Biden is coming for trump

Trump's superpower is exposing his opponents' insanity. he brings out the worse in people. remember Pelosi at SOTU?
The people voted against Bernie on Tuesday. Bernie is losing the debates on the issues that matter. That's what Tuesday said.
The people? The DNC had several major contenders suddenly drop out and support Biden. The establishment is desperate to fix the election, including having most "vote" on 100% unverifiable voting machines. The DNC (not the voters) would indeed clearly prefer Trump to Bernie. They are patting you on the head right now.
You see folks there is trumpland and then there is the real world. In trumpland you see a president that turned around an economy, successfully negotiated the end of the Korean war, was the victim of a coup whereby he was found innocent of all charges and who has made America stronger on the world stage.

In the real world we see a president handed a economy undergoing record growth for more than 7 years before he took office, a failed tax cut, a trade war that has raised what it costs to live here and has fucked up farmers to no end, a failed foreign policy whereby our president plays buddy buddy with the worst most deplorable assholes on the planet and disses long time friends, allows a Korean dictator to run amok just as long as he gets a nice letter, kids still sitting in cages on the southern border and families separated probably forever, an increase in homegrown white nationalist terror, a manufacturing recession, the gutting of health programs and agencies intended to protect us from potential pandemics, using the justice department to investigate and possibly imprison all who dissent, breaking nuclear agreements that were working, pulling out of a world wide climate change agreement, impeached yet the republican majority in the senate was complicit in refusing a trial and letting him get away with stopping critical testimony be heard and important documentary evidence be seen, claims of exoneration when the investigating body by policy could not indict and did not exonerate.

This man claimed he was going to drain the swamp, yet he was the biggest alligator in the swamp and is presiding over the most corrupt administration in this nations history.

And yet in trumpworld, they really think this man is just going to easily be re elected.

Rump is not an Alligator. He's a crocodile. Those things will come right into the boat after a free meal. Now that the Alligators have been drained, we need to work to get rid of the Crocs.
Why support Biden, IM2? Aside from his dementia obviously blooming and a new family scandal erupting, I seriously doubt any Merrick Garland will support Biden. Anita Hill sure won't either. Why would any decent person considering the mountains of horrid crap this shameless tool for the establishment has said and pulled over the years? Obama even chose Hillary over this clown? Wtf?

Did you copy and paste from your GRU handler? You just want Bernie to win because rump "Might" stand a chance. A President that does nothing and allows Congress to do it's job is much better than a meglamaniac that tries to run everything himself.
Not a meglamaniac at all, just a man the people elected to do the job in which they had lost faith in their government over the years. And man what a job he has been doing. MAGA. We picked the right guy in this Trump president for sure. He shook up the establishment, and that was exactly what was needed. Now things are getting done, and even when they threw every road block in the way as he was working to get it done, he still got it done.
Why support Biden, IM2? Aside from his dementia obviously blooming and a new family scandal erupting, I seriously doubt any Merrick Garland will support Biden. Anita Hill sure won't either. Why would any decent person considering the mountains of horrid crap this shameless tool for the establishment has said and pulled over the years? Obama even chose Hillary over this clown? Wtf?

Did you copy and paste from your GRU handler? You just want Bernie to win because rump "Might" stand a chance. A President that does nothing and allows Congress to do it's job is much better than a meglamaniac that tries to run everything himself.
Not a meglamaniac at all, just a man the people elected to do the job in which they had lost faith in their government over the years. And man what a job he has been doing. MAGA. We picked the right guy in this Trump president for sure. He shook up the establishment, and that was exactly what was needed. Now things are getting done, and even when they threw every road block in the way as he was working to get it done, he still got it done.

Give it a break. We ain't buyin' what you are sellin' anymore.
Democrat liberal progressives say there is 90 Genders,
Madeup nonsense

but hating whites is ok
More madeup nonsense.

Just shut up, ya freak.
Ok, kiddo. Put your head in the sand. Excuse me, but the word "freak" is rather offensive and antithetical to "Progressives". Perhaps I deserve the same reverence as say the illegal aliens or the homosexuals or other freaks? Made up nonsense, there 90 genders now, giving sanctuary to illegal aliens without the consent of the local constituency, OH, that makes perfect sense. This is why ANY democratic candidate will lose, anyone with common sense disavows themselves of the Democrats and their agendas.
Let’s go thru the litany of loss from the party that’s coming for Trump:

The last Presidential election
Kids in cages
The Wall
Stormy Daniels and Avenatti
Kavanaugh and many other conservative judges.
Must testify
Must provide taxes
Not spied upon
Withoding federal funds from Sanctuary.
Trump will destroy economy
Pelosi meltdown
Schumer threats

I think we are current and other than the popular vote idiocy do Dems have any victories?
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Why support Biden, IM2? Aside from his dementia obviously blooming and a new family scandal erupting, I seriously doubt any Merrick Garland will support Biden. Anita Hill sure won't either. Why would any decent person considering the mountains of horrid crap this shameless tool for the establishment has said and pulled over the years? Obama even chose Hillary over this clown? Wtf?

Did you copy and paste from your GRU handler? You just want Bernie to win because rump "Might" stand a chance. A President that does nothing and allows Congress to do it's job is much better than a meglamaniac that tries to run everything himself.
Not a meglamaniac at all, just a man the people elected to do the job in which they had lost faith in their government over the years. And man what a job he has been doing. MAGA. We picked the right guy in this Trump president for sure. He shook up the establishment, and that was exactly what was needed. Now things are getting done, and even when they threw every road block in the way as he was working to get it done, he still got it done.

Give it a break. We ain't buyin' what you are sellin' anymore.
Who is we ???
Trump is just as good at making money as he is at winning elections. he will destroy biden.
lol Biden has destroyed himself. People are not voting for him because they like him but only because he is the only alternative to Sanders.

And an alternative to Rump.
President Trump isn't running in the Democratic primaries, so Democrats have only two choices, Sanders of Biden. Most of those who voted for Biden would not vote for him if they had other choices than Sanders.
The end of trump is near.

Super Tuesday tally: Biden wins 4 states, Sanders takes 2

When you are so scared of an opponent that you have to break the law and get impeached, it's time to think about what you are going to do when your presidency is over. Biden is coming and he is going to whip trumps ass. Along with Biden will come two hydrogen bombs named Obama and they are going to be fired up to blast trump into oblivion. The time is coming to an end for trump. Live it up while you can trump lovers...
/——-/ Trump will roll Biden into a ball and bounce him around the debate stage.
View attachment 310537

Biden is going to destroy trump in debates. A debate is not a trump rally, and trump has no ideas.

You are confused Moon Bat.

The thing that cemented the victory to Trump in 2016 was how Trump destroyed the filthy ass lying Crooked Hillary bitch in the debates, especially the last one. She never knew what hit her.

Sleepy/Creepy Joe will be made to look like a fool. He looked like an idiot in the Moon Bat Primary debates and his opponents were all amateurs compared to Trump.

Trump just has to mention what an idiot Biden has always been and mention the fact that Biden was part of the most failed administration in the history of the Republic. His administration increased poverty, appointed dingbat supreme court justices, decreased family income, ran up debt, raised taxes, increased regulations, fucked up health care, weaken the military and gave away the store to the fucking Muslims.

Biden being against Constitutional rights and believing in this silly ass AGW scam will be rammed up his ass.

Bernie got in trouble by praising Cuba. That dipshit Biden was part of the administration that sent the dumbass Neggra down to give Castro a blowjob in front of the whole world.

Biden is fucked. The Democrats have nobody worth a shit.

Trump lost at least two of those debates. Biden is going to destroy trump. I don't think trump can make the claims you are here in a debate. Because they are factually untrue. You will learn this if he tries.

You don't seem to understand. The debates will not be held in trump world. They are reality and in reality trump is a dumb ass with a short attention span who has to be shown pictures in briefings so he understands what's going on. Biden is going to chew trump up, then spit him out.
Everything you just said is 100% true -turned upside down.

Biden will last 15 minutes before becoming debate mincemeat. Even Obama doesn't support Biden. The Obama-Bernie commercials are all over the TV here in Florida.

Obama is playing it smart. He's going to endorse whomever gets the Dem nod. Yes, Obama could severely affect the primaries and he knows it. So he isn't endorsing or supporting anyone at this time. But come July, he's going to endorse the last man standing. Sorry, Warren.
The end of trump is near.

Super Tuesday tally: Biden wins 4 states, Sanders takes 2

When you are so scared of an opponent that you have to break the law and get impeached, it's time to think about what you are going to do when your presidency is over. Biden is coming and he is going to whip trumps ass. Along with Biden will come two hydrogen bombs named Obama and they are going to be fired up to blast trump into oblivion. The time is coming to an end for trump. Live it up while you can trump lovers...
/——-/ Trump will roll Biden into a ball and bounce him around the debate stage.
View attachment 310537

Biden is going to destroy trump in debates. A debate is not a trump rally, and trump has no ideas.

You are confused Moon Bat.

The thing that cemented the victory to Trump in 2016 was how Trump destroyed the filthy ass lying Crooked Hillary bitch in the debates, especially the last one. She never knew what hit her.

Sleepy/Creepy Joe will be made to look like a fool. He looked like an idiot in the Moon Bat Primary debates and his opponents were all amateurs compared to Trump.

Trump just has to mention what an idiot Biden has always been and mention the fact that Biden was part of the most failed administration in the history of the Republic. His administration increased poverty, appointed dingbat supreme court justices, decreased family income, ran up debt, raised taxes, increased regulations, fucked up health care, weaken the military and gave away the store to the fucking Muslims.

Biden being against Constitutional rights and believing in this silly ass AGW scam will be rammed up his ass.

Bernie got in trouble by praising Cuba. That dipshit Biden was part of the administration that sent the dumbass Neggra down to give Castro a blowjob in front of the whole world.

Biden is fucked. The Democrats have nobody worth a shit.

Trump lost at least two of those debates. Biden is going to destroy trump. I don't think trump can make the claims you are here in a debate. Because they are factually untrue. You will learn this if he tries.

You don't seem to understand. The debates will not be held in trump world. They are reality and in reality trump is a dumb ass with a short attention span who has to be shown pictures in briefings so he understands what's going on. Biden is going to chew trump up, then spit him out.
Everything you just said is 100% true -turned upside down.

Biden will last 15 minutes before becoming debate mincemeat. Even Obama doesn't support Biden. The Obama-Bernie commercials are all over the TV here in Florida.

Bernie is using those clips under the Fair Market rules. It doesn't mean that Obama supports Bernie.
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That black man was the best president in the modern era
Perhaps, yet far, far worse than advertised.
and far better than what we have now.
Obviously. As would be a rock.
Bernie is weak, that's why he's losing. Biden is a far superior candidate.
So more dismissive hand waving. All you've got. Shame.

The black man was hindered by a bunch of whites who obstructed everything he did. I'm not being dismissive if Bernie the fact is Sanders is a weak cand8date. Now I understand that he has a cult following that thinks he's god much like the trumpers, but Bernie Sanders has problems and they are major. You are about to see them in the upcoming debates. Hollering about bilionaires and the Iraq war isn't going to score any points.
Yes, you are being dismissive. It's okay. You're entitled as are we all to a reasonable degree. The soundbite debates are bread and circuses. Trump wins in that arena as we've seen. Bernie wins any calm discussion of the issues that really matter to the majority. Biden is a sick joke.

Triangulate away!

Not really. But you see, when to comes to legislating, compromise is sometimes necessary. We aren't talking about triangulation here. And Bernie has a problem with compromise. The people voted against Bernie on Tuesday. Bernie is losing the debates on the issues that matter. That's what Tuesday said. Bernie has promised pie in the sky, but the price tag seems to be what he cannot explain. Nor is the method of payment. That happens to be an issue that matters to everyone. Because if we were really serious about Bernies ideas instead of being a cult following, Elizabeth Warren would be standing in Bernies place. She had the same ideas and a way to pay for them. And Biden is going to be owing the black community some progress on issues we face if he gets elected.

Regurgitated establishment talking points. You've been lied to and misled. Shame. I hope you find better information sources soon.

Wrong answer Berniebro. I've seen what Sanders has done since 1992. Bernie Sanders is not God and he has glaring weaknesses that we cannot afford to have in a nominee. How is he going to pay for free college, free health care, erasing several trillion dollars of student loans off the books? In 1992 it was Hillary Clinton that testified before congress fighting for nationalized health care. For 24 years we heard nothing from Sanders about this. He had all the time in the world to put these issues to debate in the house and the senate and did not. So he comes out hollering in 2016 and suddenly he's a hero for the people. What about the toxic waste he sent to a mostly Hispanic town in Texas? The people voted Tuesday and they did not vote for Sanders. The millions who have voted for Biden thus far are not misled and lied to. You sound like a trump supporter and that's enough to keep me from voting for Sanders.
Your just going to have to open your liberal mind up just a tad more.
And that is going to make people say things they never said? That doesn't make any sense. Now you're just throwing a fit.
I am an poor little lost sheep, a democrat apostate. I have seen the lies, the weirdness that the Democrats evolved into. This game, this psychological warfare doesn't work on me, its bullshit. One day you will have a little epiphany too. The Democratic party isn't what they say they are.
But the republican party is telling you the truth. Yeah right.
The Oracle of Denver says: Trump has four more years. And the DOJ will investigate Biden and the future doesn't look for the Democrats...
Well now we have liberals saying Trump did not win the election
He did lose the popular vote. He is president on a fluke technicality that has happened only 5 times in our history. So don't pretend that trump had a resounding victory in 2016.
Ok I guess you are from the Congo
The electoral college is not a fluke, it is the method employed to determine who becomes POTUS for over 200 years.
When a man becomes president by a situation that has happened just 5 times in 240 years, it is a fluke.

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