Biden is worth every ounce of my contempt!

Hold on. Previously you said it was all Trump’s fault?
It is Drumpfs fault. Why do you think what I said has anything to do with whos fault it is? Drumpf is the one that fucked up and caused the current situation. All Biden did was stick his foot in his mouth.
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Okay, but some of the people I'm reading about came just recently, some to be with their family, they had full faith and expectation that their country would do everything in their power to get them and their loved ones out of Afghanistan before the withdrawal.

Were they kept waiting? Was it pure bureaucratic incompetence?

Once again, the results of their decisions. xiden said on the 8th of July that 31 Aug was the bug out date. They had a full month to get the hell out. As for the others, anyone who would put their life at stake on the word of a commiecrat, should have prepared for the worse. I actually have more sympathy for our allies than the American citizens that showed poor judgement.

While thousands of Americans remain behind enemy lines begging and pleading for our government to rescue them, it instead does this. At the behest of Biden. He is worthy of the purest form of contempt imaginable.

I will look upon anyone who enabled this man into his office with contempt as well. You voted with your emotions, not with any considerations of how this might impact your fellow Americans, which it now has. There will soon come a day when you see videos of Taliban fighters executing Americans they suspect as spies, and loading innocent American women and children into the backs of MRAPs we left there with reckless abandon.

No more words can describe how utterly disgusted I am.


Bye bye Americans.....Biden and his puppet masters who stole this American election, don't t give a shit of all you left behind....enjoy you stay there.





Uh no. I’m not. You were first complaining about Americans but now you’re complaining about non-Americans, whom the Trump administration was actively working to stop from coming into the country.

Americans don’t need visas to return to the country. Immigrants do.
When he starts to deflect you can be sure he knows he stuck his foot in his mouth. Then he gets all uptight like his panties are stuck in his ass. Its his tell.
Once again, the results of their decisions. xiden said on the 8th of July that 31 Aug was the bug out date.
Before that Drumpf said May was the bugout date. Why any american civilians were there after May is a mystery to me.
It is Drumpfs fault. Why do you think what I said has anything to do with whos fault it is? Drumpf is the one that fucked up and caused the current situation. All Biden did was stick his foot in his mouth.
If it’s 100% Trumps fault why does it matter what Biden says?
While thousands of Americans remain behind enemy lines begging and pleading for our government to rescue them, it instead does this. At the behest of Biden. He is worthy of the purest form of contempt imaginable.

I will look upon anyone who enabled this man into his office with contempt as well. You voted with your emotions, not with any considerations of how this might impact your fellow Americans, which it now has. There will soon come a day when you see videos of Taliban fighters executing Americans they suspect as spies, and loading innocent American women and children into the backs of MRAPs we left there with reckless abandon.

No more words can describe how utterly disgusted I am.

No more words can describe how much I utterly give no fucks about your grievances, magaturd. Suffer, you fucking Karen. America is done with your shenanigans. :auiqs.jpg:
Once again, the results of their decisions. xiden said on the 8th of July that 31 Aug was the bug out date. They had a full month to get the hell out. As for the others, anyone who would put their life at stake on the word of a commiecrat, should have prepared for the worse. I actually have more sympathy for our allies than the American citizens that showed poor judgement.

Fair enough. But that doesn't mean we should still just leave them there.
While thousands of Americans remain behind enemy lines begging and pleading for our government to rescue them, it instead does this. At the behest of Biden. He is worthy of the purest form of contempt imaginable.

I will look upon anyone who enabled this man into his office with contempt as well. You voted with your emotions, not with any considerations of how this might impact your fellow Americans, which it now has. There will soon come a day when you see videos of Taliban fighters executing Americans they suspect as spies, and loading innocent American women and children into the backs of MRAPs we left there with reckless abandon.

No more words can describe how utterly disgusted I am.

Contempt for Biden is definitely not confined to US citizens. Our NATO partners are miffed at the bastard Biden. The Brits especially do not like his blundering foreign policies.

I totally agree with this retired British officer. Joe Biden should be court-martialed.

Lt. Col. Kemp spoke with Mark Levin last night on the Fox show, Life, Liberty, and Levin.

The following is a summary of what he said about the Afghanistan debacle.​

He commended the US troops and said nothing he says is a criticism of them. His criticism is of the Biden administration.

The Colonel harshly condemned Biden’s disgraceful attack on the Afghan army which has fought bravely and with great loss of life. When Biden abandoned them completely and took away Bagram and air support, they were left with little choice.

The United States unconditionally surrendered to the Taliban thanks to Joe Biden which will lead to the rise of the Chinese Communists. Lt. Col. Kemp agrees other European nations are partly to blame, but most of the blame rests with Joe Biden.

The commander said the United States very well might now decline as China rises having used our resources, education, and intelligence. The US could end up under the domination of China.

He believes the decisions Biden has made led to the most catastrophic event since WWII. It has seriously damaged the United States’ standing in the world.

Countries we hoped to entice to our side will not join us because we are unreliable. They will see China and Russia as the more reliable allies.

The Results​

There are so many implications — all bad, and he only named a few. China and Pakistan, along with Russia and Iran, will plunder Aghanistan’s minerals. They will use what they have there against the West. ISIS and al-Qaida now have a base of operations from which to attack us. According to the British commander, this is worse than our situation in 9/11.

Lt. Col. Kemp said Biden should be court-martialed for betraying the nation and the US forces.
Just answer one short question.

How many people are willing to sacrifice trying to get them out?

We have reached an impasse on this question. We can agree to disagree, respectfully.

I'm not gonna sit here and say you don't make a valid point. But at the same time, I cannot stand to see any American left behind.

If (and only if) they are fighting for the enemy should they be left there, in that case, they deserve neither due process nor mercy. They should be droned into oblivion.
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While thousands of Americans remain behind enemy lines begging and pleading for our government to rescue them, it instead does this. At the behest of Biden. He is worthy of the purest form of contempt imaginable.

Um, who told those people to go to Afghanistan to start with? Most of them are there because they are working for War Profiteering companies like Haliburton, and they should have gotten out months ago when they were told to.

I will look upon anyone who enabled this man into his office with contempt as well. You voted with your emotions, not with any considerations of how this might impact your fellow Americans, which it now has. There will soon come a day when you see videos of Taliban fighters executing Americans they suspect as spies, and loading innocent American women and children into the backs of MRAPs we left there with reckless abandon.

Oh, Twinkie, let's get real. Most of the Americans have already been evacuated. Simple math says that if you have 15,000 Americans and you've evacuated 43,000 people, you've probably gotten all the Americans out.

Any American who gets executed a year from now, it's their own damned fault for not leaving when they were supposed to.

Will anyone here man up and admit their mistake? Because you have signed the death warrants of thousands of Americans and consigned thousands of American women to a possible life of sexual servitude to the Taliban.

Uh, guy, there were only 15,000 Americans in the country when the Afghan National Government gave up, and most of them are out now. So we can stop with the hysterics.
One thing I fail to get is where you and colfax are getting this information. Who would willingly choose to go over there and ignore intelligence and warnings telling them they should evacuate?

Stumped I tell ya.

It's called "Greed". Most of the Americans over there worked for the contractors who were supporting the Afghan Military, because after 20 years and 2 Trillion spent, they still couldn't maintain their own military equipment or manage their own logistics.

This is what War Profiteering looks like. When you turn a war into a jobs program, things like "Objectives" and "Victory" get put the the side in favor or "Forever War".

The only reason why this thing caught anyone by "Surprise" is we've spent the last year being distracted by Trumps other fuckups to not notice he sold the Afghan National Government down the river last year.
So, I read the NYP article, and I missed where these people willingly ignored warnings to get out.

On the other hand, are you expecting these people to leave their families behind? There are people in Afghanistan who AREN'T American citizens but have relatives who are. Like I said, what do you expect the American citizens to do? Leave their families behind?

Uh, yeah, actually, it's not our job to protect non-Americans...That was the job of the Afghan National Government which despite us spending 20 years and 2 Trillion dollars propping them up, folded in 11 days when attacked.

I would sooner die with my family than leave them there to face the horror on their own.

What fucking planet am I on?

Guy, you barely have the energy to get off the couch most days.
Okay, but some of the people I'm reading about came just recently, some to be with their family, they had full faith and expectation that their country would do everything in their power to get them and their loved ones out of Afghanistan before the withdrawal.

Were they kept waiting? Was it pure bureaucratic incompetence?

Well, let's look at that, Twinkie.

Normally, we'd have gotten those people out for months ago through the legal refugee process... but.

Olivia Troye tweeted that Stephen Miller, a senior adviser to former President Donald Trump, teamed up with “enablers” to undermine anyone trying to get the allies out by “devastating” the special immigrant visa system at the departments of State and Homeland Security.

“Stephen Miller would peddle his racist hysteria about Iraq & Afghanistan,” tweeted Troye. She described Pence as “fully aware” of the problem.

“We all knew the urgency but the resources had been depleted,” tweeted Troye, who was a homeland security, counterterrorism and coronavirus adviser to Pence before leaving the administration in August 2020.

You see, when you spend four years with a xenophobic administration gutting the asylum and immigration system to keep out all those nasty, nasty brown people, you really have a much harder time getting them out of a war zone.


They can't leave if they aren't allowed to. The government is acting as the very obstruction to them leaving. You can't just tell Americans in Afghanistan "you have 5 months to leave" and then deny visas to their families or turn them away at the airport in the process of heeding that warning.

Sure you can. There's no issue if you are an American with a Visa. You have every right to get out. If your Afghan Cousin wants to get out, but he's an Afghan citizen, then it's really up to the Afghan government if he can leave.

Part of the problem was that before it fell, the Afghan National Government wasn't approving exit visas. Doing so would be admitting they knew that the end was coming soon. (The leaders DID manage to get themselves out, along with suitcases of American Cash)

So we spent 20 years and 2 TRILLION dollars propping up the Afghan Government, and it failed on every aspect when the rubber met the road.

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