Biden lifts sanctions on Iran’s nuclear program.

Another payoff to his handlers Putin and Xi.

Lets be clear...

The Trump Supporters are the ones that are repeating Russian false propaganda. Tucker Carlson is praised on Russian Government TV. Russians wanted Trump over Biden...

The GOP and Trump are in the can for Putin... You have been feed a diet of misinformation from Russia being pushed by Right wing media... They are traitors but that won't stop you...

Trump supports Russia everytime he could...
The waiver with respect to these activities is designed to facilitate discussions that would help to close a deal on a mutual return to full implementation of the JCPOA and lay the groundwork for Iran's return to performance of its JCPOA commitments,

In other words, the Biden Administration is just naive enough to believe that if you give terrorist a cookie they will like you and no longer pursue your destruction. It is beyond naive and clearly falls into the STUPID category.
Veggie Joe opens the door for Putin and Xi to help Iran produce nukes, and all you have is ORANGE MAN BAD!

What a clown you are.
You are clueless ...

Trump's actions broke the agreement and allowed Iran to get Nuclear engineers from around the world who wanted the cash... There lead actually comes from Pakistan I believe... Because US broke the agreement anyone could help Iran develop nuclear weapons..

Iran is a complex place too and there were people there who didn't like the agreement as well... The thing is the agreement was about deescalating tnsions and coming back to normality, but Trump got pushed from the war mongers in the GOP...

Between 2015 and 2019 Iran did no Nuclear Weapon enhancements. Trump pulled out of agreement on May 2019, by November 2019, Iran doubled the number of advanced centrifuges it operates. Complete and utter failure of Trump...
In other words, the Biden Administration is just naive enough to believe that if you give terrorist a cookie they will like you and no longer pursue your destruction. It is beyond naive and clearly falls into the STUPID category.

Explain why when Trump pulled out that Iran got far closer to having a Nuclear Bomb than when the agreement was in place... Building a nuclear bomb is science, something ye have shown little understanding to in the past...

Can you explain how Iran managed to build a bomb in secret?
You have been feed a diet of misinformation from Russia being pushed by Right wing media...

Like Russia stole the election for Trump?

Trump supports Russia everytime he could...

Was Trump handing out "reset" buttons?
Being all flexible with missile defense in Eastern Europe?
Trump's actions broke the agreement and allowed Iran to get Nuclear engineers from around the world who wanted the cash...

Iran didn't have cash after Trump's sanctions.
Haven't you heard the Iranians whining about that?
Their currency is in the toilet. Their people on the edge of revolt.

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