Biden may not be president if the Dem power brokers had not supported slavery.

You all seem to be so off of the topic of the thread which is The Democrats have a history of supporting black suppression, slavery and racist behavior... so much so that this originator of the "1619 Project" i.e. changing the entire history of the USA from the founding in 1776 to the founding of the USA because of slavery!
And this premise is based...BASED" on this statement...
"We may never have revolted against Britain if the founders had not understood that slavery empowered them to do so; nor if they had not believed that independence was required in order to ensure that slavery would continue."

So the MSM and other 1619 supporters want to totally change history. Putting slavery as the primary
reason for the founding of the USA. That's all it does. A total lie that the truly ignorant MSM and people like them believe! NOT history. Not facts. Guesses!
No, but slavery is the party of Biden. Ask any black who tries to think for themselves and leave your racist plantation how that works out for them and if Democrats have accepted that they are free. Spoiler alert, you haven't
Why should Blacks try to think for themselves, they already have you to do that for them. You obviously know better what is in their self-interest than they do.

Another leftist playgrounder.

When did I do that, lying fascist?

kaz: Blacks can pick their own views.

alang1216: OMG, you're thinking for them!

You're a moron as well as a racist. It's what slavers always do. You justify your racism as it's good for them too. No, it's not, you're just a racist
I'm rubber, you're glue...

You didn't say "Blacks can pick their own views" what you said, in essence, was that any Black that can think for themselves has to agree with you. The implication being that any Blacks that preferred Dems, and that is the overwhelming majority, don't think for themselves. Doesn't sound like you really don't believe Blacks can pick their own views since they either agree with you or they can't think for themselves.

That isn't what I said, that I said about you. You're an intellectual eight year old who's just playgrounding. No I'm not, kaz YOU are. I'm not, YOU ARE, YOU ARE.

Playground insults are your mental limit. Like all the other playgrounding Democrats.

You're just a liar. Which is why you're a Democrat, the party built on lying, lies and liars
I believe it was you who first brought up the playground and then insulted me so I tried to reply at your level. You only showed you don't know your left from your right.

I brought up the playground when you did a playground insult. You responded to that with another playground insult. You're a mental eight year old, which is why you resort to arguments used by eight year olds
"You obviously know better what is in their self-interest than they do."

Was that the playground insult you refer to? Color me surprised, I thought you'd agree since you know if a Black person has thought for themselves or not.

That said who they support is up to them. My God you're stupid. "You obviously know better what is in their self-interest than they do."

What the fuck is wrong with you? How stupid are you? Seriously, how stupid?

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