Biden Officials Shut Down State Department Investigation Into Wuhan Lab Leak Theory


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Biden Officials Shut Down State Department Investigation Into Wuhan Lab Leak Theory​

26 May 2021 ~~ By Nick Arama
Yesterday, Peter Doocy asked Jen Psaki why President Biden wasn’t pressing for more information on the Wuhan lab leak theory. “We have repeatedly called for the WHO to support an expert-driven evaluation of the pandemic’s origins,” Psaki replied. That answer was very troubling, I observed in our story on Psaki’s response. Is there an American investigation still ongoing into the question from the Biden team, I asked? Because it doesn’t sound like it, from what Psaki was saying — and because we surely can’t trust anything that WHO concludes on the matter, given their prior actions.
Turns out that was a good question to ask. Because now there are reports that Joe Biden actually shut down an investigation into that very question.
There’s a new CNN story out that breaks that bombshell news. But it looks like someone knew this information would be leaking out soon and this is part of the effort to soft-pedal the termination of the investigation.
The inquiry was launched in the State Department last fall under President Donald Trump to look into the origin of the pandemic and the leak theory. But the Biden folks cut the leak inquiry this spring. Here comes the spin as to the why.

This explains why Fauci et al are finally now OK with saying “we can’t rule it out”, knowing that any real investigation was already buried.
Why should the Chyany Joey Xi Bai Din administration bothering to investiagte? The Chinese created Covid-19 virus gave Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat lefties and the CCP everything they needed and wanted: change election laws on the fly to cheat us, Trump and the world. What's 3 million deaths? Why would Chyna Joey Xi bite the hand that infects us?
Joe must go on pretending we don’t know the Chinese made this in their lab.

There’s a new CNN story out that breaks that bombshell news. But it looks like someone knew this information would be leaking out soon and this is part of the effort to soft-pedal the termination of the investigation.
The inquiry was launched in the State Department last fall under President Donald Trump to look into the origin of the pandemic and the leak theory. But the Biden folks cut the leak inquiry this spring. Here comes the spin as to the why.

From your link:

'Suspicious as hell'

Opponents of the State Department inquiry viewed the effort as alarming because those working on it appeared to actively hide their work from skeptics, two sources said.
"The way they did their work was suspicious as hell," said one former State Department official who was familiar with the effort. "They basically conducted it in secret, cutting out the State Department's technical experts and the Intelligence Community, and then trying to brief certain senior officials in the interagency on their 'tentative conclusions' even before they'd let the department leaders they worked for know an investigation was underway at all."
During the final weeks of the Trump administration, when senior officials in the department who had been shielded from the efforts learned about how far the inquiry had gone, they pushed for a panel of outside scientists to review the findings. When scientists looked at the data, during a 3-hour long meeting in early January, the evidence collected up until that point appeared inconclusive and misguided, two sources said.


Though Biden officials shut down this particular inquiry, they remain skeptical of Beijing's role in limiting investigators from accessing information that may be pertinent to the origins of the virus. US intelligence agencies continue to examine the question of whether the virus emerged naturally from human contact with infected animals or if it could have been the result of a laboratory accident.
One US intelligence report, which CNN and the Wall Street Journal recently reported on, found that several researchers at China's Wuhan Institute of Virology fell ill in November 2019 and had to be hospitalized, a new detail which has fueled the continued debate about the virus's origin. The exact nature of their symptoms remain unclear.

If you are going to provide a link at least READ IT first.
Joe must go on pretending we don’t know the Chinese made this in their lab.

View attachment 493776

You "know" whatever the fuck you want to. There has thus far been no serious evidence that Covid-19 was somehow intentionally used by China.
Wrong. The fact that the first people hospitalized for WuFlu were in fact the Wuhan lab workers pretty much proves it came from there.

There is ZERO proof this virus came from the animal kingdom. Not one instance of it has been found in bats or snakes or whatever the fake news had claimed before.
Of course. China owns Joe. China bought Joe lock, stock and Hunter when Joe was playing pay fir play games while Obama’s VP.

Don’t be surprised when China takes over Taiwan. China’s buying Joe will prove one really great investment.
Joe must go on pretending we don’t know the Chinese made this in their lab.

View attachment 493776

You "know" whatever the fuck you want to. There has thus far been no serious evidence that Covid-19 was somehow intentionally used by China.
Wrong. The fact that the first people hospitalized for WuFlu were in fact the Wuhan lab workers pretty much proves it came from there.

There is ZERO proof this virus came from the animal kingdom. Not one instance of it has been found in bats or snakes or whatever the fake news had claimed before.
You don't read before you type.
antontoo said "There has thus far been no serious evidence that Covid-19 was somehow intentionally used by China."
That doesn't rule out that it escaped from a lab.
So funny to see the Xiden reference to being owned by China, by bitter losers (R).
But, they, (bitter (R) deniers) have NO PROBLEM with the PUTIN owned trump.

Trump owes so much money to foreign Countries (Russia and Saudi owned), yet you STILL believe he is rich.
Trump is owned.
You continue to be conned.

POS trump is the ultimate con man. HOOK, LINE, sinker. You have been conned.
Joe must go on pretending we don’t know the Chinese made this in their lab.

View attachment 493776

You "know" whatever the fuck you want to. There has thus far been no serious evidence that Covid-19 was somehow intentionally used by China.
Wrong. The fact that the first people hospitalized for WuFlu were in fact the Wuhan lab workers pretty much proves it came from there.

There is ZERO proof this virus came from the animal kingdom. Not one instance of it has been found in bats or snakes or whatever the fake news had claimed before.
You don't read before you type.
antontoo said "There has thus far been no serious evidence that Covid-19 was somehow intentionally used by China."
That doesn't rule out that it escaped from a lab.
Technically that's not true, we do know they weaponized it once it was in their population, through knowingly and willingly sending infected tourists throughout the globe.
Then you have the timing of NK boasting the Christmas present we were about to receive.
Joe must go on pretending we don’t know the Chinese made this in their lab.

View attachment 493776

You "know" whatever the fuck you want to. There has thus far been no serious evidence that Covid-19 was somehow intentionally used by China.
Wrong. The fact that the first people hospitalized for WuFlu were in fact the Wuhan lab workers pretty much proves it came from there.

There is ZERO proof this virus came from the animal kingdom. Not one instance of it has been found in bats or snakes or whatever the fake news had claimed before.

Wrong. If the flu was first discovered in the lab, how coincidental was it they got it first. Gee that's a brilliant deduction.
There is no evidence, at all, that they invented within that lab. None. Its pure speculation at this point.
The research at this point suggests it was imported to China in meat products and was taken to that lab after the first few deaths for investigation. Hence, they were the first to get it., we know of.
Why would Chyna Joey Xi bite the hand that infects us?
because he'd have one f*ck of an insurrection on his hands , especially when it is publicly revealed that we outsourced bio-research to China , which we funded....
and then trying to brief certain senior officials in the interagency on their 'tentative conclusions'
It's a virus with a human genome target , not something naturally occurring

follow the $$$ anyone?>>>>

Joe must go on pretending we don’t know the Chinese made this in their lab.

View attachment 493776

You "know" whatever the fuck you want to. There has thus far been no serious evidence that Covid-19 was somehow intentionally used by China.
Wrong. The fact that the first people hospitalized for WuFlu were in fact the Wuhan lab workers pretty much proves it came from there.

There is ZERO proof this virus came from the animal kingdom. Not one instance of it has been found in bats or snakes or whatever the fake news had claimed before.
You don't read before you type.
antontoo said "There has thus far been no serious evidence that Covid-19 was somehow intentionally used by China."
That doesn't rule out that it escaped from a lab.
Technically that's not true, we do know they weaponized it once it was in their population, through knowingly and willingly sending infected tourists throughout the globe.
Then you have the timing of NK boasting the Christmas present we were about to receive.
Completely false.
So funny to see the Xiden reference to being owned by China, by bitter losers (R).
But, they, (bitter (R) deniers) have NO PROBLEM with the PUTIN owned trump.

Trump owes so much money to foreign Countries (Russia and Saudi owned), yet you STILL believe he is rich.
Trump is owned.
You continue to be conned.

POS trump is the ultimate con man. HOOK, LINE, sinker. You have been conned.
Putin did not own Trump. If he had Trump would have acted like Biden and kept the Keystone XL Pipeline shut down. Anything that helps our nation increase its energy production hurts Russia.

Trump was also opposed to the Russia to Germany gas pipeline but Joe cleared it. It seems Russia owns Joe Biden more than it owned Trump. Don’t be surprised if Russia takes over Ukraine.

Joe must go on pretending we don’t know the Chinese made this in their lab.

View attachment 493776

You "know" whatever the fuck you want to. There has thus far been no serious evidence that Covid-19 was somehow intentionally used by China.
Wrong. The fact that the first people hospitalized for WuFlu were in fact the Wuhan lab workers pretty much proves it came from there.

There is ZERO proof this virus came from the animal kingdom. Not one instance of it has been found in bats or snakes or whatever the fake news had claimed before.

Wrong. If the flu was first discovered in the lab, how coincidental was it they got it first. Gee that's a brilliant deduction.
There is no evidence, at all, that they invented within that lab. None. Its pure speculation at this point.
The research at this point suggests it was imported to China in meat products and was taken to that lab after the first few deaths for investigation. Hence, they were the first to get it., we know of.
Bull fuken shit take a hike dumbass

Joe must go on pretending we don’t know the Chinese made this in their lab.

View attachment 493776

You "know" whatever the fuck you want to. There has thus far been no serious evidence that Covid-19 was somehow intentionally used by China.
Wrong. The fact that the first people hospitalized for WuFlu were in fact the Wuhan lab workers pretty much proves it came from there.

There is ZERO proof this virus came from the animal kingdom. Not one instance of it has been found in bats or snakes or whatever the fake news had claimed before.
You don't read before you type.
antontoo said "There has thus far been no serious evidence that Covid-19 was somehow intentionally used by China."
That doesn't rule out that it escaped from a lab.
Technically that's not true, we do know they weaponized it once it was in their population, through knowingly and willingly sending infected tourists throughout the globe.
Then you have the timing of NK boasting the Christmas present we were about to receive.
Exactly........A chinese virologist says the corona virus was intentionally released

Joe must go on pretending we don’t know the Chinese made this in their lab.

View attachment 493776

You "know" whatever the fuck you want to. There has thus far been no serious evidence that Covid-19 was somehow intentionally used by China.
Wrong. The fact that the first people hospitalized for WuFlu were in fact the Wuhan lab workers pretty much proves it came from there.

There is ZERO proof this virus came from the animal kingdom. Not one instance of it has been found in bats or snakes or whatever the fake news had claimed before.

Wrong. If the flu was first discovered in the lab, how coincidental was it they got it first. Gee that's a brilliant deduction.
There is no evidence, at all, that they invented within that lab. None. Its pure speculation at this point.
The research at this point suggests it was imported to China in meat products and was taken to that lab after the first few deaths for investigation. Hence, they were the first to get it., we know of.

Biden Officials Shut Down State Department Investigation Into Wuhan Lab Leak Theory​

26 May 2021 ~~ By Nick Arama
Yesterday, Peter Doocy asked Jen Psaki why President Biden wasn’t pressing for more information on the Wuhan lab leak theory. “We have repeatedly called for the WHO to support an expert-driven evaluation of the pandemic’s origins,” Psaki replied. That answer was very troubling, I observed in our story on Psaki’s response. Is there an American investigation still ongoing into the question from the Biden team, I asked? Because it doesn’t sound like it, from what Psaki was saying — and because we surely can’t trust anything that WHO concludes on the matter, given their prior actions.
Turns out that was a good question to ask. Because now there are reports that Joe Biden actually shut down an investigation into that very question.
There’s a new CNN story out that breaks that bombshell news. But it looks like someone knew this information would be leaking out soon and this is part of the effort to soft-pedal the termination of the investigation.
The inquiry was launched in the State Department last fall under President Donald Trump to look into the origin of the pandemic and the leak theory. But the Biden folks cut the leak inquiry this spring. Here comes the spin as to the why.

This explains why Fauci et al are finally now OK with saying “we can’t rule it out”, knowing that any real investigation was already buried.
Why should the Chyany Joey Xi Bai Din administration bothering to investiagte? The Chinese created Covid-19 virus gave Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat lefties and the CCP everything they needed and wanted: change election laws on the fly to cheat us, Trump and the world. What's 3 million deaths? Why would Chyna Joey Xi bite the hand that infects us?

This does more than shut down the inquiry. It establishes

1. Chinese guilt in creating the virus
Joe must go on pretending we don’t know the Chinese made this in their lab.

View attachment 493776

You "know" whatever the fuck you want to. There has thus far been no serious evidence that Covid-19 was somehow intentionally used by China.
FALSE! (and RIDICULOUS) More than enough evidence was provided back in September 2020, by Chinese virologist Dr. Li-Meng Yan, a former researcher at the Hong Kong School of Public Health, who posted a paper on the the open-access repository website Zenote, that she claims shows how SARS-CoV-2 could be “conveniently created” in a laboratory setting in six months.

The paper, co-authored with two others, is titled “Unusual Features of the SARS-CoV-2 Genome Suggesting Sophisticated Laboratory Modification Rather Than Natural Evolution and Delineation of Its Probable Synthetic Route.”

It claims to note how “SARS-CoV-2 shows biological characteristics that are inconsistent with a naturally occurring, zoonotic virus.” In other words, this is nit a virus from nature, but rather deliberatively man-made. Note that it is deliberatively man-made in the Wuhan lab, which is controlled by the Chinese government.

In April, Yan reportedly fled Hong Kong and escaped to America to raise awareness about the pandemic. She is said to have been hiding over fear for her safety.

Yan had said her former supervisors at the Hong Kong School of Public Health, a reference laboratory for the World Health Organization, silenced her when she sounded the alarm about human-to-human transmission in December last year.

She also claimed that before she fled China, her information was wiped from government databases.

As devastating as all this is, even this will seem trivial, once (if) China succeeds in developing a new virus which will have genetic DNA components that will make this new biological weapon effective only against humans of non-Chinese DNA, thereby providing automatic immunity for the Chinese, while the bug ravages the rest of the world, that China seems to be intent on taking control over.

Welcome to Hitler 2021.


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