Biden is guilty of treason

Democrats are all traitors.

Democrats = WEF

Democrats take their orders from the WEF.

If you want to know what Democrats have planned for Americans just watch their meetings in devos.

Democrats will bring the WEF's great reset to your community.

AC bans
Livestock bans
Refrigerator bans
And much more.

If the WEF democrats get there way, Americans will own nothing and be happy... or else...
The great reset started in America on 1/20/21. Its already happening here in NY, starting in 2027, natural gas will be outlawed for heat. And theyre building out the electrical grid in preparation to start forcing people out of their gasoline cars.

Dont forget the the govt has access to all your bank accounts and knows how much money is in each account. Dont pay your taxes, and the government will just come and take the money away from you directly out of your bank account.

If you make more than some arbitrarily low number of transactional value, the banks are required to submit your account info to the government so they can more easily steal your money.

starting in 2026, all new cars must be able to be remotely disabled by the government - for your protection of course

America is dead, keep your head down and you might avoid being rounded up by democrat death squads for 'fun camp'
Same argument can be made against Trump. He’s gotten away with his insurrection…. Until now
You couldnt define an insurrection if your life depended on it. Your the perfect democrat voter, too ignorant to see the forest among the trees.
You couldnt define an insurrection if your life depended on it. Your the perfect democrat voter, too ignorant to see the forest among the trees.
I can easily define insurrection … exactly what happened on Jan 6. You're welcome. Merry Christmas

a violent uprising against an authority or government.
The Supreme court ruling is bullshit,,,,,,,it says Biden does not have to arrest anybody per his executive privilege regarding border control.

Diaper Don': Internet celebrates 'Trump smells' trending on social media MSN This information is coming from Trump Insiders.​

Biden is guilty of treason…

Who was charged with insurrection?

If just an accusation is enough, buckle up.

A rather blatantly bullshit accusation.

It is a rather huge, unviable stretch to characterize what happened on 06 January 2021 as an “insurrection”, or “rebellion”, that would fall under the meaning used in Article 3 of the Fourteenth Amendment.

The basis for holding Trump responsible for that occurrence is extremely dubious. He has certainly never been properly convicted of any crime in connection therewith.

On the other hand it is absolutely undeniable that Biden has committed outright treason, with regard to his handling of the situation regarding our southern border, that he has willfully given aid, comfort, and support to hostiles foreign invaders that are attacking this nation across that border. His conduct absolutely and undeniably meets the definition of treason, as stated in Article III, Section 3 of the Constitution, and absolutely should disqualify him from continuing to hold any public office. He should be removed from office, and tried for treason and malfeasance, and since American lives have been lost as a result of his treasonous conduct, on conviction, he should face the death penalty.
That's the message I'm getting from liberals.
Diaper Don should be on trial for treason and if found guilty should be put to death. Hey people have you heard how badly Diaper Don smells , it was said that he is like walking past a state fair satellite a the end of the day.
More Republicans in DC need to get behind MTG on this. Americans should not tolerate treasonous behavior. Traitors to America should face the justice system.

---"Joe Biden is guilty of treason and the Democrat Party has opened a door they should have NEVER opened," she said. "They should be forced to live by their own rules."---

Fun, you don't describe what treason is, what Biden has done to be guilty of treason.

I'd bet any Democrat that was president right now would get called treasonous by you.
Does the right to protest allow people to illegally enter buildings?
So burning down buildings, looting small businesses, burning police cars, laying siege to police departments, remember CHAZ?
thats all fine and dandy.

Break into a government building and peacefully walk through the halls taking selfies with cops?

Years in prison!!

The left is delusional. 3 hour rowdy protest, is all the left has and its all they can focus on, while ignoring months of deadly violence spanning dozens of cities to the tune of BILLIONS of dollars, clearly funded by big money, VP bailing rioters out of jail before the election... crickets..

3 hours of yelling? 10 years in prison.

To me that says that the left can pretty much do whatever it wants, but if your on the Right and even THINK about protesting, the government will destroy your life. This is a bad trajectory to be on, most countries dont come back from this, I cant recall any. =(
So burning down buildings, looting small businesses, burning police cars, laying siege to police departments, remember CHAZ?
thats all fine and dandy.

Break into a government building and peacefully walk through the halls taking selfies with cops?

Years in prison!!

The left is delusional. 3 hour rowdy protest, is all the left has and its all they can focus on, while ignoring months of deadly violence spanning dozens of cities to the tune of BILLIONS of dollars, clearly funded by big money, VP bailing rioters out of jail before the election... crickets..

3 hours of yelling? 10 years in prison.

To me that says that the left can pretty much do whatever it wants, but if your on the Right and even THINK about protesting, the government will destroy your life. This is a bad trajectory to be on, most countries dont come back from this, I cant recall any. =(

There's a big difference between burning cars and trying to take down the government.
with no guns? LOL

The issue isn't about guns.

It's about respect for the institution, it's about telling people "you just did this, it's okay, let's do it again".

People needed to be punished to stop an escalation happening again.

Look at school shootings, since Columbine it's become more normal, because people have been "inspired".

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