Biden, July 8: ‘The Taliban Overrunning Everything and Owning the Whole Country Is Highly Unlikely.’

Slow Joe would be surprised...if he had the first clue what was happening

81 million votes? Hahahaha
Sassy in this case, I feel sorry of joe the dipsy doodle. It was way back in the 1980s
that the US actually made the huge mistake of SUPPORTING the Taliban. ---all because
the Taliban were anti-RUSSIA . We should have let them continue HAPPILY killing
each other ------and hope that the would leave the Afghanis RELATIVELY ALONE. Afghanistan
is now a PARADISE for the training of JIHADI MURDERERS AND RAPISTS
The headline read, "President Biden fails in Afghanistan."

Afghanistan, "the graveyard of empires."

Of course, Biden failed in Afghanistan. Twenty years, two trillion dollars, tens of thousands of dead and wounded later this should come as no surprise. After all that, not a damn thing was accomplished. Yeah, Biden failed.

As did President Bush, and he started the war by invading Afghanistan. Bush was in office for eight years. The war was in full fury mode when he left office.

President "The Right War" Obama also failed in Afghanistan. He was in office for eight years and ultimately sent in 85,000 troops to defeat the Taliban. The war was in full fury mode when he left office.

President Trump also failed in Afghanistan. He was in office for eight years and all he did was order a retreat, trusting the Taliban would hold up their end of the bargain. Instead, the Taliban ignored the gullible American President. The war was in full fury mode when he left office.

Biden has been in office for seven months and he inherited the failed Afghan war from three previous Presidents. A massive offensive against the Taliban was out of the question. Biden would either be impeached or lynched. He had no choice but to withdraw, retreat, evacuate, surrender, whatever term the reader wishes to use. They all mean the same thing -- something the White House should learn.

But why did all this happened? It happened because American Presidents completely misread the people of Afghanistan.

The Afghan security forces number over 300,000, and they have an air force. They also have billions of dollars of equipment we gave them.

They have no desire to fight the Taliban.

The Taliban are Afghans. Moreover, they are the largest ethic group in Afghanistan.

Why are the Taliban America's enemy? Why did Bush attack the Taliban?

Because the Taliban gave safe haven to al Qaeda, the terrorist group that attacked us on 9/11.

Does anyone think the soldiers and officers of the Afghan army give a rat's ass about that twenty years later?

Essentially, we trained and equipped the Afghan army to fight Afghans. Also, members of the Afghan army have more in common with the Taliban than they do with Americans.

That is why America failed in Afghanistan. The twenty-year debacle should be treated as a lesson learned.

Never again.
yes, the Afghan Quislings are going to get what all Quislings get. Why is this my problem again?

The problem is, the Quislings were never our friends. They were a bunch of corrupt assholes who were looking to take advantage of all the money we were dumping in and turning a blind to all the drug running that was happening.

We've been bombing the Taliban in Afghanistan since Clinton... it really hasn't made any difference, has it?
You tell me, Joe! What happened when we stopped?

As for the Afghan's that you've labeled "Quislings? They aren't the ones who launch terror attacks on the West. You're looking the other way while the good people in Afghanistan get slaughtered as an example of why you shouldn't oppose the terrorists. It's YOUR problem because the Taliban will go right back to being a base for world wide terror and in case you've forgotten...we're number one on their hit list!
The headline read, "President Biden fails in Afghanistan."

Afghanistan, "the graveyard of empires."

Of course, Biden failed in Afghanistan. Twenty years, two trillion dollars, tens of thousands of dead and wounded later this should come as no surprise. After all that, not a damn thing was accomplished. Yeah, Biden failed.

As did President Bush, and he started the war by invading Afghanistan. Bush was in office for eight years. The war was in full fury mode when he left office.

President "The Right War" Obama also failed in Afghanistan. He was in office for eight years and ultimately sent in 85,000 troops to defeat the Taliban. The war was in full fury mode when he left office.

President Trump also failed in Afghanistan. He was in office for eight years and all he did was order a retreat, trusting the Taliban would hold up their end of the bargain. Instead, the Taliban ignored the gullible American President. The war was in full fury mode when he left office.

Biden has been in office for seven months and he inherited the failed Afghan war from three previous Presidents. A massive offensive against the Taliban was out of the question. Biden would either be impeached or lynched. He had no choice but to withdraw, retreat, evacuate, surrender, whatever term the reader wishes to use. They all mean the same thing -- something the White House should learn.

But why did all this happened? It happened because American Presidents completely misread the people of Afghanistan.

The Afghan security forces number over 300,000, and they have an air force. They also have billions of dollars of equipment we gave them.

They have no desire to fight the Taliban.

The Taliban are Afghans. Moreover, they are the largest ethic group in Afghanistan.

Why are the Taliban America's enemy? Why did Bush attack the Taliban?

Because the Taliban gave safe haven to al Qaeda, the terrorist group that attacked us on 9/11.

Does anyone think the soldiers and officers of the Afghan army give a rat's ass about that twenty years later?

Essentially, we trained and equipped the Afghan army to fight Afghans. Also, members of the Afghan army have more in common with the Taliban than they do with Americans.

That is why America failed in Afghanistan. The twenty-year debacle should be treated as a lesson learned.

Never again.
A couple of points...

Trump was in office for 8 years? Really?

The Taliban are an ethnic group? Really?

What you have to understand is that large numbers of Afghans want nothing to do with being ruled by the Taliban! They have no desire to be taken back to the Stone Age by a bunch of murdering rapists who will kill you because of your beliefs. The very least we could have done wat give THOSE Afghans a chance to get out of the country before the Taliban trapped them. They don't stand a chance now and THAT is on Joe Biden's head!
You tell me, Joe! What happened when we stopped?

As for the Afghan's that you've labeled "Quislings? They aren't the ones who launch terror attacks on the West. You're looking the other way while the good people in Afghanistan get slaughtered as an example of why you shouldn't oppose the terrorists. It's YOUR problem because the Taliban will go right back to being a base for world wide terror and in case you've forgotten...we're number one on their hit list!

Okay, guy, we occupied Afghanistan for 20 years. Did terrorism stop? Nope. They just moved to Yemen and Libya and other countries we screwed up. As long as we let the Oil Companies and Zionists get us into these imperialist wars on the other side of the planet, we are going to get terrorism.

The problem is, we never learn. We didn't learn from Vietnam. We didn't learn from the Philippines 120 years ago. Imperialism doesnt' work because most people don't like foreigners running their country, even benevolently.

Consider this. After WWII, we didn't try to turn Europe and Japan into Colonies. We let them run their own affairs. We spent 13 BILLION on the Marshall Plan, which would come out to 135 billion in today's dollars... In short, we spent 1/10th the amount rebuilding ALL OF WESTERN EUROPE that we spent in Afghanistan...
What you have to understand is that large numbers of Afghans want nothing to do with being ruled by the Taliban! They have no desire to be taken back to the Stone Age by a bunch of murdering rapists who will kill you because of your beliefs. The very least we could have done wat give THOSE Afghans a chance to get out of the country before the Taliban trapped them. They don't stand a chance now and THAT is on Joe Biden's head!

Really, How do you know that? Because it seems to me that IF the Afghans were so keen on not being ruled by the Taliban, they wouldn't have dropped their guns and gave up with out much of a fight.

End of the day, it wasn't out job to establish order and democracy in Afghanistan, it was the Afghan people... and most of them are fine with the Taliban...

How do you ask someone to be the last man to die for a mistake?
Really, How do you know that? Because it seems to me that IF the Afghans were so keen on not being ruled by the Taliban, they wouldn't have dropped their guns and gave up with out much of a fight.

End of the day, it wasn't out job to establish order and democracy in Afghanistan, it was the Afghan people... and most of them are fine with the Taliban...

How do you ask someone to be the last man to die for a mistake?
Most of them are RELATED to Taliban members
You tell me, Joe! What happened when we stopped?

As for the Afghan's that you've labeled "Quislings? They aren't the ones who launch terror attacks on the West. You're looking the other way while the good people in Afghanistan get slaughtered as an example of why you shouldn't oppose the terrorists. It's YOUR problem because the Taliban will go right back to being a base for world wide terror and in case you've forgotten...we're number one on their hit list!
The Taliban is an inward looking group. They are not and never have been a threat to us. The only real issue is who they might allow to use Afghanistan as a training and logistic area. They we’ll have to deal with
Most of them are RELATED to Taliban members

And that's a good point. We were always a lot more keen on this war than they were. The Afghan Military and Taliban rarely engaged each other.. They all knew where the other units were and they often had Understandings.
Really, How do you know that? Because it seems to me that IF the Afghans were so keen on not being ruled by the Taliban, they wouldn't have dropped their guns and gave up with out much of a fight.

End of the day, it wasn't out job to establish order and democracy in Afghanistan, it was the Afghan people... and most of them are fine with the Taliban...

How do you ask someone to be the last man to die for a mistake?
They're not "fine" with the Taliban, Joey! They're scared to death OF the Taliban! They know what is coming for the country and themselves. It's not going to be pretty.
The Taliban is an inward looking group. They are not and never have been a threat to us. The only real issue is who they might allow to use Afghanistan as a training and logistic area. They we’ll have to deal with
They were on the outside looking in! Now they own a country again. They won't be looking "inward" anymore, Lesh. They'll once again be looking to expand their control.
Okay, guy, we occupied Afghanistan for 20 years. Did terrorism stop? Nope. They just moved to Yemen and Libya and other countries we screwed up. As long as we let the Oil Companies and Zionists get us into these imperialist wars on the other side of the planet, we are going to get terrorism.

The problem is, we never learn. We didn't learn from Vietnam. We didn't learn from the Philippines 120 years ago. Imperialism doesnt' work because most people don't like foreigners running their country, even benevolently.

Consider this. After WWII, we didn't try to turn Europe and Japan into Colonies. We let them run their own affairs. We spent 13 BILLION on the Marshall Plan, which would come out to 135 billion in today's dollars... In short, we spent 1/10th the amount rebuilding ALL OF WESTERN EUROPE that we spent in Afghanistan...
You think we have terrorism because of the Oil Companies, Joey? That's dumb even for you!
They're not "fine" with the Taliban, Joey! They're scared to death OF the Taliban! They know what is coming for the country and themselves. It's not going to be pretty.
A wise PolSci professor once told me no government can endure without the tacit consent of it's people.

The Ghani regime didn't survive because no one was really all that keen to die for it.

The Taliban, on the other hand, really didn't have to pay it's members.

They were on the outside looking in! Now they own a country again. They won't be looking "inward" anymore, Lesh. They'll once again be looking to expand their control.
Why would they do that? Frankly, the Taliban is largely a tribal organization... they are happy ruling their own villages.

You think we have terrorism because of the Oil Companies, Joey? That's dumb even for you!

Of course we do. Do you think we'd care about the internal conflicts of the middle east if they weren't sitting on a shit ton of oil.
They were on the outside looking in! Now they own a country again. They won't be looking "inward" anymore, Lesh. They'll once again be looking to expand their control.
They aren’t that type of group.
They owned the country in 2000 and the problem wasn’t them so much as it was that they allowed Al Qaeda to operate there

Read some fucking history
They're not "fine" with the Taliban, Joey! They're scared to death OF the Taliban! They know what is coming for the country and themselves. It's not going to be pretty.
It’s not going to be pretty.

But it’s THEIR country not ours…unless you want to make it a US territory

Russia tried that…
A wise PolSci professor once told me no government can endure without the tacit consent of it's people.

The Ghani regime didn't survive because no one was really all that keen to die for it.

The Taliban, on the other hand, really didn't have to pay it's members.

Why would they do that? Frankly, the Taliban is largely a tribal organization... they are happy ruling their own villages.

Of course we do. Do you think we'd care about the internal conflicts of the middle east if they weren't sitting on a shit ton of oil.

The Taliban could care less about oil. They want to take the entire world back to the Stone Age and they're not going to be content with ruling a few "villages"! They mean to impose their religious views on you, Joey and if you won't go along with that...they're going to cut off your head. What part of that concept don't you get?
They aren’t that type of group.
They owned the country in 2000 and the problem wasn’t them so much as it was that they allowed Al Qaeda to operate there

Read some fucking history
Well golly gee, Lesh! WHY do you think they allowed Al Qaeda to operate there? Afghanistan is now going to be "terrorist Disneyworld"! The Taliban will allow Al Qaeda to set up terror camps again because Al Qaeda is radical Islam's means to an end.
The Taliban could care less about oil. They want to take the entire world back to the Stone Age and they're not going to be content with ruling a few "villages"! They mean to impose their religious views on you, Joey and if you won't go along with that...they're going to cut off your head. What part of that concept don't you get?

Seriously, where did you learn your world affairs, a comic book?

The problem with our foreign policy is that it's the equivlent to sticking our dicks in a hornet's nest and then complaining about getting stung.

They are not going to conquer the world. If we leave them alone, they'll leave us alone. This isn't complicated.
Well golly gee, Lesh! WHY do you think they allowed Al Qaeda to operate there? Afghanistan is now going to be "terrorist Disneyworld"! The Taliban will allow Al Qaeda to set up terror camps again because Al Qaeda is radical Islam's means to an end.

They let Al Qaeda operate there because Al Qaeda was key in helping them throw out the Soviets. Again put down the comic book and read some actual history.
Seriously, where did you learn your world affairs, a comic book?

The problem with our foreign policy is that it's the equivlent to sticking our dicks in a hornet's nest and then complaining about getting stung.

They are not going to conquer the world. If we leave them alone, they'll leave us alone. This isn't complicated.
The problem with our foreign policy is that we've got the dumbest man in the Senate for the better part of the last forty years RUNNING OURS!

You actually think that terrorists are going to leave us alone if we leave them alone? You might actually be dumber than Joe, Joey! Maybe it's the name?

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