Biden is worth every ounce of my contempt!

One thing I fail to get is where you and colfax are getting this information. Who would willingly choose to go over there and ignore intelligence and warnings telling them they should evacuate?

Stumped I tell ya.

Trumps original date was in May, xiden actually gave them an extra couple of months before things started to deteriorate.

Not much is said about the presidential transition act. President elect comes to office early to see what's happening so as to be prepared for the day he takes office. Obama obliged Trump to transition because he's a decent human being that follows the rules. Trump wouldn't allow Biden to transition because trump's a sick asshole and a traitor. Republican cock roaches will lay many traps along the way to try to make Biden, a fairly decent guy, to fail. It's in their nature I guess. I'm talking about the republican politicos, not the republican voters who are obviously blind to what a treasonous low life trump it.

Oh man, please just stop with the asskissing already.
Nope. I have a great point. Bush have plenty of warning several times. You leftist made it political like everything you touch. Disgusting playing with peoples lives like that.
Four months. Four days.
What’s the difference, right?
Wow. Trumpers don’t like Biden. Amazing.

And I thought they were fair minded and reasonable

I’m so surprised
Trumps original date was in May, xiden actually gave them an extra couple of months before things started to deteriorate.

Okay, but some of the people I'm reading about came just recently, some to be with their family, they had full faith and expectation that their country would do everything in their power to get them and their loved ones out of Afghanistan before the withdrawal.

Were they kept waiting? Was it pure bureaucratic incompetence?


Former US military interpreter

Haji was a “combat interpreter” who lived and patrolled with the Marines and Army a decade ago, according to CNN, which only provided his first name.

He has repeatedly tried to relocate to the US through its special visa programs for interpreters, to no avail, the outlet reported.

For the last five years, Haji and his family have been in hiding, fearing retribution from the Taliban — and the situation is even more dire now that the extremists have taken over the country.

“If [the Taliban] find me, they will kill me and they will kill my family because I was an interpreter with the US Marines,” he told CNN.

Amin Faqiry

Former US Army interpreter

Faqiry, a former top US combat interpreter stuck in Afghanistan, said been on the run ever since the Taliban took his hometown last week.

Amin Faqiry, aformer top U.S. combat interpreter stuck in Afghanistan said Wednesday those who aided American troops feel “betrayed” by their sudden abandonment.
Amin Faqiry is a former top U.S. combat interpreter stuck in Afghanistan.ABC News 13
“I have become a strong enemy and a target of the Taliban,” he he told Rhode Island TV-station WJAR. “I fear for my life.”

He tried to get onto an evacuation flight out of Kabul — but said he was turned away by a US Marine at the Kabul airport.
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Repeat after me:

Trump. Is. Not. The. President. Anymore.

Trump is not the President anymore. Biden and Biden alone had the ability to execute every facet of this withdrawal without incident. But he didn't. Biden is in control now, and he failed, miserably.

So what if 5000 prisoners of war were freed? We got nothing in exchange except possibly the worst hostage situation human history. He has given the Taliban enormous leverage against us, both militarily and diplomatically.
Not true, Biden has screwed up but so did Trump. It is not all Trump's fault but he has plenty of blame. Bush and Obama have blame also.
Simple minded people, like you, want simple answers. This is a complex issue with a complex explanation. Simple minds like yours will never understand.
Well, everyone knew the American military was leaving. There’s no denying that.

Biden stood on that podium and gave everyone the impression that the Taliban would not take Afghanistan. You seem not to understand that Americans instinctively look to the leaders for guidance on these matters.

They didn't think ALL OF THEM were leaving. Common sense says you leave a peacekeeping force there to protect people like this.

That never happened.
From the same article:

Mohammad Khalid Wardak

Afghan police officer

The high-profile national police officer, who worked alongside American special forces and even once went on television to challenge the Taliban to a fight, has been in hiding since the militant group took over.

He and other current Afghan military members or police officers are not eligible to apply for special US visas, unlike translators or interpreters who worked with American forces. But he has applied for refugee status.

His friends in the US military told The Associated Press that they have been pleading with members of Congress, the Defense Department and the State Department to get Wardak, his wife and their four children out of Afghanistan.

“It is this nation’s duty to help those who helped us and were loyal to us and their country for so long and have nothing left,” said Army Special Forces Sgt. Major Chris Green.

Family of Qismat Amin

Former US Army interpreter who lives in Texas

While Amin was able to move to Dallas, Texas after earning a Special Immigrant Visa in 2017 for his work as a US military translator, his brother, who did the same job, wasn’t as lucky, Buzzfeed News reported. His application was denied, and he then reapplied.

Qismat Amin
Qismat Amin’s brother and the rest of his family are stuck in Jalalabad, where neighbors know of their work for the US government — potentially putting them in Taliban crosshairs.

“It is a nightmare. We are trying to figure out how to have my family survive, to not be tortured or beheaded. I can’t focus. I’m not hungry. I can’t work,” Amin told the website.

His brother, who requested anonymity, added: “This is a big risk for us.”

I see nothing about where these people chose to simply stay there after the pullout. It appears to me they were all trying to leave beforehand.

To claim these people were ignoring the warnings is purely false.
Biden stood on that podium and gave everyone the impression that the Taliban would not take Afghanistan. You seem not to understand that Americans instinctively look to the leaders for guidance on these matters.

They didn't think ALL OF THEM were leaving. Common sense says you leave a peacekeeping force there to protect people like this.

That never happened.
No, Biden specifically said that hey were ALL LEAVING.
Honestly, does anyone on this website ever bother to read the links they post?

Family of Tahir Luddin

Former Afghan journalist and US citizen

Investigative journalist David Rohde described in “The New Yorker” his struggle to help save the family of Afghan reporter Tahir Luddin, who are stuck in Afghanistan.

Rohde and Luddin were captured by the Taliban in November 2008 outside Kabul — and were able to escape together after about seven months in captivity, fleeing to a military base while their guards slept.

Luddin eventually moved to the US, became a citizen and in 2017, brought his five eldest children to live with him in northern Virginia, Rhode wrote.

But Luddin has been unable to secure visas for his wife and remaining children, the youngest of whom is four. He doesn’t think they are safe in Kabul and doesn’t have hope the US will help get them out.

“I think the Americans are trying to leave Kabul and just take the diplomats,” Luddin said. “I’m strong, you know I am strong [but] I cried so many times. Everyone says we’re left behind. What shall we do?”

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To claim these people were ignoring the warnings is purely false.
It’s true. These poor souls weren’t Americans and were trying to apply for a special visa which the Trump administration basically shut down. It was restarted by Biden.

But interesting to see people all of a sudden realizing that asylum is a thing again.
No, Biden specifically said that hey were ALL LEAVING.

They can't leave if they aren't allowed to. The government is acting as the very obstruction to them leaving. You can't just tell Americans in Afghanistan "you have 5 months to leave" and then deny visas to their families or turn them away at the airport in the process of heeding that warning.

I have cited each of these cases in the article you apparently chose not to read in-depth. These people have unmitigated circumstances keeping them there.
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I honestly can't believe what I'm hearing right now...

Are we totally bereft of mercy?

Why are we making excuses for leaving Americans behind enemy lines? Why?
You can't just tell Americans in Afghanistan "you have 5 months to leave" and then deny some of them their visas or turn them away at the airport in the process of heeding that warning.
Cmon man, use your head. Americans don’t need visas.
Cmon man, use your head. Americans don’t need visas.

You aren't listening. These Americans have families, and they wanted visas for their families. They aren't going to leave their family members in Afghanistan alone to face a pack of ravening wolves. They were expecting their government to rescue them, and their families.

If I were in their shoes? I would place the lives of my family over that of escaping by myself. I couldn't in good conscience leave them there alone.

Abandoning them for that decision is just wrong.

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