Biden Moves To Pack The USSC Court; Signs EO Forming Commission To Investigate Expanding The Court

Actually, Biden discussed just such a bipartisan commission during his campaign.

Well if we're going to bog down the discussion with facts...

Biden, on camera answering a reporters question, seriously just told reporters the reason he refused to reveal / admit he planned to pack the courts during his Presidential campaign was because if he did so the media would have focused on that and made it a big deal....

Trying to pack the court in a world where the senate heavily favors republicans....

If i still considered myself a democrat I'd think this was a bad play

Then again because of old Ruth this is so fucked up, democrats have nothing left to lose.
Their lives?

lol it seems republicans generally only want to lynch their fellow republicans
Biden, on camera answering a reporters question, seriously just told reporters the reason he refused to reveal / admit he planned to pack the courts during his Presidential campaign was because if he did so the media would have focused on that and made it a big deal....

View attachment 478069

The Potted Plant In Chief said that?
Both sides could be fight

biden may not be planning to pack the court

but is he running the show at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave?

I’m not sure he is
'I'm Not In Favor Of Packing The USSC.'

Surprise, surprise - Joe Biden Lied.

If Republicans want to chest then they can't complain about Democrats.
When did Republicans "chest", I assume you mean cheat, when it comes to the SC?
Trying to pack the court in a world where the senate heavily favors republicans....

If i still considered myself a democrat I'd think this was a bad play

Then again because of old Ruth this is so fucked up, democrats have nothing left to lose.
Their lives?

lol it seems republicans generally only want to lynch their fellow republicans
We dont lynch we vote out the establishment Repugnicrats who go against the people. Idiots like you continue to vote for the likes of Nan the batchit crazy Pelosi from San Fransicko, where she fucks you every chance she gets. Maybe instead of burning, looting and murdering the minority businesses, you dumbasses could torch her house sending her a message to work for the people, not enslave the people..are you a prog slave?

Another Biden campaign promise broken.

Nobody is packing the Supreme Court, Chicken Little.

Packing the Supreme Court might just lead to a real insurrection. One with guns.

And the Guard and DC LE will be ready, and they are trained.
Another Biden campaign promise broken.

Nobody is packing the Supreme Court, Chicken Little.

Packing the Supreme Court might just lead to a real insurrection. One with guns.

And the Guard and DC LE will be ready, and they are trained.
DC LE was "over run" by a guy in pajamas and a horn hat.
'I'm Not In Favor Of Packing The USSC.'

Surprise, surprise - Joe Biden Lied.

How else are they going to ensure that republicans never win another election? Hell, everything is in place with the exception of that....

Kiss America good bye.
Another Biden campaign promise broken.

Nobody is packing the Supreme Court, Chicken Little.

Packing the Supreme Court might just lead to a real insurrection. One with guns.

And the Guard and DC LE will be ready, and they are trained.

Jesus - do you ever read what you type? It might just come to that. The "Guard" is manned by little boys and old, fat men. The DC ZLE doesn't want that fight. The "PATRIOTS" would be manned by combat veterans from Viet Nam, Iraq and Afghanistan.

Wake the hell up. You do NOT want this fight. It will be a bloody mess.
The left are essentially made up of sociopaths & psychopaths, so they make up rules as they go along so long as "it's fair" in their favor. The 2020 election is a prime example.
Another Biden campaign promise broken.

Nobody is packing the Supreme Court, Chicken Little.

Packing the Supreme Court might just lead to a real insurrection. One with guns.

And the Guard and DC LE will be ready, and they are trained.

I heard from an informed source on TV that the NG have no ammo in their weapons. (I think Nancy Pelosi is almost as afraid of the national guard as the Trump supporters because the NG is full of Trump supporters). Some of the DC LE were holding doors open to allow the protestors in. That doesn’t say much for their training.

At this time there is no reason for an armed insurrection and it would not have the support of the majority of the people in our nation. If the Democratic Party achieves its dream of one party control of this nation and attempts to turn it into a social workers paradise we may see an uprising, we may simply witness the Union split apart peacefully or we may witness the military take over the government.
'I'm Not In Favor Of Packing The USSC.'

Surprise, surprise - Joe Biden Lied.

The court was already “packed”. Biden is unpacking it.

Mandatory retirement age would help. Buh, bye Judge Thomas.
'I'm Not In Favor Of Packing The USSC.'

Surprise, surprise - Joe Biden Lied.

The court was already “packed”. Biden is unpacking it.

Mandatory retirement age would help. Buh, bye Judge Thomas.

This kind of move by Sleepy Joe could easily backfire, you libs should know.

If Biden increases the Supreme Court to 15 with new leftist justices, the next Republican President will increase the size of the court again to counteract that undemocratic move. If Biden admits Leftist areas like DC, Puerto Rico and Haiti as "states" to pack the Senate, Trump will respond when he gets in by admitting Northern South Dakota, Eastern Wyoming and Southern Oklahoma as states to re-balance it.

Actions can backfire. The Chuck U. Schumer plan to eliminate the judicial filibuster is an example that allowed President Trump to get hundreds of top justices confirmed.
'I'm Not In Favor Of Packing The USSC.'

Surprise, surprise - Joe Biden Lied.

The court was already “packed”. Biden is unpacking it.

Mandatory retirement age would help. Buh, bye Judge Thomas.

Justice Thomas is the Jackie Robinson of the Supreme Court, with the most impressive percentage of Correct Votes in SCOTUS history, why would you want to get rid of him?

And libs said he didn't have the right stuff.

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