Biden lifts sanctions on Iran’s nuclear program.

The inescapable truth is, Iran would never strike first with nuclear weapons; it would reserve it's nuclear weapons as a deterrent.

Once that is accepted and understood, the whole Zionist smokescreen is blown away in the breeze.

The PNAC, what's left of it, is cancelled forever and so is expansion of Israel into Syria and beyond.

ON a possible bright note as we contemplate the unmentionable, the Trump supporters are being given a golden opportunity to criticize Biden and expose his likely plans, before America acts.
Yeah, the #1 State sponsor of terrorism would never think of using a nuke for terrorism.:cuckoo:
IF nukes were used - VERY DOUBTFUL - they'd be "low yield" and either be deep-ground penetrators for the production facilities that are buried very deeply OR a low-yield airburst high enough to create a localized EMP. The Iranians may have hardened most of their sites for this, though.
Whatever they are, they open the nuclear can of worms. There is no qualified or halfway measures applicable in the eyes of Russia and China.
OH YEAH. If Israel does an effective job of setting back their nuke card, they'll send every asset they've got at Israel and they can do heavy, heavy damage to Israel with conventional ballistic missiles. The Israelis know this all too well and that's why IF we see them strike, it will be because they have no other option. Iran must not be allowed to have a weapon with which they can shut down the flow of a major portion of the world's energy flow and do so on a whim.
Yes, and that's the deterrent facing the zionists. The level of US/Israel attack and destruction will need to be overwhelmingly massive to hold off a devastating counter attack on Israel and US assets (troops) in the region.
They've already floated (forgive the pun) the idea of charging every vessel through the Straits of Hormuz a "fee" for passage. Once they have an arsenal of nukes, who will be willing to test the mad bastards? I think Biden's top handler, the Tan Messiah, hates Israel enough to create this kind of threat to them. He's an EVIL bastard, himself.
Hormuz would likely be toast in the first 5 minutes.
That depends on what you mean by "involved". I doubt they'd field troops against Israel (for now) but they'd rally all their buds in the UN to make Israel's life as untenable as possible. I think the current DC regime would turn on Israel completely if they attacked "without permission".
I suggested that the Ukraine would become Russia's and Taipei would become China's in the following week. Not so disagreeable in either case. And America gets another Iraq.

Maybe speculation should be limited to the suspicions raised with this article's hinting at Biden's plans?
Yeah, the #1 State sponsor of terrorism would never think of using a nuke for terrorism.:cuckoo:
No it wouldn't but that possibility must be kept alive and believable for the American people. As I suggested, once that's gone, the whole thing is exposed as just US aggression in sync with the PNAC agenda.
It opens the door for Putin and Xi to help Iran produce nukes.

Nobody except morons like you are buying the Biden regime spin, Dumbass.
Iran along with China interfered in our election for xiden…for this very reason
If Biden was literally trying to destroy the US, what more could he be doing?

The CCP is making policy decisions for the US.
this goes beyond destroying the US, this is a threat to the world

it’s no wonder our allies no longer trust us and the UK held him in contempt
You left out North Korea and Cuba along with Angola...and don't forget the USSR...
the USSR doesn’t exist anymore…we literally fought a Cold War with them for decades and won…now Xiden seems determined to help Putin recreate it

as far as the others you mentioned..maybe…but not enough for the intel community to report on it like they did with China and Iran
this goes beyond destroying the US, this is a threat to the world

it’s no wonder our allies no longer trust us and the UK held him in contempt
The UK is included in this treaty and the decision to lift the sanctions.

The P5+1 refers to the UN Security Council's five permanent members (the P5); namely China, France, Russia, the United Kingdom, and the United States; plus Germany. The P5+1 is often referred to as the E3+3 by European countries.

"The United States would accept an invitation from the European Union High Representative to attend a meeting of the P5+1 [permanent members of the UN Security Council and Germany] and Iran to discuss a diplomatic way forward on Iran's nuclear program," said State Department spokesman Ned Price.

the USSR doesn’t exist anymore…we literally fought a Cold War with them for decades and won…now Xiden seems determined to help Putin recreate it

as far as the others you mentioned..maybe…but not enough for the intel community to report on it like they did with China and Iran
Then you can include the Russian republic now instead of the USSR.
The UK is included in this treaty and the decision to lift the sanctions.

The P5+1 refers to the UN Security Council's five permanent members (the P5); namely China, France, Russia, the United Kingdom, and the United States; plus Germany. The P5+1 is often referred to as the E3+3 by European countries.

"The United States would accept an invitation from the European Union High Representative to attend a meeting of the P5+1 [permanent members of the UN Security Council and Germany] and Iran to discuss a diplomatic way forward on Iran's nuclear program," said State Department spokesman Ned Price.

yeah and the UK still held him in contempt
Case in point. You're a fucking idiot.
MOSCOW, Dec 13 (Reuters) - Russia said on Monday it may be forced to deploy intermediate-range nuclear missiles in Europe in response to what it sees as NATO's plans to do the same.
Oh my, and to think the US used to hate the UK.
yeah…over 200 years ago..heck even Washington wasn’t held in contempt of the UK…and he beat them in war

what does that tell ya about how horrible they think xiden and the demafasict are
yeah…over 200 years ago..heck even Washington wasn’t held in contempt of the UK…and he beat them in war

what does that tell ya about how horrible they think xiden and the demafasict are
Calling someone a member of the lunatic fringe was a complement?
MOSCOW, Dec 13 (Reuters) - Russia said on Monday it may be forced to deploy intermediate-range nuclear missiles in Europe in response to what it sees as NATO's plans to do the same.
And? What does that have to do with Iran. Putin is no fan of radical Islam. Not remotely. You are, I get it.
It opens the door for Putin and Xi to help Iran produce nukes.

Nobody except morons like you are buying the Biden regime spin, Dumbass.
Guess who pulled us out of the Iran nuke treaty, Clown? Your boy. And the only reason asswipe Trump did it was to get even with Obama.

If Trump wasen't a malicious psychopath we wouldn't be here as far as Iran nukes are concerned, fool.
Calling someone a member of the lunatic fringe was a complement?
oh i never called you fact Moonie, i think your lunatic thinking isn’t fringe at all…it sadly pretty mainstream for the dembot cult

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