Biden names fired Indian-American surgeon general Vivek Murthy, FDA commissioner David Kessler, & Yale woman as heads of his COVID-19 taskforce

i've read Vivek's book. top notch public health guy

biden will have a lot of time to work on covid, since he's inheriting the most peaceful time in history of this planet; courtesy of Donald J Trump
i've read Vivek's book. top notch public health guy

biden will have a lot of time to work on covid, since he's inheriting the most peaceful time in history of this planet; courtesy of Donald J Trump
Actually, it's true. Trump is the first President since Jimmy Carter not to launch a fresh new military commitment. If Biden does prove to be the victor, hopefully he will do the same.
one of the folks Biden chose looks like a bass player from a Seattle grunge band, instead of a medical expert
The Chi-coms along with Fauci and the obamamonkey admin are responsible for this plannedemic and yet then Chi-coms are making billions off of selling masks for a problem that they just can't make this shit is too weep.

On top of that, the incorporated CDC is encouraging the taking of free flu shots which weakens the immune system under normal circumstances while the threat of Covid-19 remains AND since the regular flu is of the covid variety, if you test for COVD-19 the chances of testing positive are almost 100 percent FURTHER playing into the mask wearing (sold by China) and shut downs that will invariably be mandated and on and on it goes until the Hegelian Dialectic plays out where the sheeple beg for a DNA altering vaccine for a bio weapon that is self-mutating that was fast-tracked and bypasses all vaccine protocols........this borders on a greek tragedy play/comedy.
Biden is launching a coronavirus task force tomorrow. Who's ready for deficit concern trolling from the very Republicans who stood by and saw Trump blow up the deficit? "Can we really AFFORD testing? Who's going to pay for it?"
testing will go down under the dems
So that all the numbers will go down
"Look, see what we did."
Does anyone here remember what the Obama Administration did with testing during the Swine Flu pandemic? That's right...they stopped it. The left is so full of shit it's not even funny...
Public health experts:

Heroin? Fine, it’s a choice, don’t stigmatize people of addiction.


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