Biden mass spending sparks warning of hyperinflation and market crash

Do a search on this site and look at how many times I have posted about this. Its simple fucking math. Yes, I have a degree in finance and 25 years experience in corporate finance in the tech industry...but any fucking 4th grader can understand this math DOES NOT FUCKING WORK.

My lefty friends have said for years they dont care about the debt as long as they keep getting free shit. IT....IS....NOT...SUSTAINABLE.

Diversification into counter market investments is crucial now. And by the way...the Biden Gestapo will shut down cyrptocurrencies. It will happen. The Fed will demand it.

Of course, they always find a way to blame Republicans for the debt.

How can anyone vote for these lunatics?

Because the media tells them if you don’t vote for leftists you’re a racistsexisthomophobicmysogynistbigot and the weak minded fools believe it.
No one knows for sure. We were certain of hyperinflation because of QE after the Meltdown.

If there is inflation it could be long and rough or it could be spiky and short lived.

No one knows for sure. Especially those whose perceptions are distorted by partisan ideology.

To be fair I think this is one of the times that it's not partisan ideology to realise that spending trillions and giving every endless free stuff would equate to hyperinflation and interest rates that will sink the economy. It's economics 1-0-1 that the biggest dummies like myself can understand.

I do agree though that hyperbole and ideology clouds folks views at the best of times, tho.

I have been screaming this on this site and I get crickets.

My only conclusion is that most Americans are really fucking dumb.

I have laid out the specific math....the response I get is...DERP!


As we become Greece.

This Republic is about to fall.

The Republic has already fallen. The stolen election proved that. Now all that's left is the final act of bloodshed to kill off those who will try and save the ideal.
What's going on right now is pure insanity! Down here in Florida businesses are having to limit the hours they're open and what they provide because they can't hire the workers to do the jobs they need filled! Why? BECAUSE YOU LIBERAL IDIOTS HAVE GIVEN PEOPLE SO MUCH $ IN UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION THAT THEY MAKE MORE STAYING HOME PLAYING VIDEO GAMES THAN THEY DO HAVING A JOB!!!!

What the hell is wrong with you people? Don't you have even a dollop of common sense? You're spending Billions on something that is hurting the economy not helping it! After giving American businesses a gut punch by doing your idiotic "lock downs" you're giving them even more hurdles to jump by making it nearly impossible to hire people!
Trump went hyper-Keynesian and you sheep mindlessly cheered the economy (such as it was) that created.

But you do provide another great example of why I don't waste time with Trumpsters on economics.
Okay. There is the left ransacking and burning down your home while yelling....but what about last year?

Biden wants to print up trillions of dollars of fiat currency to pay for his stimulus, which stimulates
nothing but inflation and the left's quasi Marxist ideology.
How about getting off the guy who is NOT president any longer and discuss the dangerous
policies of the senile guy who IS president, for once?

To be honest, if I had fucked up like you people have I wouldn't want to talk about it either.
You do know he wants to raise taxes, right?
No one knows for sure. We were certain of hyperinflation because of QE after the Meltdown.

If there is inflation it could be long and rough or it could be spiky and short lived.

No one knows for sure. Especially those whose perceptions are distorted by partisan ideology.
No one knows?

Almost EVERYTHING is more expensive now.
Almost everything I buy for work has nasty price increases. No one knows my ass.

And according the left Biden now owns the economy because y'all have been pimping the stock market now for a week or two as proof he's doing a good job.
Nope, I don't "pimp the stock market" like the ends of the spectrum do. I've actually said the opposite about this latest surge.

Is there inflation? Yes. In fact, somewhere between 2.5% and 3.0% annualized may actually turn out to be a good thing. Beyond that, maybe not so good.

What I have learned is not to make simplistic assumptions based on insufficient evidence, especially for some perceived partisan political advantage.

As I see happening here.
No one knows for sure. We were certain of hyperinflation because of QE after the Meltdown.

If there is inflation it could be long and rough or it could be spiky and short lived.

No one knows for sure. Especially those whose perceptions are distorted by partisan ideology.
No one knows?

Almost EVERYTHING is more expensive now.
Almost everything I buy for work has nasty price increases. No one knows my ass.

And according the left Biden now owns the economy because y'all have been pimping the stock market now for a week or two as proof he's doing a good job.
Nope, I don't "pimp the stock market" like the ends of the spectrum do. I've actually said the opposite about this latest surge.

Is there inflation? Yes. In fact, somewhere between 2.5% and 3.0% annualized may actually turn out to be a good thing. Beyond that, maybe not so good.

What I have learned is not to make simplistic assumptions based on insufficient evidence, especially for some perceived partisan political advantage.

As I see happening here.
You see partisan battles I see the cost of doing business is skyrocketing.
Last year 1 board cost me around 2.43. Right now that same board is over 7 bucks. I buy A LOT of lumber and this is not sustainable
No one knows for sure. We were certain of hyperinflation because of QE after the Meltdown.

If there is inflation it could be long and rough or it could be spiky and short lived.

No one knows for sure. Especially those whose perceptions are distorted by partisan ideology.
No one knows?

Almost EVERYTHING is more expensive now.
Almost everything I buy for work has nasty price increases. No one knows my ass.

And according the left Biden now owns the economy because y'all have been pimping the stock market now for a week or two as proof he's doing a good job.
Nope, I don't "pimp the stock market" like the ends of the spectrum do. I've actually said the opposite about this latest surge.

Is there inflation? Yes. In fact, somewhere between 2.5% and 3.0% annualized may actually turn out to be a good thing. Beyond that, maybe not so good.

What I have learned is not to make simplistic assumptions based on insufficient evidence, especially for some perceived partisan political advantage.

As I see happening here.
You see partisan battles I see the cost of doing business is skyrocketing.
Last year 1 board cost me around 2.43. Right now that same board is over 7 bucks. I buy A LOT of lumber and this is not sustainable
The real estate industry -- and all of its ancillary industries -- did extremely well in the last year. My real estate-related business clients did extremely well. Real estate values have exploded. That's the reason for the price inflation there. The most fundamental of all economic reasons: Supply & Demand.

But we're nowhere near hyperinflation.
Do a search on this site and look at how many times I have posted about this. Its simple fucking math. Yes, I have a degree in finance and 25 years experience in corporate finance in the tech industry...


He's already outlined how we pay for it, you fucking moron. Working as head cashier at Walmart does not give you experience in corporate finance.
More hyperventilating over hyper-inflation ^ :)
It actually happens, moron:

Turds like you were saying the same thing before the value of the German Mark went to zero in 1924. The eventual result of that was the rise of Adolph Hitler. Of course, we already have our own Hitler in office.
No one knows for sure. We were certain of hyperinflation because of QE after the Meltdown.

If there is inflation it could be long and rough or it could be spiky and short lived.

No one knows for sure. Especially those whose perceptions are distorted by partisan ideology.
No one knows?

Almost EVERYTHING is more expensive now.
Almost everything I buy for work has nasty price increases. No one knows my ass.

And according the left Biden now owns the economy because y'all have been pimping the stock market now for a week or two as proof he's doing a good job.
Nope, I don't "pimp the stock market" like the ends of the spectrum do. I've actually said the opposite about this latest surge.

Is there inflation? Yes. In fact, somewhere between 2.5% and 3.0% annualized may actually turn out to be a good thing. Beyond that, maybe not so good.

What I have learned is not to make simplistic assumptions based on insufficient evidence, especially for some perceived partisan political advantage.

As I see happening here.
You see partisan battles I see the cost of doing business is skyrocketing.
Last year 1 board cost me around 2.43. Right now that same board is over 7 bucks. I buy A LOT of lumber and this is not sustainable
The real estate industry -- and all of its ancillary industries -- did extremely well in the last year. My real estate-related business clients did extremely well. Real estate values have exploded. That's the reason for the price inflation there. The most fundamental of all economic reasons: Supply & Demand.

But we're nowhere near hyperinflation.
Government printing money is the cause of inflation moron. You claim the increasing price of real estate causes inflation? What causes real estate prices to increase? You just said that increased prices are the cause of inflation.

You claim you're a financial advisor and that you understand economics?

You're actually a fucking moron who doesn't know the slightest thing about economics or simple logic.
Do a search on this site and look at how many times I have posted about this. Its simple fucking math. Yes, I have a degree in finance and 25 years experience in corporate finance in the tech industry...


He's already outlined how we pay for it, you fucking moron. Working as head cashier at Walmart does not give you experience in corporate finance.
How does he claim we pay for it, tax the wealthy?

You're a fucking moron. We could take every dime they have and it still wouldn't pay for it. The bottom line is that you are going to pay for it. Biden is going to inflate all your savings away until they are worth nothing.
You do know he wants to raise taxes, right?
Sure. On the very richest while dropping the less well off off the tax roles in a pandering bit of class warfare
that's doomed to everything Biden does.

Good luck getting masters of money manipulation like Zuckeberg, Bezos, Kerry, Gates, etc. to offset the
trillions of fiat currency Fuck-Up Joe wants to spend.
And in reality EVERYONE will be paying more in taxes as prices of energy and other goods continues to rise
and inflation takes hold.

It's idiocy! Pure and simple.

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