Biden is coming for trump

Here today alone from the libs
Schumer did not threaten SC Justices
Biden is not on an extortion video
Mueller is not finished his work
Trump did not win the last election

That is graduate level stuff so for the first time I bestow-
Lib 301
The end of trump is near.

Super Tuesday tally: Biden wins 4 states, Sanders takes 2

When you are so scared of an opponent that you have to break the law and get impeached, it's time to think about what you are going to do when your presidency is over. Biden is coming and he is going to whip trumps ass. Along with Biden will come two hydrogen bombs named Obama and they are going to be fired up to blast trump into oblivion. The time is coming to an end for trump. Live it up while you can trump lovers...
/——-/ Trump will roll Biden into a ball and bounce him around the debate stage.
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Biden is going to destroy trump in debates. A debate is not a trump rally, and trump has no ideas.

Biden is going to fold like a cheap suit. He is losing it.
Biden is a joke. Why would anyone want a delusional dementia patient for potus?
Because just like with Hillary, all the groups want out of Biden, is a figurehead in that office in which they can control. They couldn't give a rats ace about Biden and his condition's, other than how to use his ace just like they were going to do with Hillary.

They already have learned the man's character over the years, and everytime he race baits or gaff's or blunders, it just brings tears of joy to their faces, because it shows how weak and uasable the man is.

This nation electing a man with such a shady and weak character is the most dangerous thing that a nation like this can do, but here we are having to entertain 2016 all over again. Good grief people, wake the heck up already.
Trump is not a conservative, that much is true.
Yep. He's nothing at all. He is the moral and ethical equivalent of a perfect vacuum.
rhetoric is fine, OTH, we can see and hear empirical unfitness w/ joe

1. Rump is NOT a conservative
2. YOU are not a conservative
3. You are a Party of the Rumpster
4. I voted for Biden as an Indie because Rump is insane
5. I am an old style Republican
6. I never make bets with someone of more than questionable character.

You're right, President Donald Trump is not a conservative.

If he is insane, I hope and pray that we get more "insane" people in public office. How do you explain the incredibly great job he is doing?
All the rants about how people where absolutely certain Trump was going to be removed from office, well that's echoed here.
I never heard a single person say they were certain Trump would be removed from office. No idea where you are getting this. In fact, you just made it up.
Your just going to have to open your liberal mind up just a tad more.
I don't think President Trump is afraid of Biden.

He is not afraid in any way, shape, or form.

That's my opinion.:04:
Of course he is. That is what the Ukraine fuss was about.

I suppose the Democrats must be terrified of Trump getting re-elected. That is what the whole impeachment thing was all about.

Since Rump would not listen, it was an attempt to do something that the so called Republicans refused to do. And that is send a message that this type of crap would not be tolerated anymore. The lesson was given but the student failed the class.

What crap?
Blacks will turn out and vote for Trump and that will be the end of the Dem party
Oh look, a Trump cultist, making up stupid shit to soothe himself. This must be Thursday.

Tissue? Its not our fault blacks are abandoning the Dem party, the party has abandoned them.
I think I can more accurately state that blacks aren't leaving the democratic party than a white racist republican.. Why do you white racists think you can say such things? trump does not have the support of blacks. You guys are hoping and praying that 20 percent of the blacks who vote, vote for trump and you think 80 percent of all blacks disliking trump is some kind of show of support. All you racists want is just enough blacks voting for trump so he gets a second term. Your party does not give a damn about us. None of your policies address issues we face and furthermore you don't even want to try. AND THAT'S WHY BLACKS WON'T BE GOING ANYWHERE.
What issues does your people face in which Trump can't address IM2 ?

Blacks won't be going anywhere ?? Whose saying that they should go anywhere ? Last I checked it's a free country, and blacks were a free people in a free country. Of course you want to control a large segment of them, and that's up to them also. Just don't get angry when black American's excersize their rights to be free from the demoncrat party.
1. Rump is NOT a conservative
2. YOU are not a conservative
3. You are a Party of the Rumpster
4. I voted for Biden as an Indie because Rump is insane
5. I am an old style Republican
6. I never make bets with someone of more than questionable character.

You're right, President Donald Trump is not a conservative.

If he is insane, I hope and pray that we get more "insane" people in public office. How do you explain the incredibly great job he is doing?
Couldn't agree more. Democrat liberal progressives say there is 90 Genders, oppose racism but hating whites is ok. Oppose immigration laws and say no one is above the law at the same time, say its humanitarian and coincided with growth in American unemployed and homeless. But Trump is mad wanting to fix that? I will gladly take republicans over democrats madness any day of the week.
Nice review, but no surprise the bottom had to be tested considering the crap this country has been tolerating this long, not to mention putting a black man in the White House. Apparently plenty insist we dig even deeper. We have a chance with Bernie. Biden will triangulate away anything that's left.

That black man was the best president in the modern era
Perhaps, yet far, far worse than advertised.
and far better than what we have now.
Obviously. As would be a rock.
Bernie is weak, that's why he's losing. Biden is a far superior candidate.
So more dismissive hand waving. All you've got. Shame.

The black man was hindered by a bunch of whites who obstructed everything he did. I'm not being dismissive if Bernie the fact is Sanders is a weak cand8date. Now I understand that he has a cult following that thinks he's god much like the trumpers, but Bernie Sanders has problems and they are major. You are about to see them in the upcoming debates. Hollering about bilionaires and the Iraq war isn't going to score any points.
Yes, you are being dismissive. It's okay. You're entitled as are we all to a reasonable degree. The soundbite debates are bread and circuses. Trump wins in that arena as we've seen. Bernie wins any calm discussion of the issues that really matter to the majority. Biden is a sick joke.

Triangulate away!

Not really. But you see, when to comes to legislating, compromise is sometimes necessary. We aren't talking about triangulation here. And Bernie has a problem with compromise. The people voted against Bernie on Tuesday. Bernie is losing the debates on the issues that matter. That's what Tuesday said. Bernie has promised pie in the sky, but the price tag seems to be what he cannot explain. Nor is the method of payment. That happens to be an issue that matters to everyone. Because if we were really serious about Bernies ideas instead of being a cult following, Elizabeth Warren would be standing in Bernies place. She had the same ideas and a way to pay for them. And Biden is going to be owing the black community some progress on issues we face if he gets elected.

Regurgitated establishment talking points. You've been lied to and misled. Shame. I hope you find better information sources soon.
Your just going to have to open your liberal mind up just a tad more.
And that is going to make people say things they never said? That doesn't make any sense. Now you're just throwing a fit.
I am an poor little lost sheep, a democrat apostate. I have seen the lies, the weirdness that the Democrats evolved into. This game, this psychological warfare doesn't work on me, its bullshit. One day you will have a little epiphany too. The Democratic party isn't what they say they are.
Why support Biden, IM2? Aside from his dementia obviously blooming and a new family scandal erupting, I seriously doubt any Merrick Garland will support Biden. Anita Hill sure won't either. Why would any decent person considering the mountains of horrid crap this shameless tool for the establishment has said and pulled over the years? Obama even chose Hillary over this clown? Wtf?

Did you copy and paste from your GRU handler? You just want Bernie to win because rump "Might" stand a chance. A President that does nothing and allows Congress to do it's job is much better than a meglamaniac that tries to run everything himself.
Biden is coming for trump

Joe doesn't even know what part of the country he is in....he introduced his daughter as his wife last night.....Trump would rather run against a corrupt challenger like Burisma Joe than a commie with hand outs of free goodies....
This is 2016 all over again with a male Hilldabeast.....

Keep saying the same tired crap over and over. It's not working anymore. The Dems and disgruntled Reps are voting for Uncle Joe and there is nothing you can do about it except keep pissing them off so they show up at the polls in droves. I want to thank you for your assistance, Rumpster.
Keep dreaming...I don't know a single republican that would ever vote for Biden...maybe a few RINO's will but that won't come close to putting creepy uncle Joe on top....

That's right, insult us old time Republicans even more. We understand that you are NOT a republican, you are a party of the rump so that releases us to vote for someone else other than the mad hatter rump.
Trump is doing the things the republican establishment have been promising to do for 40 damn don't try and tell me who or what a real republican is...I'm a real republican conservative...and so is Trump....what you Romney and Kristol types are I do not know...opportunists I guess....liars more like it...Bill Kristol voting for Joe?...what is that?....all these years of him talking like a conservative and one election goes against his wishes so he turns to Biden?....don't make me are being conned and you are being suckered....
And Rump does a lot that he shouldn't be doing as well. Plus, if the idea is to bankrupt America, by 2025, it's going to be close unless spending is curtailed right now. And I don't look for rump to do that.

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