Biden needs directions printed on cards...25A time

wow... I really do feel sorry for this dude sometimes

but again, if he doesnt repent (pushing abortion, etc), he's going to hell like all the other baby killers and America-destroyers
Biden only remembers what ice cream is, when one of his handlers brings him a cone for good behavior.

so we can still have fun even though the rightful president is not in the WH

it wouldbe more fun if he were but... sigh.. maybe next time

Trump got robbed big time... I hope SCOTUS does to theSteal case what they did to Roe

wow... I really do feel sorry for this dude sometimes

but again, if he doesnt repent (pushing abortion, etc), he's going to hell like all the other baby killers and America-destroyers
I feel more sorry for you,, this is a week old and already have threads on it,,
I sometimes get in a tither watching that popcorn fart burble along in speeches.

Sometimes I feel a little bad for him, but then I remember he was a dirty son of a bitch before his brain died.
still is

baby hater
America hater
hates oil independence..

I mean, tell me we don't have a right to .... wish him into the corn field
So basically some patriotic person just needs to switch one card that will read;
Walk to podium
Say 'I resign'
Walk off stage.

If nothing else watching his staff walk it back would be hilarious.
Biden is so bad mentally, his staff is giving him direction cards to follow while he is trying to function in front of a crowd.


And he is so incompetent, that he shows them off.

‘YOU Take YOUR Seat’: Biden’s Notecard Has Step-By-Step Instructions For Everything, Like Walking Into Room And Sitting Down | The Daily Wire

It is act of criminal negligence that his team hid his dementia from The American Public during the campaign.
I can understand that with as many events that a President has to do that it is good to have instructions like that. I am sure that all the other Presidents were occasionally given cue cards of some kind.

However, we never knew it. It was transparent. I also don't think the cards for other Presidents would have been as detailed.

This incompetent Biden joke literally takes out the cards for everybody to see.

The guy is an idiot. I wonder if he gets a cue card for going to the toilet with instructions to wipe his ass.

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