Biden Lies About Academic Record In Angry Rant

So what...Trump got into Wharton because his father made a large donation to the school. One Trump professor called Trump among the dumbest students he ever had. Trump was so insignificant a student that only a few people can even remember him being at the school.

Trump was ahead of his time in this respect. Trump was the male version of these folks:


I didn't mean to insult those girls as they may go into Republican politics one day. They are also undoubtedly much smarter than Trump.

The OP is about Joe Biden


not Donny Trump.

The OP is about something Joe Biden said- 30 YEARS AGO

Of course you don't want to talk about lies made with say the last 3 years.......because those are all Donny Trump's

Joe Biden is now a candidate.

And you had no issues with playing recordings of Trump from "a long time ago".

So, now you hypocrites can suck on it.

Joe Biden has been a candidate for months- which of course is why Trump secretly demanded that a foreign government announce it was investigating him.

I have no issue with comparing Joe Biden's lie from 30 years ago- with Donald Trump's lies this year, or last year, or the year before that.

What is hypocritical is the OP- who has his head firmly up the ass of our liar in chief- and support each and every lie Trump makes- having to go back 30 years to find a lie by Joe- while again- supporting each and every lie Trump makes.

By all means, go start your own thread.

Oh, he didn't have to go back 30 years to find a lie. But this was a real good one. Especially when it came out as Biden was in the act of smearing Robert Bork.

I did start my own thread on Trump lying and smearing John McCain. While President.
A New Hampshire voter named Frank Fahey asked Biden, "What law school did you attend and where did you place in that class?"

Who cares?" blurted out someone in the crowd, and Biden appeared to lose his temper.

"I think I probably have a much higher IQ than you do, I suspect. I went to law school on a full academic scholarship. I was the only one in my class to have a full academic scholarship. ... The first year in law school I decided I didn’t want to be in law school and ended up in the bottom two-thirds of my class and then decided I wanted to stay and went back to law school and in fact ended up in the top half of my class. I was the outstanding student in the political science department at the end of my year. I graduated with three degrees from undergraduate school and 165 credits, you only needed 125 credits. And I'd be delighted to sit down and compare my IQ to yours, if you'd like, Frank."
-- Joe Biden responded.

Several months later Biden released his academic records revealing that many of the credentials that he cited in the rant in Claremont were not true.

In fact, Biden attended Syracuse law school on a half-scholarship and graduated near the bottom on his class.

Despite claiming that he improved his academic performance over time, the records did not indicate that he did.

he graduated with a dual major in history and political science -- not "three degrees" as he stated.

Biden is going around the country LYING HIS ASS OFF!

Joe Biden lied about academic record in angry rant with voter
Biden LIED!?!?! OH...My...GOD!

We cannot elect a President who lies!

Oh wait...

Biden will be a real Bozo in the months to come.

Trump has been a real Bozo for over 30 years......just now Bozo is not as entertaining when he is in charge of the U.S. during the pandemic.
This thread is an attack on Biden because 30 years ago he lied- a lie that when he was confronted with- he acknowledged and apologized for- that is integrity.

Pointing out the fact that Joe lied about how smart he is / was, in light of the fact that he just recently declared he was smarter than someone who spoke up at one of his rallies (a claim that is highly dubious), is not an 'attack'. Pointing out that Joe is a dementia-suffering confessed extorter is not an 'attack'. It's addressing reality.

It was 30 years ago... If that is the best you got, then you have got nothing...

This just shows how far you have to go back to find a blemish in his character...

Thanks showing us why Biden is such a great candidate and will make a Great President...
No one has to go far at all to point out that Biden is an old, rich, elitist, white, self-confessed extorting, dementia-suffering cluster-f* of a politician w.

Yet you absolutely had to go back 30 years to find a lie to pin on Biden- while your Dear Leader spins them everyday.

You don't have any problem with Trump being a old, possibly rich, white, self confessed pussy grabber, dementia -suffering clusterfuck of a politician- why specifically do you have a problem with Biden?

Oh right- because he is a Democrat- and because like your Dear Leader- you smear anyone who threatens him- in this case using the dog whistle of ageism while your Dear Leader can't even manage to get his teleprompter speech to the nation correct during a pandemic.
This thread is an attack on Biden because 30 years ago he lied- a lie that when he was confronted with- he acknowledged and apologized for- that is integrity.

Pointing out the fact that Joe lied about how smart he is / was, in light of the fact that he just recently declared he was smarter than someone who spoke up at one of his rallies (a claim that is highly dubious), is not an 'attack'. Pointing out that Joe is a dementia-suffering confessed extorter is not an 'attack'. It's addressing reality.

It was 30 years ago... If that is the best you got, then you have got nothing...

This just shows how far you have to go back to find a blemish in his character...

Thanks showing us why Biden is such a great candidate and will make a Great President...
No one has to go far at all to point out that Biden is an old, rich, elitist, white, self-confessed extorting, dementia-suffering cluster-f* of a politician who is continuing way past his *expiration date. Once again, yesterday, Biden confused Obama's name....where just a week ago he confused and messed up his own name...after being unable to tell the difference between his wife and sister.

You become triggered over someone reminding everyone that Biden is NOT the smartest guy in the room, as he just recently he suggested he was / very well might be, when the fact is he is an average old fart who barely got by in law school - like his criminal soon - and milked that silver spoon he was born with in his mouth for all it was worth. Much like in college and throughout his political career, Biden still plagiarizes stories / quotes / etc ..., taking whatever he deems he needs / wants to personally succeeds.

He is obviously NOT physically / mentally up for the task of running for...and possibly becoming and carrying out the duties of President of the united states....and DESPITE that OBVIOUS yet continuously IGNORED fact, the major media and snowflakes continue to defend him....because at this point Biden is all they have left for any chance at removing President Trump from office before November 2024.

You have to wonder if Syriusly hasn't already purchased a prime place for his head in Joe Biden's ass.

Unlike Trumpkins, I don't have a problem criticizing a candidate I support when they screw up.

Joe is not my first choice for candidate- he makes gaffes that make me cringe- but compared to Trump he is a combination of Mother Theresa and Einstein.
Unless Trump has him whacked by a foreign government- yeah he is going to be our candidate.
No need for that - Biden's video-taped confession of extorting the previous Ukraine PM with Barry's knowledge / blessing - confirmed by Nadler - is enough.

You mean where Biden bragged about carrying out American foreign policy supported by the GOP, the IMF, and the EU?

Yeah- that is enough.

Meanwhile- you guys voted for the candidate with the taped confession of assaulting women by grabbing their pussies.......must make you feel proud.
Don't need a defense for Joe Biden. He is a much better candidate than that feckless, divisive, grifter Trump. Biden has good experience in government over the past 30 years, while Trump has spent that time stiffing the system wherever possible to get rich. He is the worst possible person to be in the White House during a disaster because he doesn't understand leadership, economics, or people. He is disorganized financially in his life (5 bankruptcies) and is not capable of the leadership necessary to get us out of this mess. My hope is that somebody in his administration does have those skills to guide us through and that Trump will finally listen to advice that he needs
rather than advice that he wants to support his ego.

And again, the majority of that post was about Trump. My observation stands unchallenged.

And if the election in November was only going be between Biden and Biden- your observation would be relevant.

However in November voters need to decide who would be a better President for the United States- Joe Biden or Donald Trump.

And by any comparison- Joe Biden is a better communicator, is a better leader, and is a more moral person than Donald Trump.

And by any comparison- Joe Biden is more honest than Donald Trump.

He won't be your nominee.

Unless Trump has him whacked by a foreign government- yeah he is going to be our candidate.

No, he won't. Just because you lemmings can't admit that Joe is teetering on the ege of dementia your Party darn sure can.
It will be brokered and Hillary will be your nominee, or he will choose Hillary as his VP and resigh shortly ater the election should he win.

LOL you really do listen to too much Fox News.

I bet Biden can spell 'edge' correctly.

Biden will be our nominee. He won't choose Hillary as his VP, and months from now when you are shown to be sooooo completely asinine in this prediction you will not have the cojones to admit you were wrong.
Biden is not mentally up to the task and Trump is? Trump has already exposed his incapacity to govern. Time for a change---any change before Trump annihilates our democracy.

Now I have to wonder about your mental status...

(Pre-COVID-19 fear-mongering panic)
President Trump has achieved the strongest economy in 50 years...

He has done things the Leftist World Order said could not be done - defeat Hillary and bring jobs back to the US

He is responsible for the lowest unemployment rate in decades, 'ever' in some cases

Higher paying jobs, raises, bonuses, more job opportunities, and the most Americans working at one time ever

Record Stock Markett.

Yeah- tell us more about that record stock market........

Wasn't it you who started a thread last week about the stock market- and then abandoned it after 'Trump's' stock market continued to tank?

Oh yes it was- you ran and never looked back.
Biden is not mentally up to the task and Trump is? Trump has already exposed his incapacity to govern. Time for a change---any change before Trump annihilates our democracy.

Now I have to wonder about your mental status...

(Pre-COVID-19 fear-mongering panic)
President Trump has achieved the strongest economy in 50 years...

He has done things the Leftist World Order said could not be done - defeat Hillary and bring jobs back to the US

He is responsible for the lowest unemployment rate in decades, 'ever' in some cases

Higher paying jobs, raises, bonuses, more job opportunities, and the most Americans working at one time ever

Record Stock Market

Best Trade Deals with nations other leaders would not dare challenge in order to fight for Americans

Better Foreign Policy / Relations than under Obama (according to Obama-appointed ambassadors)
and more.....

All accomplished during 4 years of continuous, non-stop, proven undermining, opposition, sedition, conspiracy, FISA Court Abuse-fueled criminal coup attempts, and a failed historic, 1st-ever admitted Partisan Impeachment attempt ...

Biden messed up his own name this past week end and, as mentioned, messed up Barry's, could not remember what state he was in, declared to one rally's audience he was running for the SENATE, and could not tell the difference between his wife and sister....and what the hell is an AR-14?

If his dementia was not enough to give sane voters pause, in a desperate attempt to win over the radical left he has partnered with Beto 'I am coming door-to-door-to-take-your-guns' O'Rourke, embraced the radical abortionists' agenda.

And if anyone is claiming he is mentally competent, that means they are saying Biden MEANT to give his video-taped confession of extorting the former Ukraine PM....which Barry knew about and approved of, according to Joe and Jerry Nadler.

Yeah, good luck with that.

The trade deal with Canada and Mexico was only a tweak of the Nafta agreement and was in process when he took office. The trade deal with China was a big noTrump goosed an economy that was in the process of recovering when he took office. He did this by slashing environmental regulations (put in place to protect us from abuses by big business), slashed business regulations, reduced consumer protection, and gave a huge tax reduction to the wealthy with no way to pay for it. Now he has no tools to fight a recession when it comes. The pollution in our cities is the most since 2008.

thing and we have yet to see whether our intellectual property is better protected. The cost to individual consumers has already increased by an average of $1700 per year due to Trump’s trade wars. 20% of our farmers have gone bankrupt due to his trade wars. Trump is turning us into an isolationist country, and the cost of goods and services will surely skyrocket.

His removal of troops has cost the lives of thousands of Kurds and our allies no longer trust us to keep our word and are heading in a different direction. His agreement with the Talaban is already falling apart as the Talaban are still attacking. His North Korean love fest has turned out to be a complete fiasco. His exit from the Iran agreement has only fueled the fire in the Middle East. Why didn’t he negotiate before he exited when he had someone to talk to? Now they say we cannot be trusted. His Palestine peace proposal did not include the Palestinians and they of course rejected it. I think that he is trying to secure the Jewish vote, but Jews in this country generally oppose Netenyahu’s incursions.

He has alienated friends and foes alike with his pompous, boorish, narcissistic approach.

Immigration? He needs to have some empathy, compassion and responsibility for these poor people and their plight. We have some culpability in this fiasco. Our governments have coddled Central American dictators in the name of oil, sending money and supplies for their people, which never were distributed. Now they face horrors in their countries. Trump has not hired enough immigration judges to deal with this influx and has separated children from parents (not much compassion here). We need a sound approach, rather a Trump approach.

Then we have his admitted sexual molestation situation which in itself is a turn-off. His bringing

Inexperienced people into his circle as advisors is hurting us, since they tell him what he wants to hrar rather than what he needs to hear. His insistance on loyalty to him instead of the American people is disgusting, as is his personal attacks and investigation of people who oppose him.

I believe that Trump wants to turn our country into an autocracy with him in charge. God help us if he is successful.
The tales you Democrats told never fit. And it resulted in an innocent President Trump being acquitted of your false narratives, false charges, and outright lies complete with nasty name calling. In the process, you woke up the sleeping Giant that the American public is, and they're directly mad at the Democrats who lied, corrupted FBI officials, got people they hated killed, and President Obama's May, 2016 memo to impeach Trump if he won (they already knew the American people didn't like Hillary much), they would impeach the pie out of him. After three years of that, you made the American people really unhappy with the Democrat Socialist/communist organization. And you're going to lose big time come November.

The trouble with shouting "wolf" many times when there is no wolf is that people start ignoring you. Then, on voting day, the vote for the people you lied about.

How unfortunate you consider the sleeping giant stupid. He's going to vote you Democrats out.

I look forward to election day as much as you do.

After 3 years of the Trump- the boy that would be King- the American public is fed up with both his ineptness and his moral corruption.

Your Dear Leader has for 3 years spun lie after lie to the American people, while indulging in childish bullying of anyone he disagrees with- and the Grand Old Party has been reduced to nothing more than the Trump Party of suckups- as every Republican is terrified that your Dear Leader will attack them if they dare disagree with any of his lies or attacks.

The sleeping giant has been awoken by your Fascist boy king- and the American public is going to be voting you Trumpkins out of office.

Nice fantasy. You better stock up on tissues and butt hurt cream. You’re going to need them. After 3 years of Dim lies and stupidity, Republicans will retake the House, keep the Senate and Trump is re-elected. Dims nationwide flood cities with their tears.

LOL- we will see in November won't we?

After 3 years of Trump lies and stupidity- and 3 years of gullible Trumpkins believing every lie he utters.

Lets try this one- kind of a current event:

You know; corona virus:

Jan. 22: “We have it totally under control.”

Feb. 26: “Because of all we’ve done, the risk to the American people remains very low. … When you have 15 people, and the 15 within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero. That’s a pretty good job we’ve done."

Poor lying uninformed moron. Let’s correct your stupidity. Three years of Dim lies. See Russia, Stormy, Russia, Ukraine, did we mention Russia? You know: the corona virus which isn’t nearly as bad as you lying Dims have claimed? The one that 75% of the country APPrOVES of Trump’s response to? You idiots are running Joe “I touch children inappropriately” Biden. Yet you somehow think he’s going to win? That’s the biggest LOL of all.

You guys are running "I grab women by the pussies" Trump. And you voted for the guy.

Notice how you just totally ignored Trump's lies- because- well that is what you Trumpkins do- so I will repeat once again:

Jan. 22: “We have it totally under control.”

Feb. 26: “Because of all we’ve done, the risk to the American people remains very low. … When you have 15 people, and the 15 within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero. That’s a pretty good job we’ve done.

Continually repeating your lies doesn’t make them magically come true. Since this thread is about Biden not Trump, you should get back on topic.
This thread is an attack on Biden because 30 years ago he lied- a lie that when he was confronted with- he acknowledged and apologized for- that is integrity.

Pointing out the fact that Joe lied about how smart he is / was, in light of the fact that he just recently declared he was smarter than someone who spoke up at one of his rallies (a claim that is highly dubious), is not an 'attack'. Pointing out that Joe is a dementia-suffering confessed extorter is not an 'attack'. It's addressing reality.

It was 30 years ago... If that is the best you got, then you have got nothing...

This just shows how far you have to go back to find a blemish in his character...

Thanks showing us why Biden is such a great candidate and will make a Great President...
No one has to go far at all to point out that Biden is an old, rich, elitist, white, self-confessed extorting, dementia-suffering cluster-f* of a politician who is continuing way past his *expiration date. Once again, yesterday, Biden confused Obama's name....where just a week ago he confused and messed up his own name...after being unable to tell the difference between his wife and sister.

You become triggered over someone reminding everyone that Biden is NOT the smartest guy in the room, as he just recently he suggested he was / very well might be, when the fact is he is an average old fart who barely got by in law school - like his criminal soon - and milked that silver spoon he was born with in his mouth for all it was worth. Much like in college and throughout his political career, Biden still plagiarizes stories / quotes / etc ..., taking whatever he deems he needs / wants to personally succeeds.

He is obviously NOT physically / mentally up for the task of running for...and possibly becoming and carrying out the duties of President of the united states....and DESPITE that OBVIOUS yet continuously IGNORED fact, the major media and snowflakes continue to defend him....because at this point Biden is all they have left for any chance at removing President Trump from office before November 2024.

You have to wonder if Syriusly hasn't already purchased a prime place for his head in Joe Biden's ass.

Nah, he/she is just being accurate in the depiction of grifter Trump.
Don't need a defense for Joe Biden. He is a much better candidate than that feckless, divisive, grifter Trump. Biden has good experience in government over the past 30 years, while Trump has spent that time stiffing the system wherever possible to get rich. He is the worst possible person to be in the White House during a disaster because he doesn't understand leadership, economics, or people. He is disorganized financially in his life (5 bankruptcies) and is not capable of the leadership necessary to get us out of this mess. My hope is that somebody in his administration does have those skills to guide us through and that Trump will finally listen to advice that he needs
rather than advice that he wants to support his ego.

And again, the majority of that post was about Trump. My observation stands unchallenged.

And if the election in November was only going be between Biden and Biden- your observation would be relevant.

However in November voters need to decide who would be a better President for the United States- Joe Biden or Donald Trump.

And by any comparison- Joe Biden is a better communicator, is a better leader, and is a more moral person than Donald Trump.

And by any comparison- Joe Biden is more honest than Donald Trump.

He won't be your nominee.

Unless Trump has him whacked by a foreign government- yeah he is going to be our candidate.

No, he won't. Just because you lemmings can't admit that Joe is teetering on the ege of dementia your Party darn sure can.
It will be brokered and Hillary will be your nominee, or he will choose Hillary as his VP and resigh shortly ater the election should he win.

And Trump? You think he is mentally sound ? Get real
Pointing out the fact that Joe lied about how smart he is / was, in light of the fact that he just recently declared he was smarter than someone who spoke up at one of his rallies (a claim that is highly dubious), is not an 'attack'. Pointing out that Joe is a dementia-suffering confessed extorter is not an 'attack'. It's addressing reality.

It was 30 years ago... If that is the best you got, then you have got nothing...

This just shows how far you have to go back to find a blemish in his character...

Thanks showing us why Biden is such a great candidate and will make a Great President...
No one has to go far at all to point out that Biden is an old, rich, elitist, white, self-confessed extorting, dementia-suffering cluster-f* of a politician who is continuing way past his *expiration date. Once again, yesterday, Biden confused Obama's name....where just a week ago he confused and messed up his own name...after being unable to tell the difference between his wife and sister.

You become triggered over someone reminding everyone that Biden is NOT the smartest guy in the room, as he just recently he suggested he was / very well might be, when the fact is he is an average old fart who barely got by in law school - like his criminal soon - and milked that silver spoon he was born with in his mouth for all it was worth. Much like in college and throughout his political career, Biden still plagiarizes stories / quotes / etc ..., taking whatever he deems he needs / wants to personally succeeds.

He is obviously NOT physically / mentally up for the task of running for...and possibly becoming and carrying out the duties of President of the united states....and DESPITE that OBVIOUS yet continuously IGNORED fact, the major media and snowflakes continue to defend him....because at this point Biden is all they have left for any chance at removing President Trump from office before November 2024.

You have to wonder if Syriusly hasn't already purchased a prime place for his head in Joe Biden's ass.

Nah, he/she is just being accurate in the depiction of grifter Trump.
And again, the majority of that post was about Trump. My observation stands unchallenged.

And if the election in November was only going be between Biden and Biden- your observation would be relevant.

However in November voters need to decide who would be a better President for the United States- Joe Biden or Donald Trump.

And by any comparison- Joe Biden is a better communicator, is a better leader, and is a more moral person than Donald Trump.

And by any comparison- Joe Biden is more honest than Donald Trump.

He won't be your nominee.

Unless Trump has him whacked by a foreign government- yeah he is going to be our candidate.

No, he won't. Just because you lemmings can't admit that Joe is teetering on the ege of dementia your Party darn sure can.
It will be brokered and Hillary will be your nominee, or he will choose Hillary as his VP and resigh shortly ater the election should he win.

And Trump? You think he is mentally sound ? Get real

Ego and Narcissism run rampant in the man but his mind is fine. Your hatred makes you foolish.
It was 30 years ago... If that is the best you got, then you have got nothing...

This just shows how far you have to go back to find a blemish in his character...

Thanks showing us why Biden is such a great candidate and will make a Great President...
No one has to go far at all to point out that Biden is an old, rich, elitist, white, self-confessed extorting, dementia-suffering cluster-f* of a politician who is continuing way past his *expiration date. Once again, yesterday, Biden confused Obama's name....where just a week ago he confused and messed up his own name...after being unable to tell the difference between his wife and sister.

You become triggered over someone reminding everyone that Biden is NOT the smartest guy in the room, as he just recently he suggested he was / very well might be, when the fact is he is an average old fart who barely got by in law school - like his criminal soon - and milked that silver spoon he was born with in his mouth for all it was worth. Much like in college and throughout his political career, Biden still plagiarizes stories / quotes / etc ..., taking whatever he deems he needs / wants to personally succeeds.

He is obviously NOT physically / mentally up for the task of running for...and possibly becoming and carrying out the duties of President of the united states....and DESPITE that OBVIOUS yet continuously IGNORED fact, the major media and snowflakes continue to defend him....because at this point Biden is all they have left for any chance at removing President Trump from office before November 2024.

You have to wonder if Syriusly hasn't already purchased a prime place for his head in Joe Biden's ass.

Nah, he/she is just being accurate in the depiction of grifter Trump.
And if the election in November was only going be between Biden and Biden- your observation would be relevant.

However in November voters need to decide who would be a better President for the United States- Joe Biden or Donald Trump.

And by any comparison- Joe Biden is a better communicator, is a better leader, and is a more moral person than Donald Trump.

And by any comparison- Joe Biden is more honest than Donald Trump.

He won't be your nominee.

Unless Trump has him whacked by a foreign government- yeah he is going to be our candidate.

No, he won't. Just because you lemmings can't admit that Joe is teetering on the ege of dementia your Party darn sure can.
It will be brokered and Hillary will be your nominee, or he will choose Hillary as his VP and resigh shortly ater the election should he win.

And Trump? You think he is mentally sound ? Get real

Ego and Narcissism run rampant in the man but his mind is fine. Your hatred makes you foolish.

Trump's mind is not fine, not at all. My dislike of this divisive grifter stems from his desire to destroy our democracy and become an autocrat like his friend Putin. His handling of this crisis has been atrocious as he blamed Democrats for it and you believed him---again. He has put 2 hacks in charge of the crisis instead of medical professionals. His leadership skills are non-existent as all he does is to put blame in a boorish way on everyone else instead of taking responsibility, and even doubles down! Your constant defense of this character makes you look uninformed and uneducated.
No one has to go far at all to point out that Biden is an old, rich, elitist, white, self-confessed extorting, dementia-suffering cluster-f* of a politician who is continuing way past his *expiration date. Once again, yesterday, Biden confused Obama's name....where just a week ago he confused and messed up his own name...after being unable to tell the difference between his wife and sister.

You become triggered over someone reminding everyone that Biden is NOT the smartest guy in the room, as he just recently he suggested he was / very well might be, when the fact is he is an average old fart who barely got by in law school - like his criminal soon - and milked that silver spoon he was born with in his mouth for all it was worth. Much like in college and throughout his political career, Biden still plagiarizes stories / quotes / etc ..., taking whatever he deems he needs / wants to personally succeeds.

He is obviously NOT physically / mentally up for the task of running for...and possibly becoming and carrying out the duties of President of the united states....and DESPITE that OBVIOUS yet continuously IGNORED fact, the major media and snowflakes continue to defend him....because at this point Biden is all they have left for any chance at removing President Trump from office before November 2024.

You have to wonder if Syriusly hasn't already purchased a prime place for his head in Joe Biden's ass.

Nah, he/she is just being accurate in the depiction of grifter Trump.
He won't be your nominee.

Unless Trump has him whacked by a foreign government- yeah he is going to be our candidate.

No, he won't. Just because you lemmings can't admit that Joe is teetering on the ege of dementia your Party darn sure can.
It will be brokered and Hillary will be your nominee, or he will choose Hillary as his VP and resigh shortly ater the election should he win.

And Trump? You think he is mentally sound ? Get real

Ego and Narcissism run rampant in the man but his mind is fine. Your hatred makes you foolish.

Trump's mind is not fine, not at all. My dislike of this divisive grifter stems from his desire to destroy our democracy and become an autocrat like his friend Putin. His handling of this crisis has been atrocious as he blamed Democrats for it and you believed him---again. He has put 2 hacks in charge of the crisis instead of medical professionals. His leadership skills are non-existent as all he does is to put blame in a boorish way on everyone else instead of taking responsibility, and even doubles down! Your constant defense of this character makes you look uninformed and uneducated.

With all due respect, you're simply full of shit.Your black messiah put a Lawyer in charge of his "crisis". Your observations of my actions makes no difference to me. You are nowhere near my level kid, your info comes from purely hack sources. To be frank kid, YOU are stupid because you actually think politics is a binary endeavor. Rump has been pretty god here.
You have to wonder if Syriusly hasn't already purchased a prime place for his head in Joe Biden's ass.

Nah, he/she is just being accurate in the depiction of grifter Trump.
Unless Trump has him whacked by a foreign government- yeah he is going to be our candidate.

No, he won't. Just because you lemmings can't admit that Joe is teetering on the ege of dementia your Party darn sure can.
It will be brokered and Hillary will be your nominee, or he will choose Hillary as his VP and resigh shortly ater the election should he win.

And Trump? You think he is mentally sound ? Get real

Ego and Narcissism run rampant in the man but his mind is fine. Your hatred makes you foolish.

Trump's mind is not fine, not at all. My dislike of this divisive grifter stems from his desire to destroy our democracy and become an autocrat like his friend Putin. His handling of this crisis has been atrocious as he blamed Democrats for it and you believed him---again. He has put 2 hacks in charge of the crisis instead of medical professionals. His leadership skills are non-existent as all he does is to put blame in a boorish way on everyone else instead of taking responsibility, and even doubles down! Your constant defense of this character makes you look uninformed and uneducated.

With all due respect, you're simply full of shit.Your black messiah put a Lawyer in charge of his "crisis". Your observations of my actions makes no difference to me. You are nowhere near my level kid, your info comes from purely hack sources. To be frank kid, YOU are stupid because you actually think politics is a binary endeavor. Rump has been pretty god here.

How Barack Obama rescued the US economy | Financial Times › content
Jan 10, 2017 - But Mr Obama's Council of Economic Advisers does first-rate analysis. ... how close the US economy came to an outright depression during the crisis. ... of George W Bush was responsible for the immediate response.

Obama had a council of economic advisors to offer educated advice that he needed to hear and not just 2 hacks who he could control. Your response is typical of those who are clueless and I say this without any respect.
Nah, he/she is just being accurate in the depiction of grifter Trump.
No, he won't. Just because you lemmings can't admit that Joe is teetering on the ege of dementia your Party darn sure can.
It will be brokered and Hillary will be your nominee, or he will choose Hillary as his VP and resigh shortly ater the election should he win.

And Trump? You think he is mentally sound ? Get real

Ego and Narcissism run rampant in the man but his mind is fine. Your hatred makes you foolish.

Trump's mind is not fine, not at all. My dislike of this divisive grifter stems from his desire to destroy our democracy and become an autocrat like his friend Putin. His handling of this crisis has been atrocious as he blamed Democrats for it and you believed him---again. He has put 2 hacks in charge of the crisis instead of medical professionals. His leadership skills are non-existent as all he does is to put blame in a boorish way on everyone else instead of taking responsibility, and even doubles down! Your constant defense of this character makes you look uninformed and uneducated.

With all due respect, you're simply full of shit.Your black messiah put a Lawyer in charge of his "crisis". Your observations of my actions makes no difference to me. You are nowhere near my level kid, your info comes from purely hack sources. To be frank kid, YOU are stupid because you actually think politics is a binary endeavor. Rump has been pretty god here.

How Barack Obama rescued the US economy | Financial Times › content
Jan 10, 2017 - But Mr Obama's Council of Economic Advisers does first-rate analysis. ... how close the US economy came to an outright depression during the crisis. ... of George W Bush was responsible for the immediate response.

Obama had a council of economic advisors to offer educated advice that he needed to hear and not just 2 hacks who he could control. Your response is typical of those who are clueless and I say this without any respect.

We've all heard this fairy tale before.

Obama presided over one of the slowest recoveries ever.

Obama And The Dem's Dismal Recovery
And Trump? You think he is mentally sound ? Get real

Ego and Narcissism run rampant in the man but his mind is fine. Your hatred makes you foolish.

Trump's mind is not fine, not at all. My dislike of this divisive grifter stems from his desire to destroy our democracy and become an autocrat like his friend Putin. His handling of this crisis has been atrocious as he blamed Democrats for it and you believed him---again. He has put 2 hacks in charge of the crisis instead of medical professionals. His leadership skills are non-existent as all he does is to put blame in a boorish way on everyone else instead of taking responsibility, and even doubles down! Your constant defense of this character makes you look uninformed and uneducated.

With all due respect, you're simply full of shit.Your black messiah put a Lawyer in charge of his "crisis". Your observations of my actions makes no difference to me. You are nowhere near my level kid, your info comes from purely hack sources. To be frank kid, YOU are stupid because you actually think politics is a binary endeavor. Rump has been pretty god here.

How Barack Obama rescued the US economy | Financial Times › content
Jan 10, 2017 - But Mr Obama's Council of Economic Advisers does first-rate analysis. ... how close the US economy came to an outright depression during the crisis. ... of George W Bush was responsible for the immediate response.

Obama had a council of economic advisors to offer educated advice that he needed to hear and not just 2 hacks who he could control. Your response is typical of those who are clueless and I say this without any respect.

We've all heard this fairy tale before.

Obama presided over one of the slowest recoveries ever.

Obama And The Dem's Dismal Recovery

It was the deepest recessions ever and Obama was responsible for its recovery. Trump should have let it go and continue to recover rather than goosing it. A long, steady recovery is more desirable than using unneeded tools. Save 'em for when we need them.
Now Trump, who needed to satisfy his overripe ego and be the great and knowledgeable savior sits with his finger in his rear, and that is no fairy tale. We will see how ordinary folks fare during the turndown and it doesn't look good for us, yes? Trump's fairy tale is a figment of your imagination and overheated economies always end with a big thump. I hope you don't lose your job.
Ego and Narcissism run rampant in the man but his mind is fine. Your hatred makes you foolish.

Trump's mind is not fine, not at all. My dislike of this divisive grifter stems from his desire to destroy our democracy and become an autocrat like his friend Putin. His handling of this crisis has been atrocious as he blamed Democrats for it and you believed him---again. He has put 2 hacks in charge of the crisis instead of medical professionals. His leadership skills are non-existent as all he does is to put blame in a boorish way on everyone else instead of taking responsibility, and even doubles down! Your constant defense of this character makes you look uninformed and uneducated.

With all due respect, you're simply full of shit.Your black messiah put a Lawyer in charge of his "crisis". Your observations of my actions makes no difference to me. You are nowhere near my level kid, your info comes from purely hack sources. To be frank kid, YOU are stupid because you actually think politics is a binary endeavor. Rump has been pretty god here.

How Barack Obama rescued the US economy | Financial Times › content
Jan 10, 2017 - But Mr Obama's Council of Economic Advisers does first-rate analysis. ... how close the US economy came to an outright depression during the crisis. ... of George W Bush was responsible for the immediate response.

Obama had a council of economic advisors to offer educated advice that he needed to hear and not just 2 hacks who he could control. Your response is typical of those who are clueless and I say this without any respect.

We've all heard this fairy tale before.

Obama presided over one of the slowest recoveries ever.

Obama And The Dem's Dismal Recovery

It was the deepest recessions ever and Obama was responsible for its recovery. Trump should have let it go and continue to recover rather than goosing it. A long, steady recovery is more desirable than using unneeded tools. Save 'em for when we need them.
Now Trump, who needed to satisfy his overripe ego and be the great and knowledgeable savior sits with his finger in his rear, and that is no fairy tale. We will see how ordinary folks fare during the turndown and it doesn't look good for us, yes? Trump's fairy tale is a figment of your imagination and overheated economies always end with a big thump. I hope you don't lose your job.

When I need a fairy tale, someone better looking than you is going to provide it for me.
Trump's mind is not fine, not at all. My dislike of this divisive grifter stems from his desire to destroy our democracy and become an autocrat like his friend Putin. His handling of this crisis has been atrocious as he blamed Democrats for it and you believed him---again. He has put 2 hacks in charge of the crisis instead of medical professionals. His leadership skills are non-existent as all he does is to put blame in a boorish way on everyone else instead of taking responsibility, and even doubles down! Your constant defense of this character makes you look uninformed and uneducated.

With all due respect, you're simply full of shit.Your black messiah put a Lawyer in charge of his "crisis". Your observations of my actions makes no difference to me. You are nowhere near my level kid, your info comes from purely hack sources. To be frank kid, YOU are stupid because you actually think politics is a binary endeavor. Rump has been pretty god here.

How Barack Obama rescued the US economy | Financial Times › content
Jan 10, 2017 - But Mr Obama's Council of Economic Advisers does first-rate analysis. ... how close the US economy came to an outright depression during the crisis. ... of George W Bush was responsible for the immediate response.

Obama had a council of economic advisors to offer educated advice that he needed to hear and not just 2 hacks who he could control. Your response is typical of those who are clueless and I say this without any respect.

We've all heard this fairy tale before.

Obama presided over one of the slowest recoveries ever.

Obama And The Dem's Dismal Recovery

It was the deepest recessions ever and Obama was responsible for its recovery. Trump should have let it go and continue to recover rather than goosing it. A long, steady recovery is more desirable than using unneeded tools. Save 'em for when we need them.
Now Trump, who needed to satisfy his overripe ego and be the great and knowledgeable savior sits with his finger in his rear, and that is no fairy tale. We will see how ordinary folks fare during the turndown and it doesn't look good for us, yes? Trump's fairy tale is a figment of your imagination and overheated economies always end with a big thump. I hope you don't lose your job.

When I need a fairy tale, someone better looking than you is going to provide it for me.

Peace, brother
Trump's mind is not fine, not at all. My dislike of this divisive grifter stems from his desire to destroy our democracy and become an autocrat like his friend Putin. His handling of this crisis has been atrocious as he blamed Democrats for it and you believed him---again. He has put 2 hacks in charge of the crisis instead of medical professionals. His leadership skills are non-existent as all he does is to put blame in a boorish way on everyone else instead of taking responsibility, and even doubles down! Your constant defense of this character makes you look uninformed and uneducated.

With all due respect, you're simply full of shit.Your black messiah put a Lawyer in charge of his "crisis". Your observations of my actions makes no difference to me. You are nowhere near my level kid, your info comes from purely hack sources. To be frank kid, YOU are stupid because you actually think politics is a binary endeavor. Rump has been pretty god here.

How Barack Obama rescued the US economy | Financial Times › content
Jan 10, 2017 - But Mr Obama's Council of Economic Advisers does first-rate analysis. ... how close the US economy came to an outright depression during the crisis. ... of George W Bush was responsible for the immediate response.

Obama had a council of economic advisors to offer educated advice that he needed to hear and not just 2 hacks who he could control. Your response is typical of those who are clueless and I say this without any respect.

We've all heard this fairy tale before.

Obama presided over one of the slowest recoveries ever.

Obama And The Dem's Dismal Recovery

It was the deepest recessions ever and Obama was responsible for its recovery. Trump should have let it go and continue to recover rather than goosing it. A long, steady recovery is more desirable than using unneeded tools. Save 'em for when we need them.
Now Trump, who needed to satisfy his overripe ego and be the great and knowledgeable savior sits with his finger in his rear, and that is no fairy tale. We will see how ordinary folks fare during the turndown and it doesn't look good for us, yes? Trump's fairy tale is a figment of your imagination and overheated economies always end with a big thump. I hope you don't lose your job.

When I need a fairy tale, someone better looking than you is going to provide it for me.

Now you listen to me, buster. I am a 28yr old female, 5'10" tall, long blond hair which you will never see proof of with your attitude,
full-breasted (no bolt-ons), legs all the way up to my shoulders, never had kids (nice 'n tight), love aerobics every day, and a former Miss Florida runner-up. That orange peel, egotistical moronic nut-case in the White House ain't better looking than me. Trust me!
Last edited:
With all due respect, you're simply full of shit.Your black messiah put a Lawyer in charge of his "crisis". Your observations of my actions makes no difference to me. You are nowhere near my level kid, your info comes from purely hack sources. To be frank kid, YOU are stupid because you actually think politics is a binary endeavor. Rump has been pretty god here.

How Barack Obama rescued the US economy | Financial Times › content
Jan 10, 2017 - But Mr Obama's Council of Economic Advisers does first-rate analysis. ... how close the US economy came to an outright depression during the crisis. ... of George W Bush was responsible for the immediate response.

Obama had a council of economic advisors to offer educated advice that he needed to hear and not just 2 hacks who he could control. Your response is typical of those who are clueless and I say this without any respect.

We've all heard this fairy tale before.

Obama presided over one of the slowest recoveries ever.

Obama And The Dem's Dismal Recovery

It was the deepest recessions ever and Obama was responsible for its recovery. Trump should have let it go and continue to recover rather than goosing it. A long, steady recovery is more desirable than using unneeded tools. Save 'em for when we need them.
Now Trump, who needed to satisfy his overripe ego and be the great and knowledgeable savior sits with his finger in his rear, and that is no fairy tale. We will see how ordinary folks fare during the turndown and it doesn't look good for us, yes? Trump's fairy tale is a figment of your imagination and overheated economies always end with a big thump. I hope you don't lose your job.

When I need a fairy tale, someone better looking than you is going to provide it for me.

Now you listen to me, buster. I am a 28yr old female, 5'10" tall, long blond hair which you will never see proof of with your attitude,
full-breasted (no bolt-ons), legs all the way up to my shoulders, never had kids (nice 'n tight), love aerobics every day, and a former Miss Florida runner-up. That orange peel, egotistical moronic nut-case in the White House ain't better looking than me. Trust me!

I'm willing to bet my dog is better looking than you.

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