Biden mass spending sparks warning of hyperinflation and market crash

No one knows for sure. We were certain of hyperinflation because of QE after the Meltdown.

If there is inflation it could be long and rough or it could be spiky and short lived.

No one knows for sure. Especially those whose perceptions are distorted by partisan ideology.
No one knows?

Almost EVERYTHING is more expensive now.
Almost everything I buy for work has nasty price increases. No one knows my ass.

And according the left Biden now owns the economy because y'all have been pimping the stock market now for a week or two as proof he's doing a good job.
Nope, I don't "pimp the stock market" like the ends of the spectrum do. I've actually said the opposite about this latest surge.

Is there inflation? Yes. In fact, somewhere between 2.5% and 3.0% annualized may actually turn out to be a good thing. Beyond that, maybe not so good.

What I have learned is not to make simplistic assumptions based on insufficient evidence, especially for some perceived partisan political advantage.

As I see happening here.
You see partisan battles I see the cost of doing business is skyrocketing.
Last year 1 board cost me around 2.43. Right now that same board is over 7 bucks. I buy A LOT of lumber and this is not sustainable
The real estate industry -- and all of its ancillary industries -- did extremely well in the last year. My real estate-related business clients did extremely well. Real estate values have exploded. That's the reason for the price inflation there. The most fundamental of all economic reasons: Supply & Demand.

But we're nowhere near hyperinflation.
Government printing money is the cause of inflation moron. You claim the increasing price of real estate causes inflation? What causes real estate prices to increase? You just said that increased prices are the cause of inflation.

You claim you're a financial advisor and that you understand economics?

You're actually a fucking moron who doesn't know the slightest thing about economics or simple logic.
I've already said that we may see bad inflation.


You're just another arrogant, ignorant Trumpster.
It isn't "may," and you're the numskull who just said that increasing prices are what cause inflation. That has to be the bonehead statement of the month.
You attempt to attack and insult without even an agreement of what "bad inflation" is.

The standard arrogant ignorance that is the hallmark of Trumpism.

I'm not required to enable your arrogant ignorance. Play with someone else.

When did I use the term "bad inflation?" Real economists say there's no such thing as "good inflation." Your belief that there is such a thing is just another sign that you're a moron.
Remember all you Democrats. All the spending and hyper inflation will be Joes fault. And let me be clear.
All COVID-19 deaths as well. Trump Vaccine, remember that.
That will be small consolation when we can't afford to pay the rent.
Real economists say there's no such thing as "good inflation." Your belief that there is such a thing is just another sign that you're a moron.
Ignorant sheep.
The Fed is a government tool, not an authority on economics. Anyone who trusts the government for honest advice about economics is a fool.
More hyperventilating over hyper-inflation ^ :)

It's going to be fun watching you suffer.

Heheh - I know ... It's totally killing me paying 30 cents more a gallon for my fill-ups once a month. :lol:

More like a dollar a gallon, but you are a liar and this proves it. And, once again....the price increases don't hurt me, or the wealthy, or the upper middle class. They hurt the lower middle class and poor. You know, the people you claim to care about.

My gosh but you're stupid
You attempt to attack and insult without even an agreement of what "bad inflation" is.

The standard arrogant ignorance that is the hallmark of Trumpism.

I'm not required to enable your arrogant ignorance. Play with someone else.
Can you provide an example of good or benign inflation?
Holy shit. This is absolutely fundamental economics. Inflation is indicative of a healthy economy. The Fed WANTS inflation at 2% to 2.5%, and we've been having trouble getting there.

Trying to discuss economics with you people is depressing. Jesus Christ.

Here, you're welcome:
It's Keynesian abracadabra. We had a healthy economy all the way up to the creation of the federal reserve with no inflation. The reserve claims there is such a thing as healthy inflation because it's in the business of financing government by creating money out of thin air.
Real economists say there's no such thing as "good inflation." Your belief that there is such a thing is just another sign that you're a moron.
Ignorant sheep.
The Fed is a government tool, not an authority on economics. Anyone who trusts the government for honest advice about economics is a fool.
Yeah, smart guys like you trust Hannity and Tucker :laugh:
No one knows for sure. We were certain of hyperinflation because of QE after the Meltdown.

If there is inflation it could be long and rough or it could be spiky and short lived.

No one knows for sure. Especially those whose perceptions are distorted by partisan ideology.
Wow! Super ironic. I don't think we have to speculate that printing up trillions of dollars in unbacked
currency can't help but be a bad destructive thing.

But...Joe Biden. Everyone's favorite senile grandfather. Trump is Hitler. He never sent tens of thousands of illegal kids to go live in motels on the taxpayer's dime.
Trump went hyper-Keynesian and you sheep mindlessly cheered the economy (such as it was) that created.

But you do provide another great example of why I don't waste time with Trumpsters on economics.
Trump went hyper Keynesian? What about the $10 trillion in deficit spending Biden is planning over next year, moron?

You don't waste time on economics at all because you're an economic ignoramus.
Your guy had no infrastructure plan. Biden and left are for upgrading infrastructure to improve the efficiency of our economy and grow our economy to beat the interest rate on the debt.
The Left and Biden have declared that EVERYTHING is "infrastructure" and they intend to spend the bulk of the money on their liberal agenda and very little on actual infrastructure! It's a classic case of bait and switch! Low intellects like yourself buy the crap they're selling hook, line and sinker!
Not surprisingly you don't know shit about Trump.
If I could remove all references to dump from my mind I would but since I cannot do that, I have come up with a solution to relieve my frustration when it comes to dump. I have glued a photo of dump to the inside of my toilet bowl. Now whenever I take a piss, he gets it in the face.

It works and I get relieved in more than one way all at the same time.
btw dump also gets some shit in the face too. So in short I do know some shit about dump.
Not surprisingly you don't know shit about Trump.
If I could remove all references to dump from my mind I would but since I cannot do that, I have come up with a solution to relieve my frustration when it comes to dump. I have glued a photo of dump to the inside of my toilet bowl. Now whenever I take a piss, he gets it in the face.

It works and I get relieved in more than one way all at the same time.
btw dump also gets some shit in the face too. So in short I do know some shit about dump.
That might seriously be the worst case of Trump Derangement Syndrome I've ever seen, Watching! Seek help...seriously...SEEK HELP!
More like a dollar a gallon, but you are a liar and this proves it. And, once again....the price increases don't hurt me, or the wealthy, or the upper middle class. They hurt the lower middle class and poor. You know, the people you claim to care about.

My gosh but you're stupid

You'd be best served to stop lying ;)
Democrats are just outright pillaging the country.

God forbid that ANYONE give money to people in need. Corporations and the wealthy are the only ones entitled to "free shit". Giving money to people makes them lazy.

People in need should be given a job, nothing more - workfare not welfare.

People in need should be treated with dignity, not treated as some sort of parasite to be barely tolerated. A hand up, not a hand out.

Workfare been tried and everywhere it has been tried, it's been an abject failure. They tried in Ontario under Mike Harris. First off, the City of Toronto used welfare recipients to clean parks and public spaces. This brought objections from the City Workers' union, since these people were doing union work, for LESS THAN MINIMUM wage. So that was against the law.

Our congregation thought this would be a good way to get the foyer or our Sanctuary painted. But in order to hire welfare workers, we had to guarantee someone on the premises at all times to supervise them and ensure the work was completed. We had to pay someone to supervise the welfare recipients, plus we had to pay the welfare recipients. Because of the requirements of the program, it was more expensive for us to hire people on welfare than it was to hire a painter.

The program was basically abandoned because the very people who might use the program - like our church, couldn't afford to participate because it was too expensive to participate.

If they don't want workfare then they can get a job. No money under any circumstance.

Re-mortgating your home right now seems a good option provided you immediately use the proceeds to buy gold concentrate (or other durables). Not bullion or any other form of gold that has a footprint (transaction recorded by government)

Sure the value of your house will plunge when Xidenflation kicks in but you'll have had the cash out of it safely put away in inflation-proof form - read on. Yes, you'll still have to pay down that mortgage but it's denominated in Dollars which will be cheap to buy with your stash. Hell, you should be pay it off almost immeidately with essentially worthless paper.

I like gold concentrate because government has no record of it. When Xiden pulls his "Rooseveldet" and outlaws possession of gold (Rooseveldt mandated you sell it all to government at $32/ounce). Your concentrate holdings will be unknown to the storm troopers.

If you don't like or can't get gold concentrate where you live consider durable goods that can be sold or traded in small units. Examples? Toillet paper (if you have a dry place to store it in bulk) or condoms.

Booze of various sorts has an investment future. If you live in A predominantly liberal area the best bet is white wine but beware white whine. You'll hear so much of that it'll be worthless.
Re-mortgating your home right now seems a good option provided you immediately use the proceeds to buy gold concentrate (or other durables). Not bullion or any other form of gold that has a footprint (transaction recorded by government)

Sure the value of your house will plunge when Xidenflation kicks in but you'll have had the cash out of it safely put away in inflation-proof form - read on. Yes, you'll still have to pay down that mortgage but it's denominated in Dollars which will be cheap to buy with your stash. Hell, you should be pay it off almost immeidately with essentially worthless paper.

I like gold concentrate because government has no record of it. When Xiden pulls his "Rooseveldet" and outlaws possession of gold (Rooseveldt mandated you sell it all to government at $32/ounce). Your concentrate holdings will be unknown to the storm troopers.

If you don't like or can't get gold concentrate where you live consider durable goods that can be sold or traded in small units. Examples? Toillet paper (if you have a dry place to store it in bulk) or condoms.

Booze of various sorts has an investment future. If you live in A predominantly liberal area the best bet is white wine but beware white whine. You'll hear so much of that it'll be worthless.

Sure the value of your house will plunge when Xidenflation kicks

Home values usually rise during inflationary periods.
No one knows for sure. We were certain of hyperinflation because of QE after the Meltdown.

If there is inflation it could be long and rough or it could be spiky and short lived.

No one knows for sure. Especially those whose perceptions are distorted by partisan ideology.
Wow! Super ironic. I don't think we have to speculate that printing up trillions of dollars in unbacked
currency can't help but be a bad destructive thing.

But...Joe Biden. Everyone's favorite senile grandfather. Trump is Hitler. He never sent tens of thousands of illegal kids to go live in motels on the taxpayer's dime.
Trump went hyper-Keynesian and you sheep mindlessly cheered the economy (such as it was) that created.

But you do provide another great example of why I don't waste time with Trumpsters on economics.
Trump went hyper Keynesian? What about the $10 trillion in deficit spending Biden is planning over next year, moron?

You don't waste time on economics at all because you're an economic ignoramus.
Your guy had no infrastructure plan. Biden and left are for upgrading infrastructure to improve the efficiency of our economy and grow our economy to beat the interest rate on the debt.
The Left and Biden have declared that EVERYTHING is "infrastructure" and they intend to spend the bulk of the money on their liberal agenda and very little on actual infrastructure! It's a classic case of bait and switch! Low intellects like yourself buy the crap they're selling hook, line and sinker!
Link? Or should we take a right winger's word for it. Right wingers are even lower brows and make the best Russian tools when they are not being lemmings or parrots.

Biden is a walking fuck stick, note to all you worthless democrats, take a math class.
No one knows for sure. We were certain of hyperinflation because of QE after the Meltdown.

If there is inflation it could be long and rough or it could be spiky and short lived.

No one knows for sure. Especially those whose perceptions are distorted by partisan ideology.

To be fair I think this is one of the times that it's not partisan ideology to realise that spending trillions and giving every endless free stuff would equate to hyperinflation and interest rates that will sink the economy. It's economics 1-0-1 that the biggest dummies like myself can understand.

I do agree though that hyperbole and ideology clouds folks views at the best of times, tho.

I have been screaming this on this site and I get crickets.

My only conclusion is that most Americans are really fucking dumb.

I have laid out the specific math....the response I get is...DERP!


As we become Greece.

This Republic is about to fall.

It's only a matter of time before the rest of the world realizes that they're subsidizing our cushy way of life and stops accepting the worthless pieces of paper we send them for the goods they actually create. We'll become a third world country overnight and you can say 'goodbye' to that 'thin veil of civility' that we're only barely holding on to as it is...
But if we print 30 trillion dollars, we can pay off the debt, right?

Wtf? You seriously need to go look at the difference between monetary policy and fiscal policy.

Debt is financed by gov bonds, meaning SOMEONE IS BUYING IT.

How much debt is too much?

"Too much" for what? For investors to stop buying American bonds?

If you knew anything at all you would know there is no way of knowing that.
Gasoline? 87 Octane, not "name brand".
$2.89 at 5:30 this morning as I passed the gas station.
$3.09 when I returned from grocery shopping.
Exhausted from racing to stay ahead of the crew increasing the shelf prices only to learn that the "new" and "improved" (read: "higher" prices) were already in the checkout computers.
Front end manager says the chain's M.I.S. department is perfecting software that will raise the prices of items with product codes ending in odd numbers on Mondays, Wednesdays qne Fridays. UPC's ending in even numbers on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. They're arguing over whether on Sundays to leave all prices alone or just increase all prices at once.
Plan is to leave the percentage increase programmable up to midnight each night so a management team call review what Xiden said that day and how much room that gives them.

Think I'm kidding? Show on any three or rour (3 or 4, liberals) successive days; look at the UPC codes and prices.
No one knows for sure. We were certain of hyperinflation because of QE after the Meltdown.

If there is inflation it could be long and rough or it could be spiky and short lived.

No one knows for sure. Especially those whose perceptions are distorted by partisan ideology.

To be fair I think this is one of the times that it's not partisan ideology to realise that spending trillions and giving every endless free stuff would equate to hyperinflation and interest rates that will sink the economy. It's economics 1-0-1 that the biggest dummies like myself can understand.

I do agree though that hyperbole and ideology clouds folks views at the best of times, tho.

I have been screaming this on this site and I get crickets.

My only conclusion is that most Americans are really fucking dumb.

I have laid out the specific math....the response I get is...DERP!


As we become Greece.

This Republic is about to fall.

It's only a matter of time before the rest of the world realizes that they're subsidizing our cushy way of life and stops accepting the worthless pieces of paper we send them for the goods they actually create. We'll become a third world country overnight and you can say 'goodbye' to that 'thin veil of civility' that we're only barely holding on to as it is...
But if we print 30 trillion dollars, we can pay off the debt, right?

Wtf? You seriously need to go look at the difference between monetary policy and fiscal policy.

Debt is financed by gov bonds, meaning SOMEONE IS BUYING IT.

How much debt is too much?

"Too much" for what? For investors to stop buying American bonds?

If you knew anything at all you would know there is no way of knowing that.
No way of knowing what? The more bonds the government prints, the less interest investors are willing to pay.

It's as simple as that.

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