Biden makes trans women register for draft

I love when they can't hide their misogyny.

Republicans did not ban reproductive choice. States are free to do as they wish. You just don't like the fact that states can now decide. Live in a blue state and there will be less restriction on abortion than before.

It's only at the states because Republicans cheated to get three SCOTUS seats.... all of which have hair on them.

Paid family leave makes no sense. Generations survived without it. Same your time off from work to be at home like I did.

Actually, it makes a lot of sense... if you want more loyal employees and better families... you know, things you guys claim you care about.

I have great healthcare from my wife's health insurance. If you do not, you need to get a plan that meets your needs.

The Republican Motto - I've got mine, fuck you!

Oppose sexual harassment law? Democrats want the law changed that you can be charged for looking at a woman, talking to a woman, or even asking them out on a date. That's not realistic!

You shouldn't be doing any of those things at work.

The Lilly Ledbetter pay act was passed and is a law on the books. Some Republicans opposed the unlimited time period given to file a complaint. Saying you were discriminated against for pay in the 1980s should not fly!

Why not?

Why does violence against women needs it's own law. Isn't it already illegal?

Maybe because crimes against women are especially depraved?
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Klinger was trying to get out on a section 8, figuring that they would find that any man dressing like a woman must have mental problems. Now, decades later, not only is that not considered a mental problem, but they are celebrating cutting the genitals off of children to complete the facade.
Shrinks Have Gayists Keep Coming Back to Them to Be Told It's All Right

Gayism is not a sexuality; it is a psychological disorder. The queer's fear of growing up pushes him away from his natural drives into an addictive and obsessive escapism.

Don't listen to the weak Republican opponents of this sickness; never again look up to people who've always let you down. They don't have the guts to say, "Sex is only between male and female, not just marriage."
Totally. We have children who go to bed hungry at night in this country, and THIS is what you are worried about?

I do.
I worry that they might be forced to carry their rapist's baby to term because Republicans want to turn them into unwilling breeding machines.
I worry less that they might encounter a trans person in a track meet.

I agree entirely.

Yet it's Republicans who want to ban reproductive choice.
Republicans who oppose paid family leave
Republicans who oppose expanding health care (which women need more of than men.)
Republicans who oppose making sexual harassment laws stronger
Republicans who oppose the Lily Ledbetter equal pay act
Republicans who opposed the violence against women act.

But not to worry, ladies, if you happen to be part of the very small group that are into athletics and have a very unlikely encounter with a trans person, the GOP is all over that.

Again- only reason why this is a big deal at all is because Title IX gives away big bags of money for sports no one cares about. Get rid of Title IX, and you'd be amazed if anyone still cares.
Thanks, but I don't buy your diversion to other subjects, all of which we could discuss in more detail, but my point here was not about abortion or the other subjects you raised.

My point was about allowing biological men to destroy the dreams of biological women through physical superiority, which is completely in contrast to the Biden Admin's policy of using biological sex to determine whom must register for the draft, arguably also on the basis of physical ability.

Thanks, but I don't buy your diversion to other subjects, all of which we could discuss in more detail, but my point here was not about abortion or the other subjects you raised.

My point was about allowing biological men to destroy the dreams of biological women through physical superiority, which is completely in contrast to the Biden Admin's policy of using biological sex to determine whom must register for the draft, arguably also on the basis of physical ability.

No contrast at all.. because selective service is kind of meaningless when you haven't had a draft in 50 years, and only 88% of people comply with the rule.

If your biggest dream is to win a little plastic trophy, then you have really shallow dreams. Not that this is actually happening on any great scale.
Biden is transphobic.

He says trans women are men.

Admit it, cult.

This is such a fantastic story.

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