Biden mass spending sparks warning of hyperinflation and market crash

It's only a matter of time before the rest of the world realizes that they're subsidizing our cushy way of life and stops accepting the worthless pieces of paper we send them for the goods they actually create.

They're free to buy our goods and services with those worthless pieces of paper.
The leftist version of "truth" of course. Which isn't truth at all, naturally.
Trump believes he is an Aristocrat which sounds harmless enough until you know it’s true meaning. Trump "admires" the ruling class and despises commoners.

Aristocracy (Greek: ἀριστοκρατία aristokratía, from ἄριστος aristos 'excellent', and κράτος, kratos 'rule') is a form of government that places strength in the hands of a small, privileged ruling class, the aristocrats.[1] The term derives from the Greek aristokratia, meaning 'rule of the best'.[2]
Aristocracy - Wikipedia
That's actually what Biden, Pe-Lousy and the rest of the Dim leadership believe. They are the ruling class, NAZI.
No one knows for sure. We were certain of hyperinflation because of QE after the Meltdown.

If there is inflation it could be long and rough or it could be spiky and short lived.

No one knows for sure. Especially those whose perceptions are distorted by partisan ideology.

My gas is up over 40% and groceries are up 20% since the election.

$1.99 to $2.89 gas in 6 months is bananas.

Your gas prices are up because crude oil prices are up as the oil market works through excess inventory and the economy strengthens.

These are food prices. Food prices are barely up since Biden was elected, but went up significantly because of the pandemic as people stopped eating at restaurants and increased their home food consumption.

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As for your OP, all this spending may increase inflation, but there won't be "hyperinflation." Hyperinflation occurs not because of government spending but because of money printing. That money printing exploded under Trump, though Trump had nothing to do with it. There are very powerful deflationary forces that are putting a lid on inflation.
You have the patience of a saint.
No one knows for sure. We were certain of hyperinflation because of QE after the Meltdown.

If there is inflation it could be long and rough or it could be spiky and short lived.

No one knows for sure. Especially those whose perceptions are distorted by partisan ideology.
Wow! Super ironic. I don't think we have to speculate that printing up trillions of dollars in unbacked
currency can't help but be a bad destructive thing.

But...Joe Biden. Everyone's favorite senile grandfather. Trump is Hitler. He never sent tens of thousands of illegal kids to go live in motels on the taxpayer's dime.
Trump went hyper-Keynesian and you sheep mindlessly cheered the economy (such as it was) that created.

But you do provide another great example of why I don't waste time with Trumpsters on economics.
Do a search on this site and look at how many times I have posted about this. Its simple fucking math. Yes, I have a degree in finance and 25 years experience in corporate finance in the tech industry...but any fucking 4th grader can understand this math DOES NOT FUCKING WORK.

My lefty friends have said for years they dont care about the debt as long as they keep getting free shit. IT....IS....NOT...SUSTAINABLE.

Diversification into counter market investments is crucial now. And by the way...the Biden Gestapo will shut down cyrptocurrencies. It will happen. The Fed will demand it.

Why is it that Republican voters only care about the deficit when there's a Democrat in the White House? You didn't give a rat's ass when Trump was spending like a drunken sailor. Or W. Or even Saint Ronnie Reagan. Where were you when Trump put a $1.9 trillion tax cut on the national credit card? Republicans only bleat about "fiscal responsibility" and "free shit" when there's a Democrat in the White House.

When Donald Trump cut taxes, I said that the first two tax cuts ended with a crashed economy and the third time would not be the charm. When the crisis comes, there will be insufficient revenues to deal with it. Well here we are.

Republicans have been the most fiscally irresponsible party in the history of the nation. You've lost any ability to criticize Democratic fiscal competence because your policies have failed so utterly.
No one knows for sure. We were certain of hyperinflation because of QE after the Meltdown.

If there is inflation it could be long and rough or it could be spiky and short lived.

No one knows for sure. Especially those whose perceptions are distorted by partisan ideology.
BULLSHIT.........We are already seeing hyper inflation
YOu print money like mad, and your currency loses money like MAD
This is what happens under socialism...

And fucking FED POWELL---------is helping Biden.
WANNA talk slavery---the spending to buy votes and pay off for the stolen election is enslaving us all and we will all suffer for it.
No one knows for sure. We were certain of hyperinflation because of QE after the Meltdown.

If there is inflation it could be long and rough or it could be spiky and short lived.

No one knows for sure. Especially those whose perceptions are distorted by partisan ideology.
Wow! Super ironic. I don't think we have to speculate that printing up trillions of dollars in unbacked
currency can't help but be a bad destructive thing.

But...Joe Biden. Everyone's favorite senile grandfather. Trump is Hitler. He never sent tens of thousands of illegal kids to go live in motels on the taxpayer's dime.
Trump went hyper-Keynesian and you sheep mindlessly cheered the economy (such as it was) that created.

But you do provide another great example of why I don't waste time with Trumpsters on economics.
Oh brother------you support keynesian stupidity and his full employment by government paying nonsense. BABY if that were the case, why are so many drawing unemployment with TRillions that BIDEN IS now spending. The country is in for a world of hurt----------its unavoidable at this point and you support this nonsense.
No one knows for sure. We were certain of hyperinflation because of QE after the Meltdown.

If there is inflation it could be long and rough or it could be spiky and short lived.

No one knows for sure. Especially those whose perceptions are distorted by partisan ideology.
BULLSHIT.........We are already seeing hyper inflation
YOu print money like mad, and your currency loses money like MAD
This is what happens under socialism...

And fucking FED POWELL---------is helping Biden.
WANNA talk slavery---the spending to buy votes and pay off for the stolen election is enslaving us all and we will all suffer for it.

You really need to get a grip.
No one knows for sure. We were certain of hyperinflation because of QE after the Meltdown.

If there is inflation it could be long and rough or it could be spiky and short lived.

No one knows for sure. Especially those whose perceptions are distorted by partisan ideology.
Wow! Super ironic. I don't think we have to speculate that printing up trillions of dollars in unbacked
currency can't help but be a bad destructive thing.

But...Joe Biden. Everyone's favorite senile grandfather. Trump is Hitler. He never sent tens of thousands of illegal kids to go live in motels on the taxpayer's dime.
Trump went hyper-Keynesian and you sheep mindlessly cheered the economy (such as it was) that created.

But you do provide another great example of why I don't waste time with Trumpsters on economics.

Trump did not go "hyper-Keynesian". Under Keynesian economic theories, he should have RAISED taxesd in an economic boom and paid down the deficit. Instead he did the opposite.

He CUT social programs too. Keynesian economics requires a strong social safety net to support those most vulnerable to the economic contractions of a capitalist economy. Trump spent heavily on tax breaks to billionaires.

I live in a country which has employed Keynesian economics since the Great Depression. The USA was run under Keynesian economics up until 1980, when Reagan changed the economic structure of the country to some bastardized version of "hyper capitalism" that has benefitted the wealthy, and left the rest of the nation in a declining economic state.
No one knows for sure. We were certain of hyperinflation because of QE after the Meltdown.

If there is inflation it could be long and rough or it could be spiky and short lived.

No one knows for sure. Especially those whose perceptions are distorted by partisan ideology.
Wow! Super ironic. I don't think we have to speculate that printing up trillions of dollars in unbacked
currency can't help but be a bad destructive thing.

But...Joe Biden. Everyone's favorite senile grandfather. Trump is Hitler. He never sent tens of thousands of illegal kids to go live in motels on the taxpayer's dime.
Trump went hyper-Keynesian and you sheep mindlessly cheered the economy (such as it was) that created.

But you do provide another great example of why I don't waste time with Trumpsters on economics.

Trump did not go "hyper-Keynesian". Under Keynesian economic theories, he should have RAISED taxesd in an economic boom and paid down the deficit. Instead he did the opposite.

He CUT social programs too. Keynesian economics requires a strong social safety net to support those most vulnerable to the economic contractions of a capitalist economy. Trump spent heavily on tax breaks to billionaires.

I live in a country which has employed Keynesian economics since the Great Depression. The USA was run under Keynesian economics up until 1980, when Reagan changed the economic structure of the country to some bastardized version of "hyper capitalism" that has benefitted the wealthy, and left the rest of the nation in a declining economic state.
Slashing taxes and exploding spending in a period of economic growth would definitely fall under my definition of hyper-Keynesianism.

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