Biden is worth every ounce of my contempt!

May 1. May 1 was when your orange god said we were leaving. Why the fuck should I give two shits about people that ignored that deadline and stayed. I mean you are one stupid dumbass.
Hey dumberass, who was in charge on May 1? Don’t want to answer that do you? Desert Americans to try to cover up your drooling idiot’s complete and total screwup. You should be dropped behind enemy lines.
Uh, yes you were.

It escapes you that the Americans I was referring to also have families living in Afghanistan, as citizens of the former government. The Americans are not willing to leave their families behind under a new, brutal theocratic dictatorship.

So you may dispense with parsing words.

No further replies will be issued.
Ciao douchebag.
Huh? Biden announced months ago we were leaving Afghanistan for good.

Everyone knew we were leaving.

Got another lie?
You’re the one lying asshole. Xiden told NOBODY. Not the Afghnas, not Americans there, not our allies when we were leaving. Documented and proven. He pulled the troops out in the dead of night like a coward and people found out the next morning when they arrived and found the air base deserted. Now go fuck yourself and try to learn about current events proven liar.
I feel sorry for the fact that he is suffering from dementia.

I just wish he would recognize that he is not up to the job of President and resign.

Kamala might be a poor President but at least she doesn’t suffer from dementia.
You’re the one lying asshole. Xiden told NOBODY. Not the Afghnas, not Americans there, not our allies when we were leaving. Documented and proven. He pulled the troops out in the dead of night like a coward and people found out the next morning when they arrived and found the air base deserted. Now go fuck yourself and try to learn about current events proven liar.
Here’s Biden announcing our leaving in April.

You’re an idiot.
Here’s Biden announcing our leaving in April.

You’re an idiot.
what date did he say? what plans did he make to get civilians and our allies out in that announcment?
He said before September 11th.

He’d been working as fast as possible to restart the visa process for our allies.
why didn't he get the visa process and our allies out before taking the troops out so that the Taliban wouldnt be running the show?

so he gave no date, and simply caught everyone of allies off guard....gotcha
why didn't he get the visa process and our allies out before taking the troops out so that the Taliban wouldnt be running the show?

so he gave no date, and simply caught everyone of allies off guard....gotcha
If you haven’t noticed, Sept 11th is a date.

He announced this in April.

No one was caught off guard.
If you haven’t noticed, Sept 11th is a date.

He announced this in April.

No one was caught off guard.
you said he said "sometime before Sept 11th" that's rather vague

then why are all our allies saying they were and so many people left behind? Heck, even the Xiden admin they were caught off guard....i mean despite all the intel telling them this would happen.
While thousands of Americans remain behind enemy lines begging and pleading for our government to rescue them, it instead does this. At the behest of Biden. He is worthy of the purest form of contempt imaginable.

I will look upon anyone who enabled this man into his office with contempt as well. You voted with your emotions, not with any considerations of how this might impact your fellow Americans, which it now has. There will soon come a day when you see videos of Taliban fighters executing Americans they suspect as spies, and loading innocent American women and children into the backs of MRAPs we left there with reckless abandon.

No more words can describe how utterly disgusted I am.

Well said. People voted for Biden knowing he was not qualified over a man who put America first simply because they believed the lies told by Democrats and the MSM. 7 months in and Biden has stranded thousands of Americans left to die in Afghanistan while we are being asked to mask yet again at home. Biden is garbage. Biden voters own this disaster.
Well said. People voted for Biden knowing he was not qualified over a man who put America first simply because they believed the lies told by Democrats and the MSM. 7 months in and Biden has stranded thousands of Americans left to die in Afghanistan while we are being asked to mask yet again at home. Biden is garbage. Biden voters own this disaster.
well stated, and honest
you said he said "sometime before Sept 11th" that's rather vague

then why are all our allies saying they were and so many people left behind? Heck, even the Xiden admin they were caught off guard....i mean despite all the intel telling them this would happen.
There’s nothing vague about the fact that we said quite clearly that we are leaving entirely.

The exact date isn’t relevant.
There’s nothing vague about the fact that we said quite clearly that we are leaving entirely.

The exact date isn’t relevant.
haha sure it is…how were people suppose to know whe to start leaving? and why wouldn’t xiden of gotten allies and civilians out first?

why was everyone caught by surprise? why did the UK hold i’m in contempt? why didn’t he at the very least ensure terrorist like AQ snd ISIS wouldn’t be welcomed back?

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