Biden Poised To Double The Number Of Black Women Appeals Court Judges

Appointing dumbass affirmative action Negro assholes to court position.

More fucking of our country.
For the racist right, the appointment of qualified jurists of color is yet another frightening example of white men ‘losing control’ of ‘their’ country.

You are confused Moon Bat.

Joe Dufus didn't say he was going to appoint the Negro bitches on qualifications. He said he was going to appoint them based upon race and gender.

Being a goddamn Black Ho don't make you qualified to be a judge.

We will get some pretty damn shitty judges out of that criteria. Many more qualified White men (and women) will be discriminated against so that Joe Dufus gets to appoint his Blacks Hos.

Only idiots vote for Democrat that have race as a criteria for a government job.

It isn’t Democrats who have been nominating people on the basis of race who have no qualifications for the job. Donald Trump submitted several names for federal judge ships of white conservative males, who had no trial experience, and who weren’t even practising law at the time of their nomination. The only qualifications that these white men had, aside from a law degree, was is that they were white and conservative.

There is no evidence at all that Democrats appointed anyone who is unqualified for the job and much evidence that Republicans don’t even consider qualifications.
. Donald Trump submitted several names for federal judge ships of white conservative males, who had no trial experience, and who weren’t even practising law at the time of their nomination.


If you insist.

He doesn't fit the liar's description.

Try again.
Appointing dumbass affirmative action Negro assholes to court position.

More fucking of our country.
For the racist right, the appointment of qualified jurists of color is yet another frightening example of white men ‘losing control’ of ‘their’ country.

You are confused Moon Bat.

Joe Dufus didn't say he was going to appoint the Negro bitches on qualifications. He said he was going to appoint them based upon race and gender.

Being a goddamn Black Ho don't make you qualified to be a judge.

We will get some pretty damn shitty judges out of that criteria. Many more qualified White men (and women) will be discriminated against so that Joe Dufus gets to appoint his Blacks Hos.

Only idiots vote for Democrat that have race as a criteria for a government job.

It isn’t Democrats who have been nominating people on the basis of race who have no qualifications for the job. Donald Trump submitted several names for federal judge ships of white conservative males, who had no trial experience, and who weren’t even practising law at the time of their nomination. The only qualifications that these white men had, aside from a law degree, was is that they were white and conservative.

There is no evidence at all that Democrats appointed anyone who is unqualified for the job and much evidence that Republicans don’t even consider qualifications.
Donald Trump isn't President any more but Joe Dufus is the one that said he was going to appoint affirmative action Blacks Hos for court positions.

His qualifications were race and gender.

The people he submits for confirmation will all be lawyers. That means they passed Law School and the exam to be admitted to the BAR to practice law.

So they will be Lawyers at a minimum.

What other qualifications do you think they need? Besides being white and male?

They will be dumbass affirmative action minorities that are probably borderline illiterate. We see that all the time with affirmative action appointees and hires.

They are chosen by their race and gender and may not know jack shit about their job.

That is what you get when the Libtards use race and gender as the criteria for job placement.

If they were competent then they could compete with Whites and get hired based upon their real qualifications.

It is despicable that Joe Dufus is using race and gender as a criteria for the judicial. It just shows what a fucking moron he is.

Let me tell you a little story.

I worked for an Aerospace company. Back in the 1980s the stupid management decided they needed to hire more minorities because they had government contracts. Not far away was one of these Black Colleges. Bethune Cookman. The company found out that graduates from that college that were hired didn't know their ass from a hole in the ground about anything, even though they had degrees.

They put together a team of managers from the company to go to the college to see what they could do to help the science and math departments to come up to the level of most colleges. They were willing to help fund the improvements.

The team spent six weeks looking at the programs. They came back with the recommendation that the company should not waste its money because the college was too low in academics. They said it was not even on the level of a good High School, no less college level.

When that asshole Joe Dufus appoints Negro Women to positions they will have degrees from schools like that. If they went to a better school then they were admitted and advanced under some demented affirmative action program and won't know jack shit about the law.

We all the time get really shitty rulings from mniotity judges and the reason is that they are dumbasses. Joe Dufus is a fucking moron using race and gender as job qualification. That will not serve our country.

Anybody that voted for Joe Dufus and then ignored the fact he stole the election is also a friggin moron.

Three months experience. And the Judge is the arbiter of the courtroom. The Judge decides if the law has been followed, or which legal principle applies.

But let’s talk about experience. Let’s say you are charged with Murder. One of the things the Judge must do is decide if your lawyer has enough experience to act in your defense. If the Judge flubs that one then after your conviction the first appeal filed by the Public Defender who inherits the case will be that you did not have adequate defense because of an inexperienced and unqualified lawyer.

Odds are very good that you’ll be granted a new trial.

One example of that lack of experience is a lawyer who’s never seen the inside of a courtroom as a litigator.

A judge is not a litigator and their job is not to argue law.

If you would like to suggest the experience that is gathered simply through arguing in favor of one position or another,
somehow changes the text or meaning of the written law ... It doesn't.

Judges are required to pass the bar exam, as are trial lawyers.
That is the requirement, and both have met that requirement the moment that pass the exam.


Three months experience. And the Judge is the arbiter of the courtroom. The Judge decides if the law has been followed, or which legal principle applies.

But let’s talk about experience. Let’s say you are charged with Murder. One of the things the Judge must do is decide if your lawyer has enough experience to act in your defense. If the Judge flubs that one then after your conviction the first appeal filed by the Public Defender who inherits the case will be that you did not have adequate defense because of an inexperienced and unqualified lawyer.

Odds are very good that you’ll be granted a new trial.

One example of that lack of experience is a lawyer who’s never seen the inside of a courtroom as a litigator.

A judge is not a litigator and their job is not to argue law.

If you would like to suggest the experience that is gathered simply through arguing in favor of one position or another,
somehow changes the text or meaning of the written law ... It doesn't.

Judges are required to pass the bar exam, as are trial lawyers.
That is the requirement, and both have met that requirement the moment that pass the exam.


I've known people in my life that could pass exams by rote but didn't know much about the subject.

There are many dumbass lawyers that managed to pass the bar on the unmpteenth try.

Some states give extra points to minorities.
Appointing dumbass affirmative action Negro assholes to court position.

More fucking of our country.
For the racist right, the appointment of qualified jurists of color is yet another frightening example of white men ‘losing control’ of ‘their’ country.

You are confused Moon Bat.

Joe Dufus didn't say he was going to appoint the Negro bitches on qualifications. He said he was going to appoint them based upon race and gender.

Being a goddamn Black Ho don't make you qualified to be a judge.

We will get some pretty damn shitty judges out of that criteria. Many more qualified White men (and women) will be discriminated against so that Joe Dufus gets to appoint his Blacks Hos.

Only idiots vote for Democrat that have race as a criteria for a government job.

It isn’t Democrats who have been nominating people on the basis of race who have no qualifications for the job. Donald Trump submitted several names for federal judge ships of white conservative males, who had no trial experience, and who weren’t even practising law at the time of their nomination. The only qualifications that these white men had, aside from a law degree, was is that they were white and conservative.

There is no evidence at all that Democrats appointed anyone who is unqualified for the job and much evidence that Republicans don’t even consider qualifications.
. Donald Trump submitted several names for federal judge ships of white conservative males, who had no trial experience, and who weren’t even practising law at the time of their nomination.


If you insist.

post #175, it seems you contradicted yourself.

You asked for a link to a Judge appointed by Trump with no experience. I posted the link. I did not comment beyond that.

I could name some things of Trump’s I approved of. His naming of this particle Judge isn’t on that list.
Appointing dumbass affirmative action Negro assholes to court position.

More fucking of our country.
For the racist right, the appointment of qualified jurists of color is yet another frightening example of white men ‘losing control’ of ‘their’ country.

You are confused Moon Bat.

Joe Dufus didn't say he was going to appoint the Negro bitches on qualifications. He said he was going to appoint them based upon race and gender.

Being a goddamn Black Ho don't make you qualified to be a judge.

We will get some pretty damn shitty judges out of that criteria. Many more qualified White men (and women) will be discriminated against so that Joe Dufus gets to appoint his Blacks Hos.

Only idiots vote for Democrat that have race as a criteria for a government job.

It isn’t Democrats who have been nominating people on the basis of race who have no qualifications for the job. Donald Trump submitted several names for federal judge ships of white conservative males, who had no trial experience, and who weren’t even practising law at the time of their nomination. The only qualifications that these white men had, aside from a law degree, was is that they were white and conservative.

There is no evidence at all that Democrats appointed anyone who is unqualified for the job and much evidence that Republicans don’t even consider qualifications.
. Donald Trump submitted several names for federal judge ships of white conservative males, who had no trial experience, and who weren’t even practising law at the time of their nomination.


If you insist.

He doesn't fit the liar's description.

Try again.

A judge nominated without experience is exactly what the poster put there as an example of Trump’s nominations.

Three months experience. And the Judge is the arbiter of the courtroom. The Judge decides if the law has been followed, or which legal principle applies.

But let’s talk about experience. Let’s say you are charged with Murder. One of the things the Judge must do is decide if your lawyer has enough experience to act in your defense. If the Judge flubs that one then after your conviction the first appeal filed by the Public Defender who inherits the case will be that you did not have adequate defense because of an inexperienced and unqualified lawyer.

Odds are very good that you’ll be granted a new trial.

One example of that lack of experience is a lawyer who’s never seen the inside of a courtroom as a litigator.

A judge is not a litigator and their job is not to argue law.

If you would like to suggest the experience that is gathered simply through arguing in favor of one position or another,
somehow changes the text or meaning of the written law ... It doesn't.

Judges are required to pass the bar exam, as are trial lawyers.
That is the requirement, and both have met that requirement the moment that pass the exam.


I've known people in my life that could pass exams by rote but didn't know much about the subject.

There are many dumbass lawyers that managed to pass the bar on the unmpteenth try.

Some states give extra points to minorities.

I don’t think this lawyer needed any points. He was vindicated in the trial and I am sure enriched by the inevitable settlement. Of course the White Cops were blameless.
I've known people in my life that could pass exams by rote but didn't know much about the subject.

There are many dumbass lawyers that managed to pass the bar on the unmpteenth try.

Some states give extra points to minorities.

Where that is true, it is also my point exactly.

Where experience can be beneficial, it is not a requirement.
Nor does it actually determine one's ability to understand and interpret law.

For instance, someone without a law degree, or who has never passed the bar exam,
can still interpret law and come to the correct conclusion.

Written law and interpretation are simply not a matter of the desire to come to any conclusion other than what is written,
no matter how good or experienced someone may be at diverting from that actual proper interpretation.

There have been lawyers and judges that were excellent at their trade,
from the very first case they ever argued or heard in court.

Appointing dumbass affirmative action Negro assholes to court position.

More fucking of our country.
For the racist right, the appointment of qualified jurists of color is yet another frightening example of white men ‘losing control’ of ‘their’ country.

You are confused Moon Bat.

Joe Dufus didn't say he was going to appoint the Negro bitches on qualifications. He said he was going to appoint them based upon race and gender.

Being a goddamn Black Ho don't make you qualified to be a judge.

We will get some pretty damn shitty judges out of that criteria. Many more qualified White men (and women) will be discriminated against so that Joe Dufus gets to appoint his Blacks Hos.

Only idiots vote for Democrat that have race as a criteria for a government job.

It isn’t Democrats who have been nominating people on the basis of race who have no qualifications for the job. Donald Trump submitted several names for federal judge ships of white conservative males, who had no trial experience, and who weren’t even practising law at the time of their nomination. The only qualifications that these white men had, aside from a law degree, was is that they were white and conservative.

There is no evidence at all that Democrats appointed anyone who is unqualified for the job and much evidence that Republicans don’t even consider qualifications.
. Donald Trump submitted several names for federal judge ships of white conservative males, who had no trial experience, and who weren’t even practising law at the time of their nomination.


If you insist.

He doesn't fit the liar's description.

Try again.

A judge nominated without experience is exactly what the poster put there as an example of Trump’s nominations.
Learn to read............

And the claim was "several"....
and who weren’t even practising law at the time of their nomination.
Appointing dumbass affirmative action Negro assholes to court position.

More fucking of our country.
For the racist right, the appointment of qualified jurists of color is yet another frightening example of white men ‘losing control’ of ‘their’ country.

You are confused Moon Bat.

Joe Dufus didn't say he was going to appoint the Negro bitches on qualifications. He said he was going to appoint them based upon race and gender.

Being a goddamn Black Ho don't make you qualified to be a judge.

We will get some pretty damn shitty judges out of that criteria. Many more qualified White men (and women) will be discriminated against so that Joe Dufus gets to appoint his Blacks Hos.

Only idiots vote for Democrat that have race as a criteria for a government job.

It isn’t Democrats who have been nominating people on the basis of race who have no qualifications for the job. Donald Trump submitted several names for federal judge ships of white conservative males, who had no trial experience, and who weren’t even practising law at the time of their nomination. The only qualifications that these white men had, aside from a law degree, was is that they were white and conservative.

There is no evidence at all that Democrats appointed anyone who is unqualified for the job and much evidence that Republicans don’t even consider qualifications.
. Donald Trump submitted several names for federal judge ships of white conservative males, who had no trial experience, and who weren’t even practising law at the time of their nomination.


If you insist.

He doesn't fit the liar's description.

Try again.

A judge nominated without experience is exactly what the poster put there as an example of Trump’s nominations.

Just like a Judge nominated because of race and gender is wrong.

Joe Dufus said he was going to use race and gender as the criteria for nomination.

Joe Dufus is a moron, isn't he?
Appointing dumbass affirmative action Negro assholes to court position.

More fucking of our country.
For the racist right, the appointment of qualified jurists of color is yet another frightening example of white men ‘losing control’ of ‘their’ country.

You are confused Moon Bat.

Joe Dufus didn't say he was going to appoint the Negro bitches on qualifications. He said he was going to appoint them based upon race and gender.

Being a goddamn Black Ho don't make you qualified to be a judge.

We will get some pretty damn shitty judges out of that criteria. Many more qualified White men (and women) will be discriminated against so that Joe Dufus gets to appoint his Blacks Hos.

Only idiots vote for Democrat that have race as a criteria for a government job.

It isn’t Democrats who have been nominating people on the basis of race who have no qualifications for the job. Donald Trump submitted several names for federal judge ships of white conservative males, who had no trial experience, and who weren’t even practising law at the time of their nomination. The only qualifications that these white men had, aside from a law degree, was is that they were white and conservative.

There is no evidence at all that Democrats appointed anyone who is unqualified for the job and much evidence that Republicans don’t even consider qualifications.
. Donald Trump submitted several names for federal judge ships of white conservative males, who had no trial experience, and who weren’t even practising law at the time of their nomination.


If you insist.

He doesn't fit the liar's description.

Try again.

A judge nominated without experience is exactly what the poster put there as an example of Trump’s nominations.

Just like a Judge nominated because of race and gender is wrong.

Joe Dufus said he was going to use race and gender as the criteria for nomination.

Joe Dufus is a moron, isn't he?

I’ll wait and see who he nominates. If the ink is dry on their Diplomas then they are at least as qualified as the fantastic nominees Trump put forth.
Just like a Judge nominated because of race and gender is wrong.

Joe Dufus said he was going to use race and gender as the criteria for nomination.

Joe Dufus is a moron, isn't he?

Applying improper requirements that have nothing to do with the actual interpretation of law,
actually goes further towards allowing whatever interpretations the arbiters arrive at to be improper.

You don't fix a flat tire on your vehicle by poking a hole in the other three tires,
no matter how effective that may be at leveling things out.

Last edited:

Colin norris ... Slow down Chuckie.
You hit emotional overload, and screwed the pooch with your responses.


Not me soon. I've never had this much fun with my clothes on.
Check the blood pressure of those idiots that can't cut through. I love this.

Not me soon.


I know. It probably has a better grasp of he situation than your mouth. Now who's laughing?

It must hurt you because you cant intimidate me. A communist stalking to inner sanctum of hatred and repigs. Making comments That should not be tolerated.
Something must be done about the enemy infiltration of the sacred ground gifted by God himself.

Why would I try to intimidate a commie retard that can't even correctly put a 4 line post together. But hey, you're great entertainment. Still laughing. Carry on retard, we're done.

In just 4 years Trump nominated more unqualified federal judges than any president before him... 10. That’s right. 10 of his federal appoints were not only “not the best person” for the job they were unqualified to be a judge. All of Biden’s have been qualified so far by the ABA.

Interesting. So what legal acumen do you possess in order to determine anyone's judicial qualifications?

None, as I thought.
I posses the legal ability to read the ratings from the ABA and know it stands for the American Bar Association. Clearly you don’t have those qualifications. I’m just stating facts. No opinion.
That's not what I asked, wiseguy. Your tu-quoque is ignored.

But it shows that EVEN YOU consider legal aptitude over race and ethnicity.
There aren't any Black lesbian dwarf judges anywhere. Why? How can Biden and Democrats be so damn bigoted.

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