Biden mass spending sparks warning of hyperinflation and market crash

Do a search on this site and look at how many times I have posted about this. Its simple fucking math. Yes, I have a degree in finance and 25 years experience in corporate finance in the tech industry...but any fucking 4th grader can understand this math DOES NOT FUCKING WORK.

My lefty friends have said for years they dont care about the debt as long as they keep getting free shit. IT....IS....NOT...SUSTAINABLE.

Diversification into counter market investments is crucial now. And by the way...the Biden Gestapo will shut down cyrptocurrencies. It will happen. The Fed will demand it.

Please name all the "free stuff" all your lefty friends have been getting. I'll wait.
No one knows for sure. We were certain of hyperinflation because of QE after the Meltdown.

If there is inflation it could be long and rough or it could be spiky and short lived.

No one knows for sure. Especially those whose perceptions are distorted by partisan ideology.
Wow! Super ironic. I don't think we have to speculate that printing up trillions of dollars in unbacked
currency can't help but be a bad destructive thing.

But...Joe Biden. Everyone's favorite senile grandfather. Trump is Hitler. He never sent tens of thousands of illegal kids to go live in motels on the taxpayer's dime.
Trump went hyper-Keynesian and you sheep mindlessly cheered the economy (such as it was) that created.

But you do provide another great example of why I don't waste time with Trumpsters on economics.
Oh brother------you support keynesian stupidity and his full employment by government paying nonsense. BABY if that were the case, why are so many drawing unemployment with TRillions that BIDEN IS now spending. The country is in for a world of hurt----------its unavoidable at this point and you support this nonsense.

Keyesian economics is the basis for the most successful economies in the first world. The Friedman inspired hyper-capitalism you're pushing is responsible for the economies of South America, Poland, and South Africa.

Friedmans's policies have been universally debunked as leading higher prices, suppressed wages, increased poverty, and in the event of an economic crisis, great suffering among the poor and middle class.

The economic policies inflict such hardship on the poor and working classes that it is necessary to use violence to suppress liberal ideas, and leadership. Poor Americans are fed up and what do Republicans propose? Running them down in the streets.
No one knows for sure. We were certain of hyperinflation because of QE after the Meltdown.

If there is inflation it could be long and rough or it could be spiky and short lived.

No one knows for sure. Especially those whose perceptions are distorted by partisan ideology.
Wow! Super ironic. I don't think we have to speculate that printing up trillions of dollars in unbacked
currency can't help but be a bad destructive thing.

But...Joe Biden. Everyone's favorite senile grandfather. Trump is Hitler. He never sent tens of thousands of illegal kids to go live in motels on the taxpayer's dime.
Trump went hyper-Keynesian and you sheep mindlessly cheered the economy (such as it was) that created.

But you do provide another great example of why I don't waste time with Trumpsters on economics.
Oh brother------you support keynesian stupidity and his full employment by government paying nonsense. BABY if that were the case, why are so many drawing unemployment with TRillions that BIDEN IS now spending. The country is in for a world of hurt----------its unavoidable at this point and you support this nonsense.

Keyesian economics is the basis for the most successful economies in the first world. The Friedman inspired hyper-capitalism you're pushing is responsible for the economies of South America, Poland, and South Africa.

Friedmans's policies have been universally debunked as leading higher prices, suppressed wages, increased poverty, and in the event of an economic crisis, great suffering among the poor and middle class.

The economic policies inflict such hardship on the poor and working classes that it is necessary to use violence to suppress liberal ideas, and leadership. Poor Americans are fed up and what do Republicans propose? Running them down in the streets.
There is no difference between Keynesican and Friedmans theories at this point. Keyes did advocate paying off debt, that has been twisted by the world bankers who so love and tout Keyes economics now. The same world bankers who have caused markets to crash for centuries. Now the world bankers/globalists don't even bother paying off debt---the interest the debt carries is what buries economies but hey they make sure they get theirs.

We are totally fucked---hyper inflation is here and it will be getting worse.
No one knows for sure. We were certain of hyperinflation because of QE after the Meltdown.

If there is inflation it could be long and rough or it could be spiky and short lived.

No one knows for sure. Especially those whose perceptions are distorted by partisan ideology.
Wow! Super ironic. I don't think we have to speculate that printing up trillions of dollars in unbacked
currency can't help but be a bad destructive thing.

But...Joe Biden. Everyone's favorite senile grandfather. Trump is Hitler. He never sent tens of thousands of illegal kids to go live in motels on the taxpayer's dime.
Trump went hyper-Keynesian and you sheep mindlessly cheered the economy (such as it was) that created.

But you do provide another great example of why I don't waste time with Trumpsters on economics.

Trump did not go "hyper-Keynesian". Under Keynesian economic theories, he should have RAISED taxesd in an economic boom and paid down the deficit. Instead he did the opposite.

He CUT social programs too. Keynesian economics requires a strong social safety net to support those most vulnerable to the economic contractions of a capitalist economy. Trump spent heavily on tax breaks to billionaires.

I live in a country which has employed Keynesian economics since the Great Depression. The USA was run under Keynesian economics up until 1980, when Reagan changed the economic structure of the country to some bastardized version of "hyper capitalism" that has benefitted the wealthy, and left the rest of the nation in a declining economic state.
Slashing taxes and exploding spending in a period of economic growth would definitely fall under my definition of hyper-Keynesianism.

No it's not. Keynesian economics call for tax increases and reduced spending during an economic boom, and cutting taxes and increasing spending during a recession. That's not what Trump did. All he did was reduce taxes.

What Republicans have been doing is some weird hybrid of Frieman's economics, combined with fiscal idiocy, where their only move is to cut taxes during boom times, and give money to corporations during crashes. Even Milton Friedman was disgusted with Republicans.

Friedman opposed any taxation and all social programs. He was pleased with Reagan's tax cuts, but felt Reagan failed because he refused to eliminate the big social programs of Medicaid, Social Security, or welfare. Reagan also refused to eliminate the minimum wage and other governmental regulations on capitalism.

Obama used Keynesian economics, and increased spending during a recession, and increases taxes and pays down the deficit during boom times. Republicans NEVER pay down the deficit.
Democrats are just outright pillaging the country.

God forbid that ANYONE give money to people in need. Corporations and the wealthy are the only ones entitled to "free shit". Giving money to people makes them lazy.

People in need should be given a job, nothing more - workfare not welfare.

People in need should be treated with dignity, not treated as some sort of parasite to be barely tolerated. A hand up, not a hand out.

Workfare been tried and everywhere it has been tried, it's been an abject failure. They tried in Ontario under Mike Harris. First off, the City of Toronto used welfare recipients to clean parks and public spaces. This brought objections from the City Workers' union, since these people were doing union work, for LESS THAN MINIMUM wage. So that was against the law.

Our congregation thought this would be a good way to get the foyer or our Sanctuary painted. But in order to hire welfare workers, we had to guarantee someone on the premises at all times to supervise them and ensure the work was completed. We had to pay someone to supervise the welfare recipients, plus we had to pay the welfare recipients. Because of the requirements of the program, it was more expensive for us to hire people on welfare than it was to hire a painter.

The program was basically abandoned because the very people who might use the program - like our church, couldn't afford to participate because it was too expensive to participate.
If the Left knew what they were doing economically they would not be the owners all of the economic wastelands in America.
Left Wing economics is based on stealing.
Inflation is another way for the Greedy Democrats to steal your savings

Inflation is a Tax on the Middle Class | by Ryan Gosha ...
They call it taxation without representation. Inflation is largely a monetary phenomenon. It's a direct result of the increase in the money supply. However, it does not affect all of us equally. Some…

Inflation is a tax on savings - YouTube

Apr 06, 2020 · Printing money to pay off the debt or to hand out to people sounds like a good idea, until you realize that printing money is identical to a tax on people's ...

Inflation Is A Hidden Tax - What Can You Do About It?
Taxes reduce your purchasing power on the front, while inflation does its dirty work on the back where you can’t necessarily see it. This is why inflation is referred to as a hidden tax. Both taxes and inflation...
No one knows for sure. We were certain of hyperinflation because of QE after the Meltdown.

If there is inflation it could be long and rough or it could be spiky and short lived.

No one knows for sure. Especially those whose perceptions are distorted by partisan ideology.

To be fair I think this is one of the times that it's not partisan ideology to realise that spending trillions and giving every endless free stuff would equate to hyperinflation and interest rates that will sink the economy. It's economics 1-0-1 that the biggest dummies like myself can understand.

I do agree though that hyperbole and ideology clouds folks views at the best of times, tho.

I have been screaming this on this site and I get crickets.

My only conclusion is that most Americans are really fucking dumb.

I have laid out the specific math....the response I get is...DERP!


As we become Greece.

This Republic is about to fall.

It's only a matter of time before the rest of the world realizes that they're subsidizing our cushy way of life and stops accepting the worthless pieces of paper we send them for the goods they actually create. We'll become a third world country overnight and you can say 'goodbye' to that 'thin veil of civility' that we're only barely holding on to as it is...
But if we print 30 trillion dollars, we can pay off the debt, right?

Wtf? You seriously need to go look at the difference between monetary policy and fiscal policy.

Debt is financed by gov bonds, meaning SOMEONE IS BUYING IT.
No one knows for sure. We were certain of hyperinflation because of QE after the Meltdown.

If there is inflation it could be long and rough or it could be spiky and short lived.

No one knows for sure. Especially those whose perceptions are distorted by partisan ideology.

To be fair I think this is one of the times that it's not partisan ideology to realise that spending trillions and giving every endless free stuff would equate to hyperinflation and interest rates that will sink the economy. It's economics 1-0-1 that the biggest dummies like myself can understand.

I do agree though that hyperbole and ideology clouds folks views at the best of times, tho.

I have been screaming this on this site and I get crickets.

My only conclusion is that most Americans are really fucking dumb.

I have laid out the specific math....the response I get is...DERP!


As we become Greece.

This Republic is about to fall.

It's only a matter of time before the rest of the world realizes that they're subsidizing our cushy way of life and stops accepting the worthless pieces of paper we send them for the goods they actually create. We'll become a third world country overnight and you can say 'goodbye' to that 'thin veil of civility' that we're only barely holding on to as it is...
But if we print 30 trillion dollars, we can pay off the debt, right?

Wtf? You seriously need to go look at the difference between monetary policy and fiscal policy.

Debt is financed by gov bonds, meaning SOMEONE IS BUYING IT.

How much debt is too much?
If one now pays $15 per week more on gas ($1/gallon)...that is $750 in a year more. There goes a good portion of your Joe Biden check.

Now add in groceries. Lets say $25/week more.

Thats $1250...and a total of $2000 more thanks to the Democrats.
Lefties, you are stupid if you think this will not affect you.

Do you buy gas? Do you eat? Do you own a home? Do you have retirement savings?

The impending economic collapse will affect you. It is already happening, as we have pointed out. You are already down $2000 if you spend $100 a week on groceries and fill your tank once a week.

Economics dont care about BLM and transsexuals.
It doesn't take much gray matter to figure out that the best way to cut the deficit is to vote for a Democratic President and Republican Congress. Trump was the best get-out-the-vote-drive gift the Democrats could wish for, especially during the Georgia run-off. Cry all you want about the stolen election, the Democrats will run with it and play the Republicans don't want you to vote game all day long. GOP better smart'n up before the midterms.
You got one thing right: very little grey matter is required to conclude that Democrats are good at cutting spending. You have to have less than 10% of the normal amount.

Who mentioned anything about the Democrats being good at cutting spending? It is most obvious that their only concern under a Republican president is getting their share of the money pie.

You really have no clue, do you? Folks around here and congress didn't raise a squeak when the deficit increased under Trump. The Republican Senate's first Covid stimulus last March was treated as a windfall which had you Republicans joyous in delight, It takes a Democrat's presidency to bring fiscal responsibility back into vogue with Republicans. Off with you and your type's crockadile tears over spending.
It doesn't take much gray matter to figure out that the best way to cut the deficit is to vote for a Democratic President and Republican Congress. Trump was the best get-out-the-vote-drive gift the Democrats could wish for, especially during the Georgia run-off. Cry all you want about the stolen election, the Democrats will run with it and play the Republicans don't want you to vote game all day long. GOP better smart'n up before the midterms.
You got one thing right: very little grey matter is required to conclude that Democrats are good at cutting spending. You have to have less than 10% of the normal amount.

Who mentioned anything about the Democrats being good at cutting spending? It is most obvious that their only concern under a Republican president is getting their share of the money pie.

You really have no clue, do you? Folks around here and congress didn't raise a squeak when the deficit increased under Trump. The Republican Senate's first Covid stimulus last March was treated as a windfall which had you Republicans joyous in delight, It takes a Democrat's presidency to bring fiscal responsibility back into vogue with Republicans. Off with you and your type's crockadile tears over spending.

I did. I raised many squeaks about the debt. We should cut the budget 50 cents for every dollar. The savings should go to pay off the debt.

Is that squeaky?
Trump went hyper-Keynesian and you sheep mindlessly cheered the economy (such as it was) that created.

But you do provide another great example of why I don't waste time with Trumpsters on economics.
Okay. There is the left ransacking and burning down your home while yelling....but what about last year?

Biden wants to print up trillions of dollars of fiat currency to pay for his stimulus, which stimulates
nothing but inflation and the left's quasi Marxist ideology.
How about getting off the guy who is NOT president any longer and discuss the dangerous
policies of the senile guy who IS president, for once?

To be honest, if I had fucked up like you people have I wouldn't want to talk about it either.
No one knows for sure. We were certain of hyperinflation because of QE after the Meltdown.

If there is inflation it could be long and rough or it could be spiky and short lived.

No one knows for sure. Especially those whose perceptions are distorted by partisan ideology.
No one knows?

Almost EVERYTHING is more expensive now.
Almost everything I buy for work has nasty price increases. No one knows my ass.

And according the left Biden now owns the economy because y'all have been pimping the stock market now for a week or two as proof he's doing a good job.
Cheney's comments are still pertinent on this issue, and those who belong to the Trump Fascist Movement never will be.

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