Biden lifts sanctions on Iran’s nuclear program.

It opens the door for Putin and Xi to help Iran produce nukes.

Nobody except morons like you are buying the Biden regime spin, Dumbass.

And Joey gets personally. 10%!

Joey sez his father told him, "Son, even tho' I'm a working class low earning lout; you can do so much better than me, by always asking for an additional 10%."
No one can "strike" Iran.
Unlike the Osirac nuclear power plant that Israel blew up in Iraq, the Iranian sites are HOT.
That means any attack could kill millions of innocent people, and release enough radiation to kill people as far as India.
Anyone doing that would have to be retaliated against.
Does matter who.
It simply would be illegal and barbaric to attack any Iranian nuclear site.

Unlike the Osirac nuclear power plant that Israel blew up in Iraq, the Iranian sites are HOT.

Which sites are hot? You have a list?

That means any attack could kill millions of innocent people, and release enough radiation to kill people as far as India.

Drama queen is dramatic.
There is no way to attack a nuclear enrichment site in a limited way.
You would kill millions and poison the land as far away as India.


Just how dangerous do you feel U-235 can be?

In the history of the world, how many have died from U-235?

How many at Chernobyl?

How many at Fukushima?
Iran can NOT be attacked.
It would be illegal, the UN, Russia, China, etc., would all have to retaliate.
There is no way to attack a nuclear enrichment site in a limited way.
You would kill millions and poison the land as far away as India.
That would be 10 times worse than Chernobyl.
Yes, Iran can be attacked and the attacker can claim that it didn't hit any nuclear facility. Or make a claim somewhat the same as not knowing that Saddam didn't have any WMD's.
You know how that works Rigby.

But I'll take your word for it anyway!
That is silly because no one can attack Israel because two thirds of the population are Palestinians.
But one would not have to.
Conventional missiles would easily wipe out Israel's air force is someone wanted to, and then Israel could be easily defeated on the ground.
That could have happened long ago, if anyone wanted to.
It’s in prophecy. Russia, Iran and Turkey attack Israel and God destroys them for the entire world to see.
And Joey gets personally. 10%!

Joey sez his father told him, "Son, even tho' I'm a working class low earning lout; you can do so much better than me, by always asking for an additional 10%."
Biden is God’s curse on America and the rest of the world but is being used to carry out God’s plans.
They do have every right to have nukes just like all the other nations that do, unless you believe in the axiom of the control of the world by a few nations.
If you were in your right mind you might go along with controlling nuclear weapons held by countries that hate us, like Iran. Too much to ask, I know.
It opens the door for Putin and Xi to help Iran produce nukes.

Nobody except morons like you are buying the Biden regime spin, Dumbass.

Thanks Biden for assisting another country that dislikes us in becoming better at war.

He is gift that keeps on giving to those that hate us.

China tolerates us because we give them billions a year in shit we buy from them. And Russia only tolerates us when we have a president they respect in some measure. And Iran, well they fucking hate us no matter what.
Biden is in the Bible?
His actions in The Bible are, or any leader that enables Turkey, Russia and Iran to gain a stronger foothold in The Middle East and marshal forces for the Ezekiel 38 Invasion. At some point before or during this invasion Damascus is completely destroyed.

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