Former President Trump Says Biden Is Responsible For Creating Thousands of American Hostages and Humiliating America

Demographics don’t lie, but Democrats do.
Yeah, the guys that hold no political office and have no law making ability are the ones causing all of the problems in the red states. Got it.

Yeah, the guys that hold no political office and have no law making ability are the ones causing all of the problems in the red states. Got it.


Actually yes, that
Yeah, the guys that hold no political office and have no law making ability are the ones causing all of the problems in the red states. Got it.


Democrats are most certainly the biggest drag in my state. The most successful, on average, don't vote for Democrats in my state and it isn't even close. If you wanna get shot or mugged, head over to somewhere there are a bunch of Biden/Harris signs in the yards. This is really the case all around the US other than in large urban areas, where even many successfully people have succumbed to Democratic indoctrination.
Actually yes, that

Democrats are most certainly the biggest drag in my state. The most successful, on average, don't vote for Democrats in my state and it isn't even close. If you wanna get shot or mugged, head over to somewhere there are a bunch of Biden/Harris signs in the yards. This is really the case all around the US other than in large urban areas, where even many successfully people have succumbed to Democratic indoctrination.
Again, the logic of blaming folks who hold zero power for all your woes is suspect at best. What you guys do is simply choose not to address reality.... Examples .... Bush got us into Afghanistan and Iraq; The blob was a disaster who lost by 8M votes, the vaccine is safe, effective, free, and available, Joe is doing a good job as your president (you won't even acknowledge he IS president).

But somehow you'll blame the Democrats for everything. Again, reality is not your friend...and neither is anyone else.
Democrats are most certainly the biggest drag in my state. The most successful, on average, don't vote for Democrats in my state and it isn't even close. If you wanna get shot or mugged, head over to somewhere there are a bunch of Biden/Harris signs in the yards. This is really the case all around the US other than in large urban areas, where even many successfully people have succumbed to Democratic indoctrination.

I call BS. Provide some stats or STFU. You're just another dweeb shouting BS on a messageboard.
I call BS. Provide some stats or STFU. You're just another dweeb shouting BS on a messageboard.

I swear, Democrats live in some fantasy land. I guess these large urban cesspools protect them from reality outside of these large urban areas.

Financially, Republicans fare better than either Democrats or Independents, and tend to identify themselves as such. Republican candidates gain a significantly higher percentage of votes from individuals with incomes over $50,000 per year, and the advantage increases along with the income level, to a height of 63 percent of individuals earning $200,000 or more a year supporting Republicans. This level is the direct inverse of individuals earning less than $15,000 a year, who support Democrats at 63 percent and Republicans at only 36 percent.

Republicans also express a much higher level of satisfaction with their personal financial situation than either Democrats or Independents. Before the U.S. economy’s downturn, an all-time high of 81 percent of Republicans expressed satisfaction with their personal financial situation. That number dropped to 61 percent in 2009, but it is still significantly higher than the corresponding 52 percent of Independents and 49 percent of Democrats. A much larger proportion of Republicans than Democrats also identify themselves as “haves” versus “have-nots.”

Economic Demographics of Republicans & Conservatives

Do really need to post information on the correlation between income and crime rates? Even Democrats can figure that one out, right?
Did it ever occur to you that Democrats are living in red states as well? It is the Democratic areas of red states that are the drain. It is the Democratic areas of red states that have higher crime. In fact, it is the same in every state in the US.

Yet Democrats in Democrat states are no drain.. Listen to yourself.... You are trying hard to say Red states just fail Democratic voters..

Even if what you are saying was true, ever think they became Democratic voters because the Red state failed them?
I swear, Democrats live in some fantasy land. I guess these large urban cesspools protect them from reality outside of these large urban areas.

Financially, Republicans fare better than either Democrats or Independents, and tend to identify themselves as such. Republican candidates gain a significantly higher percentage of votes from individuals with incomes over $50,000 per year, and the advantage increases along with the income level, to a height of 63 percent of individuals earning $200,000 or more a year supporting Republicans. This level is the direct inverse of individuals earning less than $15,000 a year, who support Democrats at 63 percent and Republicans at only 36 percent.

Republicans also express a much higher level of satisfaction with their personal financial situation than either Democrats or Independents. Before the U.S. economy’s downturn, an all-time high of 81 percent of Republicans expressed satisfaction with their personal financial situation. That number dropped to 61 percent in 2009, but it is still significantly higher than the corresponding 52 percent of Independents and 49 percent of Democrats. A much larger proportion of Republicans than Democrats also identify themselves as “haves” versus “have-nots.”

Economic Demographics of Republicans & Conservatives

Do really need to post information on the correlation between income and crime rates? Even Democrats can figure that one out, right?

Actually this is how it looks:


So GOP win with the Rich moneyed class while trying to make out Democrats are the party of Elites... GOP greatest trick is to convince poor white people that they give a shit about them...

Abortion and Gay Rights has been invaluable... All the while Trump was appointing pro corporatist judges, gave the base a religious nuts but mainly Corporate elitist judges..
Actually this is how it looks:

View attachment 532615

So GOP win with the Rich moneyed class while trying to make out Democrats are the party of Elites... GOP greatest trick is to convince poor white people that they give a shit about them...

Abortion and Gay Rights has been invaluable... All the while Trump was appointing pro corporatist judges, gave the base a religious nuts but mainly Corporate elitist judges..

What your graph fails to show is that most of the ultra-wealthy elites are Democrats, not Republicans. It is the working wealthy, meaning successful engineers, business owners, etc. that make over 100k but not necessarily 10 of millions that vote Republican. If you removed that that are worth over 50 million from that blue bar on the right, you would see that number plummet.

You also have it completely backwards. It is the Democrats that keep the poor poor. The elites, who vote Democrat, like it that way. The poor have been fooled by the Democratic Party for decades.
Again, the logic of blaming folks who hold zero power for all your woes is suspect at best. What you guys do is simply choose not to address reality.... Examples .... Bush got us into Afghanistan and Iraq; The blob was a disaster who lost by 8M votes, the vaccine is safe, effective, free, and available, Joe is doing a good job as your president (you won't even acknowledge he IS president).

But somehow you'll blame the Democrats for everything. Again, reality is not your friend...and neither is anyone else.
Again, the logic of blaming folks who hold zero power for all your woes is suspect at best.

Good to know you don't blame Trump for Surrender Joe's Afghanistan clusterfuck.
Again, the logic of blaming folks who hold zero power for all your woes is suspect at best.

Good to know you don't blame Trump for Surrender Joe's Afghanistan clusterfuck.
You do know Trump Admin signed the Withdrawal Agreement... That is a surrender...

Biden just had a look at it... I doubt he thought much about it... There was no provision for Foreigners and US Friendlies in the agreement... Actually the agreement look like Taliban wrote it and Trump just said yes..

Mattis called it a surrender... Trump surrendered and didn't even think about civillans...
You do know Trump Admin signed the Withdrawal Agreement... That is a surrender...

Biden just had a look at it... I doubt he thought much about it... There was no provision for Foreigners and US Friendlies in the agreement... Actually the agreement look like Taliban wrote it and Trump just said yes..

Mattis called it a surrender... Trump surrendered and didn't even think about civillans...
Post the text of that agreement, then highlight all the parts Surrender Joe followed.

This is always fun.
I swear, Democrats live in some fantasy land. I guess these large urban cesspools protect them from reality outside of these large urban areas.

Financially, Republicans fare better than either Democrats or Independents, and tend to identify themselves as such. Republican candidates gain a significantly higher percentage of votes from individuals with incomes over $50,000 per year, and the advantage increases along with the income level, to a height of 63 percent of individuals earning $200,000 or more a year supporting Republicans. This level is the direct inverse of individuals earning less than $15,000 a year, who support Democrats at 63 percent and Republicans at only 36 percent.

Republicans also express a much higher level of satisfaction with their personal financial situation than either Democrats or Independents. Before the U.S. economy’s downturn, an all-time high of 81 percent of Republicans expressed satisfaction with their personal financial situation. That number dropped to 61 percent in 2009, but it is still significantly higher than the corresponding 52 percent of Independents and 49 percent of Democrats. A much larger proportion of Republicans than Democrats also identify themselves as “haves” versus “have-nots.”

Economic Demographics of Republicans & Conservatives

Do really need to post information on the correlation between income and crime rates? Even Democrats can figure that one out, right?
All the information in the above is interesting and might be true. No links to verify the stats.
Dang. We deliberately left Americans behind. What are they supposed to do, email Jen Psaki?

Republicans call for Biden to RESIGN or be impeached after breaking his promise to bring home every American citizen from Afghanistan and pulling troops out 24 hours early​

  • The last US troops pulled out of Kabul on Monday, nearly 24 hours ahead of schedule and with up to 250 Americans still stuck on the ground
  • Many decried the hundreds of Americans left behind, and some renewed calls for the president to step down
  • Witnesses in Kabul said the Taliban let off celebratory gunfire as news circulated that the final U.S. flight had left
  • '@POTUS left Americans and our Afghan allies behind. Completely unforgivable. He must resign,' said Rep. Brian Mast
  • Meanwhile, Rep. Ilhan Omar defended the withdrawal: 'Ending wars is good, actually'

Funny how Biden turned an opportunity for an orderly exit into a complete surrender to Taliban thugs.

Biden asked the Taliban for more time; they said no. We end up leaving a day early?

Blinken admits up to 200 Americans are still stranded in Afghanistan after last US flights left 24 hours before deadline but vows to keep working to get US citizens and Afghan allies out by ROAD​

  • Blinken said the US would hold the Taliban to commitments to allow free movement
  • 'We believe there are still a small number of Americans, under 200 and likely closer to 100, who remain in Afghanistan and want to leave,' he said
  • Gen. Kenneth F. McKenzie said the last flight left Kabul shortly after midnight on Tuesday morning local time
  • 'There's a lot of heartbreak associated with this departure,' he said by videolink at a Pentagon briefing
  • It brings an end to America's war in Afghanistan after 20 years and the deaths of almost 2500 U.S. troops
  • It means President Biden met his August 31 deadline and that U.S. service members are out of harm's way
  • He said the world would hold the Taliban to their promise to allow free passage for those wanting to leave
  • Republicans condemned a hurried departure that left Americans stranded in an enemy land
  • A former CIA paramilitary officer said: 'Nothing feels good or right about this ignominious retreat'
  • Secretary of State Antony Blinken said work continued to help 100-200 Americans who remain
  • Witnesses said Taliban fighters fired celebratory shots into the air as word spread that the last flight had left
  • A Taliban spokesman declared victory and said the country 'gained complete independence'

Again, the logic of blaming folks who hold zero power for all your woes is suspect at best.

Good to know you don't blame Trump for Surrender Joe's Afghanistan clusterfuck.
Trump signed the surrender papers.

Joe just botched the withdraw.

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