Biden Mumbles Through His First Speech as 2020 Presidential Candidate


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Hillary had major medical issues she kept secret, apparently Joe does too.

“I want to thank Rich Fritzgerald, the county executive for — the baladanny — the Alleghengy County executive for being here.”

“The country wasn’t built by Wall St. bankers, CEOs, and hudge — heh — and hedge fund managers,” Biden stammered during what was supposed to be a headline moment.

At various points he stumbled over words like “dignity,” “successful,” and “hospitals.” Occasionally words were entirely indecipherable.

“Union workers, the UAW took extredable — cuts in their pensions and their future and the less to get GM working,” Biden said.

Old Man Joe: Biden Slurs His Way Through First Speech as Presidential Candidate [Montage]
poor old bastard



Hillary had major medical issues she kept secret, apparently Joe does too.

“I want to thank Rich Fritzgerald, the county executive for — the baladanny — the Alleghengy County executive for being here.”

“The country wasn’t built by Wall St. bankers, CEOs, and hudge — heh — and hedge fund managers,” Biden stammered during what was supposed to be a headline moment.

At various points he stumbled over words like “dignity,” “successful,” and “hospitals.” Occasionally words were entirely indecipherable.

“Union workers, the UAW took extredable — cuts in their pensions and their future and the less to get GM working,” Biden said.

Old Man Joe: Biden Slurs His Way Through First Speech as Presidential Candidate [Montage]

I couldn't take watching it all. Obviously poor Joe has a brain aneurysm working on his brain. He can hardly fucking talk. I hope the Democrats have someone who can stand without a walker to replace him when his artery blows and blood flies across the room as this sad wretch goes straight down on his face! Maybe they can shove a board up Hillary's ass, pump her full of meds, stick a woozy smile on her face and stick a speaker in her vest with prerecorded speech as she stands there hanging on to the podium? Democrats won't know the difference between that and a live person.
Hillary had major medical issues she kept secret, apparently Joe does too.

“I want to thank Rich Fritzgerald, the county executive for — the baladanny — the Alleghengy County executive for being here.”

“The country wasn’t built by Wall St. bankers, CEOs, and hudge — heh — and hedge fund managers,” Biden stammered during what was supposed to be a headline moment.

At various points he stumbled over words like “dignity,” “successful,” and “hospitals.” Occasionally words were entirely indecipherable.

“Union workers, the UAW took extredable — cuts in their pensions and their future and the less to get GM working,” Biden said.

Old Man Joe: Biden Slurs His Way Through First Speech as Presidential Candidate [Montage]

I couldn't take watching it all. Obviously poor Joe has a brain aneurysm working on his brain. He can hardly fucking talk. I hope the Democrats have someone who can stand without a walker to replace him when his artery blows and blood flies across the room as this sad wretch goes straight down on his face! Maybe they can shove a board up Hillary's ass, pump her full of meds, stick a woozy smile on her face and stick a speaker in her vest with prerecorded speech as she stands there hanging on to the podium? Democrats won't know the difference between that and a live person.
Obviously something going on, he used to speak Crazy fluently.
Maybe he was speaking Cofevfe to the 138 million killed in Sri Lanka while eating a hamberder.
Hillary had major medical issues she kept secret, apparently Joe does too.

“I want to thank Rich Fritzgerald, the county executive for — the baladanny — the Alleghengy County executive for being here.”

“The country wasn’t built by Wall St. bankers, CEOs, and hudge — heh — and hedge fund managers,” Biden stammered during what was supposed to be a headline moment.

At various points he stumbled over words like “dignity,” “successful,” and “hospitals.” Occasionally words were entirely indecipherable.

“Union workers, the UAW took extredable — cuts in their pensions and their future and the less to get GM working,” Biden said.

Old Man Joe: Biden Slurs His Way Through First Speech as Presidential Candidate [Montage]

I couldn't take watching it all. Obviously poor Joe has a brain aneurysm working on his brain. He can hardly fucking talk. I hope the Democrats have someone who can stand without a walker to replace him when his artery blows and blood flies across the room as this sad wretch goes straight down on his face! Maybe they can shove a board up Hillary's ass, pump her full of meds, stick a woozy smile on her face and stick a speaker in her vest with prerecorded speech as she stands there hanging on to the podium? Democrats won't know the difference between that and a live person.
Obviously something going on, he used to speak Crazy fluently.

They've either offered Biden something awfully yuge to get him to run or they've made threats upon his family, knowing that he is the closest thing to a viable democratic candidate since John McCain fell into his wooden box.
Hillary had major medical issues she kept secret, apparently Joe does too.

“I want to thank Rich Fritzgerald, the county executive for — the baladanny — the Alleghengy County executive for being here.”

“The country wasn’t built by Wall St. bankers, CEOs, and hudge — heh — and hedge fund managers,” Biden stammered during what was supposed to be a headline moment.

At various points he stumbled over words like “dignity,” “successful,” and “hospitals.” Occasionally words were entirely indecipherable.

“Union workers, the UAW took extredable — cuts in their pensions and their future and the less to get GM working,” Biden said.

Old Man Joe: Biden Slurs His Way Through First Speech as Presidential Candidate [Montage]
/——/ “mumble jumble bone knackey and dim balance windjammer.” Old Joe Biden
Biden is older but still as stupid. The country was built by CEOs, like Henry Ford, Howard Hughes, Thomas Edison, John Paul Getty, John Rockefeller, Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Mark Zuckerberg and many others. Unions did not build this country, the country was built in spite of their interference.

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