Biden is guilty of treason

You’re trying to have it both ways, asshole.

Either they weren’t needed or she fucked up. Not both.

Never needed to defend the capitol from a riot from the losing party before.

That’s new.
Wrong you disease crusted filthy enema nozzle.

You and I both know they weren’t needed. But you lied and claimed they were. I denied your lie. But, even if you had been honest claiming something truthful (which you weren’t), it wouldn’t matter. Because it was the putrid Nancy Pelousy who declined the offer.

As usual, you’ve been caught projecting. You’re the vermin who wants it both ways.

And it doesn’t matter.

You’re still a piece of worthless shit. 👍
As far as Colorado and Trump it is a state rights issue.

First of all, states do not have rights, only individuals have rights.
Second is that candidates and politicians are supposed to essentially have diplomatic immunity.
There is no legal basis to interfere with anyone on a ballot.
The voters are supposed to decide instead.
I do not like Trump, but now I have to vote for him just to nullify the crimes by CO.
Go to court then you bunch of wimps. I’ve never seen so much empty worthless grandstanding in my life. That’s all people like MTG and Gaetz has… when it comes time to actually walk the walk they trip and fall on their faces

Going to court costs millions of dollars and it is pointless if that sort of judicial lawlessness is going to be allowed.
It would then be better to go right to torches and pitchforks.
Let us know when Biden tries to illegally overthrow the election like Trump did.

That is ridiculous.
There is no possible way a presidential candidate can do anything illegal to an election.
Its the states who run their own elections.
And it is the parties who select the alternate electors before the election.
No, you can be censured for mere acts of betrayal. The act of insurrection in the Constitution is not criminal it is political, therefore no criminal conviction is needed.
Admitting that this is a political persecution. Thank you.
More Republicans in DC need to get behind MTG on this. Americans should not tolerate treasonous behavior. Traitors to America should face the justice system.

---"Joe Biden is guilty of treason and the Democrat Party has opened a door they should have NEVER opened," she said. "They should be forced to live by their own rules."---

Bingo but leftists can't live under their tactics when they are used against them. Show us the leftist and we'll show you the crime.
More Republicans in DC need to get behind MTG on this. Americans should not tolerate treasonous behavior. Traitors to America should face the justice system.

---"Joe Biden is guilty of treason and the Democrat Party has opened a door they should have NEVER opened," she said. "They should be forced to live by their own rules."---

As with Trump, Biden may be guilty but under our system is innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt in a court of law. (in Joe Biden’s unique position that may be an impeachment). Like Trump, who the Democrats are claiming is guilty of leading an insurrection , Joe Biden hasn’t even been charged yet.

I personally believe the evidence is growing that he may well have committed treasonous acts.
That is ridiculous.
There is no possible way a presidential candidate can do anything illegal to an election.
Its the states who run their own elections.
And it is the parties who select the alternate electors before the election.
Parties nominate electors. They don’t appoint electors.

Elector is a government office. There is no such thing as an alternate elector just as there is no such thing as an alternate senator or alternate governor.
Parties nominate electors. They don’t appoint electors.

Elector is a government office. There is no such thing as an alternate elector just as there is no such thing as an alternate senator or alternate governor.
1876 and 1960 says your full of shit
CHAZ was also an insurrection. Why do you all always deny Jan 6 and then divert?
Its not diverting, its called providing an anternate example. When one believe 1 thing to be true, but it is not, we provide examples of what is it they believe to be true. In this case, CHAZ/CHOP is an example of an insurrection.

J6 is an example of a riot.

I realize that your programming doesnt allow such basic logic to flourish, but that is reality. The fact that the govt and the MSM have turned 3 hours into YEARS on 'content' is actually pretty amazing. All the while completely ignoring and dismissing the abhorrent level of destruction the preceding summer.

Whats curious is that the left is totally cool with riots in dozens of cities, its ok that they destroyed thousands of small businesses, killed dozens of people, and viscously hurt thousands more.

But those on the right break a couple of windows and holy fuck the world is going to end!

I have yet to meet a leftist able to explain the logic behind how a 3 hour riot by the Right (Damage under 10 million, and no one died at the hands of the rioters) is a grave danger to our country, but turning dozens of cities into actual war zones is not.

The insurrection occurred in 2020 when the Left decided to destroy destroy destroy. Lets not forget David Dorn. Of course he could have been the poster child for the left, unfortunately he was murdered by a leftist, and so they cant use Mr Dorn's death to further divide americans.

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