Biden lifts sanctions on Iran’s nuclear program.

The JCPOA allowed Iran to test and build ballistic missiles, allowed Iran to test and make nuclear weapons after the 10 year period, and allowed Iran to export terrorism around the globe. Hip Hip Hooray. What a great deal to go back to.
Iran has been developing missile systems since the era of the Shah.
Only an idiot would believe that Iran ever stopped or even slowed down their nuke program. I don't when it's going to happen, but sooner or later Israel will be decimated by a nuclear bomb from Iran. Directly or indirectly, it'll come from them.
Israel unofficially has nukes. If they are targeted, they will launch.
Could a strike on Iran happen during the Olympic games.

Why not!

last night's opening ceremonies went swimmingly well and had peace written all over it!

No one can "strike" Iran.
Unlike the Osirac nuclear power plant that Israel blew up in Iraq, the Iranian sites are HOT.
That means any attack could kill millions of innocent people, and release enough radiation to kill people as far as India.
Anyone doing that would have to be retaliated against.
Does matter who.
It simply would be illegal and barbaric to attack any Iranian nuclear site.
IF nukes were used - VERY DOUBTFUL - they'd be "low yield" and either be deep-ground penetrators for the production facilities that are buried very deeply OR a low-yield airburst high enough to create a localized EMP. The Iranians may have hardened most of their sites for this, though.

OH YEAH. If Israel does an effective job of setting back their nuke card, they'll send every asset they've got at Israel and they can do heavy, heavy damage to Israel with conventional ballistic missiles. The Israelis know this all too well and that's why IF we see them strike, it will be because they have no other option. Iran must not be allowed to have a weapon with which they can shut down the flow of a major portion of the world's energy flow and do so on a whim.

They've already floated (forgive the pun) the idea of charging every vessel through the Straits of Hormuz a "fee" for passage. Once they have an arsenal of nukes, who will be willing to test the mad bastards? I think Biden's top handler, the Tan Messiah, hates Israel enough to create this kind of threat to them. He's an EVIL bastard, himself.

That depends on what you mean by "involved". I doubt they'd field troops against Israel (for now) but they'd rally all their buds in the UN to make Israel's life as untenable as possible. I think the current DC regime would turn on Israel completely if they attacked "without permission".

Iran can NOT be attacked.
It would be illegal, the UN, Russia, China, etc., would all have to retaliate.
There is no way to attack a nuclear enrichment site in a limited way.
You would kill millions and poison the land as far away as India.
That would be 10 times worse than Chernobyl.
Thanks for making my point. I'll give you credit for integrity at least. Seriously though... you believe they'd restrict themselves to the concept of defense in existential situations, only? Do actually believe that they'd refuse to threaten other nations with their new toys? Hell, they ALREADY threaten most of the nations in their region. The kicker that makes Biden's move even more insane is that they threaten US publicly at every opportunity.

I've seen people on boards like this who have actually said America is "owed" a couple of these on its on soil as payback. I'm not entirely sure that the current regime, whoever the hell is in charge, would even strike back if one of our cities were hit.

Iran has NEVER threatened anyone.
Payback in retaliation if they were attacked, is not a threat.

And yes, the US is the most guilty country on the planet, for example, the WMD lies used to invade Iraq illegally.
"The waiver with respect to these activities is designed to facilitate discussions that would help to close a deal on a mutual return to full implementation of the JCPOA and lay the groundwork for Iran's return to performance of its JCPOA commitments," the State Department said in a notice to the US Congress.

The waivers permit foreign countries and companies to work on civilian projects at Iran's Bushehr nuclear power station, its Arak heavy water plant, and the Tehran Research Reactor without triggering US sanctions.
Biden is just carrying out Obama’s orders to help Iran and Russia destroy Israel!
I'll cheerfully apologize if the U.S. helps Israel with a kinetic strike on Iran's nuclear infrastructure.

Can not possibly be done.
Anyone attacking a nuclear site would require the whole UN to punish them in retaliation.
You can NOT attack hot nuclear enrichment sites without killing millions of people and causing world wide anger.
Nor can kinetic weapons reach that far underground.
Biden is just carrying out Obama’s orders to help Iran and Russia destroy Israel!

That is silly because no one can attack Israel because two thirds of the population are Palestinians.
But one would not have to.
Conventional missiles would easily wipe out Israel's air force is someone wanted to, and then Israel could be easily defeated on the ground.
That could have happened long ago, if anyone wanted to.
Israel unofficially has nukes. If they are targeted, they will launch.

Probably not.
Since Israel illegally obtained nuclear weapons with the help of the US, if they were targeted, Israel could not admit they ever had them.
Nor would they likely be effective, since they have fewer than 100 or so.
That few missiles would be easy to shoot down before they achieve ballistic trajectory.
If Israel ever launched, those responsible would be convicted and executed, so no one would do that.
I hope Iran understands that.

What is silly about that is Israel can't be attack by anyone with nuclear weapons because two thirds of the population are Palestinians.
Retaliation means nothing, because Israel does not have a significant nuclear capability.
It is the Palestinians who are Israel's shield.

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