the real world we see a president handed a economy undergoing record growth for more than 7 years before he took office, a failed tax cut, a trade war that has raised what it costs to live here and has fucked up farmers to no end, a failed foreign policy whereby our president plays buddy buddy with the worst most deplorable assholes on the planet and disses long time friends, allows a Korean dictator to run amok just as long as he gets a nice letter, kids still sitting in cages on the southern border and families separated probably forever, an increase in homegrown white nationalist terror, a manufacturing recession, the gutting of health programs and agencies intended to protect us from potential pandemics, using the justice department to investigate and possibly imprison all who dissent, breaking nuclear agreements that were working, pulling out of a world wide climate change agreement, impeached yet the republican majority in the senate was complicit in refusing a trial and letting him get away with stopping critical testimony be heard and important documentary evidence be seen, claims of exoneration when the investigating body by policy could not indict and did not exonerate.

This man claimed he was going to drain the swamp, yet he was the biggest alligator in the swamp and is presiding over the most corrupt administration in this nations history.

And yet in trumpworld, they really think this man is just going to easily be re elected.
Nice review, but no surprise the bottom had to be tested considering the crap this country has been tolerating this long, not to mention putting a black man in the White House. Apparently plenty insist we dig even deeper. We have a chance with Bernie. Biden will triangulate away anything that's left.

That black man was the best president in the modern era
Perhaps, yet far, far worse than advertised.
and far better than what we have now.
Obviously. As would be a rock.
Bernie is weak, that's why he's losing. Biden is a far superior candidate.
So more dismissive hand waving. All you've got. Shame.

The black man was hindered by a bunch of whites who obstructed everything he did. I'm not being dismissive if Bernie the fact is Sanders is a weak cand8date. Now I understand that he has a cult following that thinks he's god much like the trumpers, but Bernie Sanders has problems and they are major. You are about to see them in the upcoming debates. Hollering about bilionaires and the Iraq war isn't going to score any points.
Yes, you are being dismissive. It's okay. You're entitled as are we all to a reasonable degree. The soundbite debates are bread and circuses. Trump wins in that arena as we've seen. Bernie wins any calm discussion of the issues that really matter to the majority. Biden is a sick joke.

Triangulate away!
Blacks will turn out and vote for Trump and that will be the end of the Dem party
Oh look, a Trump cultist, making up stupid shit to soothe himself. This must be Thursday.

Tissue? Its not our fault blacks are abandoning the Dem party, the party has abandoned them.
I think I can more accurately state that blacks aren't leaving the democratic party than a white racist republican.. Why do you white racists think you can say such things? trump does not have the support of blacks. You guys are hoping and praying that 20 percent of the blacks who vote, vote for trump and you think 80 percent of all blacks disliking trump is some kind of show of support. All you racists want is just enough blacks voting for trump so he gets a second term. Your party does not give a damn about us. None of your policies address issues we face and furthermore you don't even want to try. AND THAT'S WHY BLACKS WON'T BE GOING ANYWHERE.
/——-/ Trump will roll Biden into a ball and bounce him around the debate stage.
View attachment 310537

Biden is going to destroy trump in debates. A debate is not a trump rally, and trump has no ideas.

You are confused Moon Bat.

The thing that cemented the victory to Trump in 2016 was how Trump destroyed the filthy ass lying Crooked Hillary bitch in the debates, especially the last one. She never knew what hit her.

Sleepy/Creepy Joe will be made to look like a fool. He looked like an idiot in the Moon Bat Primary debates and his opponents were all amateurs compared to Trump.

Trump just has to mention what an idiot Biden has always been and mention the fact that Biden was part of the most failed administration in the history of the Republic. His administration increased poverty, appointed dingbat supreme court justices, decreased family income, ran up debt, raised taxes, increased regulations, fucked up health care, weaken the military and gave away the store to the fucking Muslims.

Biden being against Constitutional rights and believing in this silly ass AGW scam will be rammed up his ass.

Bernie got in trouble by praising Cuba. That dipshit Biden was part of the administration that sent the dumbass Neggra down to give Castro a blowjob in front of the whole world.

Biden is fucked. The Democrats have nobody worth a shit.

Biden will resume relations with Cuba
Yeah, we loves us that good ole Batista-like dictatorship. Castro-like dictatorship really bad! LOL
The US supported Batista
1. Rump is NOT a conservative
2. YOU are not a conservative
3. You are a Party of the Rumpster
4. I voted for Biden as an Indie because Rump is insane
5. I am an old style Republican
6. I never make bets with someone of more than questionable character.
Trump is not a conservative, that much is true.

But no old style Republican would even consider Sleepy Joe's Obamacare, Open Border, Amnesty. Tax hikes, and ultra Liberal shit that Biden proposes.

You may be a Romney/McCain RINO. But not an old style Republican.
You see folks there is trumpland and then there is the real world. In trumpland you see a president that turned around an economy, successfully negotiated the end of the Korean war, was the victim of a coup whereby he was found innocent of all charges and who has made America stronger on the world stage.

In the real world we see a president handed a economy undergoing record growth for more than 7 years before he took office, a failed tax cut, a trade war that has raised what it costs to live here and has fucked up farmers to no end, a failed foreign policy whereby our president plays buddy buddy with the worst most deplorable assholes on the planet and disses long time friends, allows a Korean dictator to run amok just as long as he gets a nice letter, kids still sitting in cages on the southern border and families separated probably forever, an increase in homegrown white nationalist terror, a manufacturing recession, the gutting of health programs and agencies intended to protect us from potential pandemics, using the justice department to investigate and possibly imprison all who dissent, breaking nuclear agreements that were working, pulling out of a world wide climate change agreement, impeached yet the republican majority in the senate was complicit in refusing a trial and letting him get away with stopping critical testimony be heard and important documentary evidence be seen, claims of exoneration when the investigating body by policy could not indict and did not exonerate.

This man claimed he was going to drain the swamp, yet he was the biggest alligator in the swamp and is presiding over the most corrupt administration in this nations history.

And yet in trumpworld, they really think this man is just going to easily be re elected.
Nice review, but no surprise the bottom had to be tested considering the crap this country has been tolerating this long, not to mention putting a black man in the White House. Apparently plenty insist we dig even deeper. We have a chance with Bernie. Biden will triangulate away anything that's left.

That black man was the best president in the modern era
Perhaps, yet far, far worse than advertised.
and far better than what we have now.
Obviously. As would be a rock.
Bernie is weak, that's why he's losing. Biden is a far superior candidate.
So more dismissive hand waving. All you've got. Shame.

The black man was hindered by a bunch of whites who obstructed everything he did. I'm not being dismissive if Bernie the fact is Sanders is a weak cand8date. Now I understand that he has a cult following that thinks he's god much like the trumpers, but Bernie Sanders has problems and they are major. You are about to see them in the upcoming debates. Hollering about bilionaires and the Iraq war isn't going to score any points.
Yes, you are being dismissive. It's okay. You're entitled as are we all to a reasonable degree. The soundbite debates are bread and circuses. Trump wins in that arena as we've seen. Bernie wins any calm discussion of the issues that really matter to the majority. Biden is a sick joke.

Triangulate away!

Not really. But you see, when to comes to legislating, compromise is sometimes necessary. We aren't talking about triangulation here. And Bernie has a problem with compromise. The people voted against Bernie on Tuesday. Bernie is losing the debates on the issues that matter. That's what Tuesday said. Bernie has promised pie in the sky, but the price tag seems to be what he cannot explain. Nor is the method of payment. That happens to be an issue that matters to everyone. Because if we were really serious about Bernies ideas instead of being a cult following, Elizabeth Warren would be standing in Bernies place. She had the same ideas and a way to pay for them. And Biden is going to be owing the black community some progress on issues we face if he gets elected.
1. Rump is NOT a conservative
2. YOU are not a conservative
3. You are a Party of the Rumpster
4. I voted for Biden as an Indie because Rump is insane
5. I am an old style Republican
6. I never make bets with someone of more than questionable character.
Trump is not a conservative, that much is true.

But no old style Republican would even consider Sleepy Joe's Obamacare, Open Border, Amnesty. Tax hikes, and ultra Liberal shit that Biden proposes.

You may be a Romney/McCain RINO. But not an old style Republican.
There will be no tax hikes except on the rich, during Obama we had no problems on the border, Obamacare insured a record number of people. So you're talking nonsense.
All the rants about how people where absolutely certain Trump was going to be removed from office, well that's echoed here.
I never heard a single person say they were certain Trump would be removed from office. No idea where you are getting this. In fact, you just made it up.
This isn't my first rodeo. I used to be totally 100%. Democrat & liberal. The democratic party, or what it used to be, is DEAD. I've been to too many rallies, protests and seen the party collapse on itself like a black hole. This psychological warfare stuff, the gas-lighting that Libs indulge in.... If a MODERN DEMOCRAT LIBERAL PROGRESSIVE told me 2+2=4 or the sun rises in the east, I would have to verify it independently. This is the party Biden represents. Pathological liars frauds and manipulators. I have woken up. Leave the Democrats while you still have your sanity.

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