Biden mass spending sparks warning of hyperinflation and market crash

It doesn't take much gray matter to figure out that the best way to cut the deficit is to vote for a Democratic President and Republican Congress. Trump was the best get-out-the-vote-drive gift the Democrats could wish for, especially during the Georgia run-off. Cry all you want about the stolen election, the Democrats will run with it and play the Republicans don't want you to vote game all day long. GOP better smart'n up before the midterms.
You got one thing right: very little grey matter is required to conclude that Democrats are good at cutting spending. You have to have less than 10% of the normal amount.
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It is mind boggling how many Russian trolls on these talk boards.

For their sake I hope they are getting paid in US dollars instead of rubles.

I understand that the ruble is worth about ten (10) cents in American currency.

On another note, the real inflation will be $4 a gallon for gasoline.
gas will be $10/gal in a year.
You talk out of both side of your mouth. Your post #50, That money printing exploded under Trump, though Trump had nothing to do with it. Go to the CBO website and you can see which admins are responsible for the debt since Reagan and it is fairly evenly spread. Obama had the greatest increase however. Trump's addition was about 3 trillion until the DEMOCRAT congress decided we needed to have a stimulus--AGAIN and doubled that. Please keep up with your own statements and evict Trump from your head--he's making you look like a moron--not that it took much. US Debt by President | Chart & Per President Deficit | Self.

OK rube. I understand that you don't understand these things because you are a rube. But what you posted is WRONG!

The increase in debt was NOT evenly spread. Clearly, you are a rube moron because you can't process this. The biggest TOTAL amount was under your Orange God, rube. The biggest percent increase was under Reagan, which you supported, rube. So what you claim is about as credible as believing the moon is made of green cheese.

As for the pandemic response, that came from your Orange God's Treasury Secretary, Steve Mnuchin, not the Democrats in Congress. And it was probably correct. But you don't understand this, because you're a rube. The biggest increase in the money supply was because of the Fed.

Here's a tip for you, uneducated rube. If someone who has a beard, wears a camo hat, and is a MAGA-tard commenting on a Youtube video about economics, you probably should be skeptical.

But you won't. Because cult.
You talk out of both side of your mouth. Your post #50, That money printing exploded under Trump, though Trump had nothing to do with it. Go to the CBO website and you can see which admins are responsible for the debt since Reagan and it is fairly evenly spread. Obama had the greatest increase however. Trump's addition was about 3 trillion until the DEMOCRAT congress decided we needed to have a stimulus--AGAIN and doubled that. Please keep up with your own statements and evict Trump from your head--he's making you look like a moron--not that it took much. US Debt by President | Chart & Per President Deficit | Self.

OK rube. I understand that you don't understand these things because you are a rube. But what you posted is WRONG!

The increase in debt was NOT evenly spread. Clearly, you are a rube moron because you can't process this. The biggest TOTAL amount was under your Orange God, rube. The biggest percent increase was under Reagan, which you supported, rube. So what you claim is about as credible as believing the moon is made of green cheese.

As for the pandemic response, that came from your Orange God's Treasury Secretary, Steve Mnuchin, not the Democrats in Congress. And it was probably correct. But you don't understand this, because you're a rube. The biggest increase in the money supply was because of the Fed.

Here's a tip for you, uneducated rube. If someone who has a beard, wears a camo hat, and is a MAGA-tard commenting on a Youtube video about economics, you probably should be skeptical.

But you won't. Because cult.
LINK? I gave you one. I am glad that you finally learned to spell rube. You don't know shit about what I supported re: Reaganomics. So, your questioning my credibility is moot. The fed, or the POTUS can spend NO money on their own, moron. The congress holds the purse strings--take a civics class. HaHaHa, nothing funnier than an idiot democrat who thinks he knows something.
The leftist version of "truth" of course. Which isn't truth at all, naturally.
Trump believes he is an Aristocrat which sounds harmless enough until you know it’s true meaning. Trump "admires" the ruling class and despises commoners.

Aristocracy (Greek: ἀριστοκρατία aristokratía, from ἄριστος aristos 'excellent', and κράτος, kratos 'rule') is a form of government that places strength in the hands of a small, privileged ruling class, the aristocrats.[1] The term derives from the Greek aristokratia, meaning 'rule of the best'.[2]
Aristocracy - Wikipedia
Trump believes he is an Aristocrat which sounds harmless enough until you know it’s true meaning. Trump "admires" the ruling class and despises commoners.
Look up the definition of "populism" while your dictionary is out.
Trump is assailed by leftists for being a populist and a nationalist.
Not surprisingly you don't know shit about Trump.
Trump believes he is an Aristocrat which sounds harmless enough until you know it’s true meaning. Trump "admires" the ruling class and despises commoners.
Look up the definition of "populism" while your dictionary is out.
Trump is assailed by leftists for being a populist and a nationalist.
Not surprisingly you don't know shit about Trump.
Only that Trump lives rent-free in his empty head.

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