Biden makes trans women register for draft

The government exacts penalties for financial crimes.
This is an example of the government using force not related to self-defense.
You support his use of force.
Are you going to continue to tell me what my arguments are rather than respond to my actual comments? Give me a practical example of this force you're accusing me supporting.
And you agree - education should be mandatory.
I think not educating children under your care is neglectful. I'm guess you have no great retort to that so you keep ignoring that comment and arguing against your own straw man.
And so, you agree: adoption is an example of the government using force not related to self-defense.
You support this use of force.
Same old same old. 😄
Are you going to continue to tell me what my arguments are rather than respond to my actual comments? Give me a practical example of this force you're accusing me supporting.
I think not educating children under your care is neglectful. I'm guess you have no great retort to that so you keep ignoring that comment and arguing against your own straw man.
Same old same old. 😄
Nothing here negates anythng I said, or the conclusions I presented
Feel free to provide a rational argument to the contrary.
Nothing here negates anything I said, or the conclusions I presented
Feel free to provide a rational argument to the contrary.
When you stick you finger in your ears and pretend not to hear other people's comments what rational conversation is to be had?

Let's start here. Do you think people are responsible for the wellbeing of dependent people under their care? Yes or No?
When you stick you finger in your ears and pretend not to hear...
Nothing here negates anything I said, or the conclusions I presented
Feel free to provide a rational argument to the contrary.
Let's start here. Do you think people are responsible for the wellbeing of dependent people under their care? Yes or No?
If you have a rational argument against the conclusions I drew, you can present it w/o asking any questions.
Nothing here negates anything I said, or the conclusions I presented
Feel free to provide a rational argument to the contrary.

If you have a rational argument against the conclusions I drew, you can present it w/o asking any questions.
I just made an argument, anytime you feel confident enough to address it I'll be here. 😄

I will go a step further.

WOMEN should register for the draft. Men and women are the same.

Ladies, time for you to go to war.

If men and women are exactly the same, then go die in war.

Under Biden's rules, are Transmen required to register? They have female genitals, but identify as dudes.
You asked a question.
If you have a rational argument against the conclusions I drew, you can present it w/o asking any questions.
Feel free to proceed.
Until then, the conclusions stand.
You don't define parameters of debate buddy. 😄 It's your job to prove your own conclusions, it isn't my job to disprove them. And if your conclusions can't stand to scrutiny then they can't be worth much.

What I'm trying to establish is whether or not we disagree on a fundamental level what constitutes harm.

I think if you are the guardian of a child or even a disabled adult that you have a duty to their wellbeing. I argue that failure to meet that duty constitutes neglect. And that removing dependents from neglectful situations is the very definition of self defense.

Now you can feel free to comment on that argument if you want or simply continue to declare your own victory but your response or lack of it will be here for all to see.
😄 Your conclusions, based on supposition and straw men are the definition of irrational.
You cannot demonstrate that my conclusions are based on suppositions or straw men.
If you have a rational argument against the conclusions I drew, you can present it w/o asking any questions.
Feel free to proceed.
Until then, the conclusions stand.
You cannot demonstrate that my conclusions are based on suppositions or straw men.
If you have a rational argument against the conclusions I drew, you can present it w/o asking any questions.
Feel free to proceed.
Until then, the conclusions stand.
I did. You cant demonstrate that I didnt. 😁
Men should go to war


And why aren't you going to war?

Let me know if you need help with directions.
And now, rather than simply admit I have proven myself correct, you revert to absurdities.
Thank you for making it clear I need not wast any more time on you.
Enjoy knowing you could not deliver on the challenges put to you.
I knew you couldn't disprove that I proved you wrong. :funnyface:
Totally. We have children who go to bed hungry at night in this country, and THIS is what you are worried about?

I do.
I worry that they might be forced to carry their rapist's baby to term because Republicans want to turn them into unwilling breeding machines.
I worry less that they might encounter a trans person in a track meet.

I agree entirely.

Yet it's Republicans who want to ban reproductive choice.
Republicans who oppose paid family leave
Republicans who oppose expanding health care (which women need more of than men.)
Republicans who oppose making sexual harassment laws stronger
Republicans who oppose the Lily Ledbetter equal pay act

Republicans who opposed the violence against women act.

But not to worry, ladies, if you happen to be part of the very small group that are into athletics and have a very unlikely encounter with a trans person, the GOP is all over that.

Again- only reason why this is a big deal at all is because Title IX gives away big bags of money for sports no one cares about. Get rid of Title IX, and you'd be amazed if anyone still cares.
Republicans did not ban reproductive choice. States are free to do as they wish. You just don't like the fact that states can now decide. Live in a blue state and there will be less restriction on abortion than before.

Paid family leave makes no sense. Generations survived without it. Same your time off from work to be at home like I did.

I have great healthcare from my wife's health insurance. If you do not, you need to get a plan that meets your needs.

Oppose sexual harassment law? Democrats want the law changed that you can be charged for looking at a woman, talking to a woman, or even asking them out on a date. That's not realistic!

The Lilly Ledbetter pay act was passed and is a law on the books. Some Republicans opposed the unlimited time period given to file a complaint. Saying you were discriminated against for pay in the 1980s should not fly!

Why does violence against women needs it's own law. Isn't it already illegal?
Obviously Democrats are the ones that considered it to be a big problem thus why we have biological men with psychological problems participating in women’s sports. You don’t care now because you already got what you wanted and now, of course, it is time to move on to some other more important issues and leave this one be.

Democrats have to be the most ignorant and hypocrtical people on planet earth.

You haven't convinced me your sexual insecurities are really a problem.

Look, man, if you picked up that tranny in a bar once, no one thinks you're gay... no, really.
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