Biden: “Let’s stop seeing each other as enemies”

Biden is wasting his time. The cause is noble, but pointless in our present condition. The best we can hope for now is a slowing of the divisions. That has to happen before any "healing" can begin.

And that appears to be a long way away. To make it worse, the MAGA crowd is convinced that they are at "war" with "evil" and "the commies". There's nothing you can with that. At least for now.
His cause is not noble, because he doesn’t mean it. If the democrats did they wouldn’t be incarcerating people based on politics.
Hey Biden, stop taxing the job creators. Then we can talk again about that friends/enemies thing.

“Let’s stop seeing each other as enemies” Joe Biden​

Only the OP and Biden haters could find something to bitch about in that statement.
The idiot takes bribes from China while he sells us out............he is an enemy.
ALSO BIDEN: You are Jefferson Davis, George Wallace, or Bull Connor if you disagree with me.

Translation: Everyone including my wife hates me and I’m so in need of at least one person to at least be neutral about me.

Every time the left talks about something and says that this should not be political is their way of saying that everyone should just agree with them. Every time that the left says that we should all be united and that we should all be Americans is their way of saying that the other side should come over to their way of thinking.
Every time the left talks about something and says that this should not be political is their way of saying that everyone should just agree with them. Every time that the left says that we should all be united and that we should all be Americans is their way of saying that the other side should come over to their way of thinking.
Exactly. Notice the shift of the last few days among the Left? Well, both sides are bad, stand with us and stop being decisive and so negative, you Putin loving racists.
For some strange reason they always want a truce right after they gain power but lose the support of the people.

If Joe's approval rating was 60% this statement would have never been made.
It would be a hollow statement. Remember, we are a basket of deplorables. We do. November will be here soon enough and the democrat scourge will be rendered ineffective.
Yesterday in Wisconsin he told a "crowd" that the Jan 6th. 'insurrection" killed 5 police and that is why Putin attacked Ukraine! He is trying SOOOOO hard to unite this country...BS!
Joey and his installed Dimm's aid and abet the Mexican cartels with their open border policy!
So I don't even want to hear the word traitor roll off their venomous lips; no less a fantasy called unity!!
Joey and his installed Dimm's aid and abet the Mexican cartels with their open border policy!
So I don't even want to hear the word traitor roll off their venomous lips; no less a fantasy called unity!!
Did anyone else catch the Freudian slip when he said spoke of the hearts and souls of the Iranian people? MSM calls it a flub. Remember the days when we held the occupant of the WH responsible for what he said?
Did anyone else catch the Freudian slip when he said spoke of the hearts and souls of the Iranian people? MSM calls it a flub. Remember the days when we held the occupant of the WH responsible for what he said?

This is what happens when the collapse of our 4th estate contributes infitisimally to the collapse of Democracy; way, way, far beyond one Capitol riot.

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