Biden pledges: We won't fight a war against Russia in Ukraine

Not if the fuckin' gop Neocons and their new dem fellow travelers have their way.....Oh when things get too hot for them they will run off to the congressional bunker at Mt Weather.....I hope they get caught out in the open and vaporized.
It is a shame that if there are any survivors outside of it they can booby trap the exits before their fate.
He right.

1. “I will shut down the virus, not the economy.”

2. “I don’t think [vaccine mandates] should be mandatory.”

3. “If you entrust me with the presidency, I will draw on the best of us, not the worst. I will be an ally of the light, not the darkness. It is time for us, for we, the people, to come together. And make no mistake, united we can and will overcome this season of darkness in America.”

4. “No new taxes” for Americans making less than $400,000

5. “We will not conduct a hasty rush to the exit [out of Afghanistan]. We’ll do it — we’ll do it responsibly, deliberately, and safely.”

6. “We’re going to stay until we get [all Americans] out [of Afghanistan].” – Interview with George Stephanopoulos, August 19, 2021

7. “America is back. The transatlantic alliance is back.” – Virtual Munich Security Conference, February 19, 2021

8. “I will make it clear to the Kremlin that it must end its aggression toward and occupation of Ukraine.” – Statement on Ukraine’s Independence Day, August 24, 2020

9. “[I will] end the opioid crisis.” – Biden/Harris campaign website

10. “I will not…use the Justice Department as my vehicle to insist that something happen.” – NBC Interview with Lester Holt, November 25, 2020

11. $15 an hour minimum wage

12. Student loan debt forgiveness

13. "I’ve been against Keystone from the beginning. But the idea of shutting down Keystone, as if that is the thing that keeps the oil industry moving, is just not rational. That’s and by the way, it is not economically nor in my view environmentally make any sense."

14. Child migrant detention
Why would the US go to war with Russia? No reason at all, Zero.

The US has invaded many countries and toppled regimes of others so they can stay loyal, most of those countries have no shared culture, history or language with the US....Russia and Ukraine in the other hand have many ties. I don't support this war, but the US has no business and americans in general that criticize Russia where were they when their own army was killing and bombarding civilians in many parts of the world?
Careful there, you may be labeled as a Putin propagandist by the Ukrainian cheerleaders.
Careful there, you may be labeled as a Putin propagandist by the Ukrainian cheerleaders.
Could be worse, like a trump cultist lol.

Seriously, Ukraine is Russia's backyard and they have nukes and a crazy many in charge. Not a good idea to go poke an angry bear.

Plus all those Ukraine Sympathizers where were they when The Chechens were crushed and bombarded? Or When Israel bombard the hell out of Palestinians?
1. “I will shut down the virus, not the economy.”

2. “I don’t think [vaccine mandates] should be mandatory.”

3. “If you entrust me with the presidency, I will draw on the best of us, not the worst. I will be an ally of the light, not the darkness. It is time for us, for we, the people, to come together. And make no mistake, united we can and will overcome this season of darkness in America.”

4. “No new taxes” for Americans making less than $400,000

5. “We will not conduct a hasty rush to the exit [out of Afghanistan]. We’ll do it — we’ll do it responsibly, deliberately, and safely.”

6. “We’re going to stay until we get [all Americans] out [of Afghanistan].” – Interview with George Stephanopoulos, August 19, 2021

7. “America is back. The transatlantic alliance is back.” – Virtual Munich Security Conference, February 19, 2021

8. “I will make it clear to the Kremlin that it must end its aggression toward and occupation of Ukraine.” – Statement on Ukraine’s Independence Day, August 24, 2020

9. “[I will] end the opioid crisis.” – Biden/Harris campaign website

10. “I will not…use the Justice Department as my vehicle to insist that something happen.” – NBC Interview with Lester Holt, November 25, 2020

11. $15 an hour minimum wage

12. Student loan debt forgiveness

13. "I’ve been against Keystone from the beginning. But the idea of shutting down Keystone, as if that is the thing that keeps the oil industry moving, is just not rational. That’s and by the way, it is not economically nor in my view environmentally make any sense."

14. Child migrant detention
Amazing summary of how Biden lied about every major policy.
Could be worse, like a trump cultist lol.

Seriously, Ukraine is Russia's backyard and they have nukes and a crazy many in charge. Not a good idea to go poke an angry bear.

Plus all those Ukraine Sympathizers where were they when The Chechens were crushed and bombarded? Or When Israel bombard the hell out of Palestinians?
Neither of those places were the personal playgrounds for corrupt Democrats and neocon GOP asswipes like the Ukraine was.

Seeing old videos of John Mc-shit-Stain and Lindsay Graham over there telling the Ukrainian soldiers that “your fight is our fight”, and the fact that Obama set up the bio labs there, makes it pretty obvious these fucks have planned this for a long time.

The only guy we know that wasn’t a part of that corrupt circle was President Trump, but you can’t accept that. He was impeached for merely threatening to without money from this cesspool of a country.
Neither of those places were the personal playgrounds for corrupt Democrats and neocon GOP asswipes like the Ukraine was.

Seeing old videos of John Mc-shit-Stain and Lindsay Graham over there telling the Ukrainian soldiers that “your fight is our fight”, and the fact that Obama set up the bio labs there, makes it pretty obvious these fucks have planned this for a long time.

The only guy we know that wasn’t a part of that corrupt circle was President Trump, but you can’t accept that. He was impeached for merely threatening to without money from this cesspool of a country.

Trump was the biggest cheerleader of Putin. And you know it. Trump was in bed with DC he is not different than all thr corrupt elite and dirty politicians.
Trump was the biggest cheerleader of Putin. And you know it. Trump was in bed with DC he is not different than all thr corrupt elite and dirty politicians.

Do you understand what "diplomacy" is? Should I find a fifth-grader to explain it to you?
By Neocons, you mean dorty jews, right?

We know what you stand for.

No need to remind us of it every nauseating day.

Tell Putin he is late on his Vodka shipment to you.
I guess a neocon could be Jewish but it's not a requirement as far as i know. Why do you ask, you have something against those of the Jewish faith?

A neocon is someone who agrees politically with conservative ideas including free market capitalism. Moderate conservatives tend to clash with neocons on issues of foreign policy.

Faith in the free market is one important belief of neocons, but even more important is their support of interventionism. In other words, neocons support actively promoting democracy around the world, even if that means using military force.
Trump was the biggest cheerleader of Putin. And you know it. Trump was in bed with DC he is not different than all thr corrupt elite and dirty politicians.
If that was true they wouldn’t had hated him.

Who took a $500k check from Russia?
Hint: it wasn’t President Trump.
If that was true they wouldn’t had hated him.

Who took a $500k check from Russia?
Hint: it wasn’t President Trump.
Who manufactured his merchandise in China while calling China out?
Still with the Russia Russia Russia bit?

Can't you clowns come up with anything new?

Trump was the biggest cheerleader of Putin. And you know it. Trump was in bed with DC he is not different than all thr corrupt elite and dirty politicians.
Looks like the administration and media are hyping up how close we are to all out war. As though preparing for a peace they can credit to Biden. Sadly the hype can become reality, and reality is that America won't even be invited to any peace talks, so it will be another giant Biden failure.
Looks like the administration and media are hyping up how close we are to all out war. As though preparing for a peace they can credit to Biden. Sadly the hype can become reality, and reality is that America won't even be invited to any peace talks, so it will be another giant Biden failure.
That's the problem with these fools, we can never tell when they're telling the truth anymore.

It might be hype, or it might be a genuine warning.

How can we tell? We can't.
Who manufactured his merchandise in China while calling China out?
Something wrong with doing business in China now? He did that while playing by the rules Washington set up, and he tried to change that when in office.

So taking a half million dollar check for one speech is totally legitimate then?
That's the problem with these fools, we can never tell when they're telling the truth anymore.

It might be hype, or it might be a genuine warning.

How can we tell? We can't.
They are whining about a strike inside Ukraine. I guess they thought the west side of the country was safe. Looks like the Russians struck a nerve. If the US and NATO really wanted peace they would be in front of every available camera demanding high level negotiations. We aren't seeing much effort there.

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