Biden lifts sanctions on Iran’s nuclear program.

They do have every right to have nukes just like all the other nations that do, unless you believe in the axiom of the control of the world by a few nations.
Iran has promised death to Israel, and they have never backed away from that promise. iran is the heart and soul of radical Islamic fundamentalism and the funding of the worst killers on earth. Only a stupid fool supports iran getting their filthy paws on a nuke. Anyone who supports Iran's nuclear weapons' ambitions is a traitor to all of humanity.
No, the project that sanctions were lifted was for work by foreign companies on civilian projects, and in exchange Iran will allow inspectors to inspect their nuclear activities.
And yet you actually believe that crap you just spewed. Inspectors were never allowed in from the start. And they won’t be now. The fact that you believe Iran will honor any “deal” speaks volumes about you....
Guess who pulled us out of the Iran nuke treaty, Clown? Your boy. And the only reason asswipe Trump did it was to get even with Obama.

If Trump wasen't a malicious psychopath we wouldn't be here as far as Iran nukes are concerned, fool.
STFU you idiot. All your God Obozo did was give Iran the green light to start producing nukes. The fact that you support that marks you as a gullible sheep.
Not sure why you took the time to post that, sparky. As if you'd care whether the mullahs become part of the club. If they announced a successful test detonation tomorrow, people like you would in this space explaining why they had "every right" to do what they did. Blind fools that you are.

And blame Trump. ;)
Just like you know that Iran is going to make a nuke..
i can’t honestly say they will..they have made clear they want one, but considering they are the leading state sponsor of terror i’m more concerned about them selling technology, or the parts to make a nuke to one of your terrorist pals
i can’t honestly say they will..they have made clear they want one, but considering they are the leading state sponsor of terror i’m more concerned about them selling technology, or the parts to make a nuke to one of your terrorist pals

They are working hand in glove with North Korea on nukes and missiles. Iran has the money, the Norks the know how.
Iran has promised death to Israel, and they have never backed away from that promise. iran is the heart and soul of radical Islamic fundamentalism and the funding of the worst killers on earth. Only a stupid fool supports iran getting their filthy paws on a nuke. Anyone who supports Iran's nuclear weapons' ambitions is a traitor to all of humanity.
No one is allowing Iran to get a nuke.
i can’t honestly say they will..they have made clear they want one, but considering they are the leading state sponsor of terror i’m more concerned about them selling technology, or the parts to make a nuke to one of your terrorist pals
The formula for making a nuke is on websites it is not that hard with the right materials.
Only an idiot would believe that Iran ever stopped or even slowed down their nuke program. I don't when it's going to happen, but sooner or later Israel will be decimated by a nuclear bomb from Iran. Directly or indirectly, it'll come from them.
"The waiver with respect to these activities is designed to facilitate discussions that would help to close a deal on a mutual return to full implementation of the JCPOA and lay the groundwork for Iran's return to performance of its JCPOA commitments," the State Department said in a notice to the US Congress.

The waivers permit foreign countries and companies to work on civilian projects at Iran's Bushehr nuclear power station, its Arak heavy water plant, and the Tehran Research Reactor without triggering US sanctions.
The JCPOA allowed Iran to test and build ballistic missiles, allowed Iran to test and make nuclear weapons after the 10 year period, and allowed Iran to export terrorism around the globe. Hip Hip Hooray. What a great deal to go back to.

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