Biden needs directions printed on cards...25A time


Sheep Dipped Boy Scout
Gold Supporting Member
Dec 12, 2014
Plasticville U.S.A
Biden is so bad mentally, his staff is giving him direction cards to follow while he is trying to function in front of a crowd.


And he is so incompetent, that he shows them off.

Biden began the meeting by saying he was “disappointed” by the Supreme Court’s decision released Thursday that upheld the Second Amendment and struck down a New York concealed carry law. As the video shows, one side of the card was written in what appears to be his own handwriting, while the other side had text with step-by-step instructions on what to do while in the room.

Thanks to a Getty Image of the incident, readers can see that the text reads as follows:

Offshore Wind Drop-By Sequence of Events

  • YOU enter the Roosevelt Room and say hello to participants
  • YOU take YOUR seat
  • Press enters
  • YOU give brief comments (Minutes)
  • Press departs
  • YOU ask Liz Shuler AFL-CIO President a question
  • Note: Liz is joining virtually.
  • YOU thank participants.
  • You depart.

‘YOU Take YOUR Seat’: Biden’s Notecard Has Step-By-Step Instructions For Everything, Like Walking Into Room And Sitting Down | The Daily Wire

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