Biden Position on Guns Is a Joke

Wow, you don’t care about anything else.
Well, I also care about Barack Obama being allowed to steal Michigan's primary in 2008.

Before that day I would always vote for pro-gun Democrats, even against a Republican that was even more pro-gun. I wanted to try to build up a pro-gun wing in the Democratic Party.

Now I just vote for every Republican candidate in every race in every general election.

I even look up which judicial candidates are Republicans so I can vote for Republican judges. (In Michigan judicial elections are party-neutral on the ballot.)

You think supporting a fascist regime will support the right to bear arms ? Ha ha. Ever look at the gun rights in fascist regimes that Trump supported ? Amazing. I don’t think you know that the second amendment is not absolute
The Second Amendment is very much absolute. If a law contradicts the Second Amendment, that law is unconstitutional.

and is subject to regulation.
Regulations are allowed only if they don't violate the Second Amendment.

Regulations that violate the Second Amendment are unconstitutional.

You do get that there is not one square inch of territory in the US that doesn’t have firearm regs. They’re just fuking weak and don’t apply to crimInals. You guys on the right have no clue. You support criminals possessing and owning guns.
I just don't care if he was or wasn't.

Or if he (present tense) is or isn't.

I'm happy with Mr. Trump's support for the Second Amendment. That is the only issue that I care about.
Trump made a big spectacle of promising the victims of the Parkland shooter that "I'm not afraid of the NRA!" The rest of you might be, but not me!!" But like everything he does, it was a code to the NRA to cough up some dough. Then all of a sudden, it was Parkland what?? What students? Everything Trump did was transactional. "What's in it for me?" After then he didn't bring up the subject again. So much for kids lives. LOL He doesn't care one whit about some document that he's never read. Constitution, Bible? Just political props to enrich himself. Emoluments clause? "What's that?" "That doesn't apply to me." Subpoenas? Testimony? "Fuck that! Grab the loot and worry about nothing!" Classified Documents? "They might have incriminating shit about me. I'll just take them home. National security? Fuck that! Secret meetings with the enemy with no record of what is said? "Telling two Russian spies all about how I fired the guy who was looking into it and assuring them that "he won't be a problem anymore!!? Gotta protect master Putin." Got a good laugh about that one!" "Israeli positions in Syria? Sure, glad to share!" And, you won't have any problems there anymore! I'll clear the way for Vlad to slaughter our allies. Be sure to tell our friend, Urdogan that for just a few easy payments he can get the same deal!" And that pesky problem of NATO spoiling your fun of taking Ukraine, I've got those assholes unsure of what I'll do and I've sowed division there just like I did here in this Bank, Ah! I mean country." "Will we be found out? Fuck no! these Americans would send me a hooker if they thought I wanted one. Nothing to worry about on that front!" "And, Vlad ol' buddy, How's that Trump tower Moscow thing coming along? Those stupid voters will believe any fuckin' thing I say." "They're starting to call me the Teflon Don!" What's Teflon?"
Trump made a big spectacle of promising the victims of the Parkland shooter that "I'm not afraid of the NRA!" The rest of you might be, but not me!!"
Yes, but he was lying about being opposed to the NRA.

But like everything he does, it was a code to the NRA to cough up some dough. Then all of a sudden, it was Parkland what?? What students? Everything Trump did was transactional. "What's in it for me?" After then he didn't bring up the subject again. So much for kids lives.
No dough was necessary. Politicians that support the NRA sometimes lie about that support in order to fool progressives into piping down and not squawking so loudly.

LOL He doesn't care one whit about some document that he's never read. Constitution, Bible? Just political props to enrich himself.
We don't require him to care. So long as he supports our position that is fine.

Emoluments clause? "What's that?" "That doesn't apply to me." Subpoenas? Testimony? "Fuck that! Grab the loot and worry about nothing!" Classified Documents? "They might have incriminating shit about me. I'll just take them home. National security? Fuck that! Secret meetings with the enemy with no record of what is said? "Telling two Russian spies all about how I fired the guy who was looking into it and assuring them that "he won't be a problem anymore!!? Gotta protect master Putin." Got a good laugh about that one!" "Israeli positions in Syria? Sure, glad to share!" And, you won't have any problems there anymore! I'll clear the way for Vlad to slaughter our allies. Be sure to tell our friend, Urdogan that for just a few easy payments he can get the same deal!" And that pesky problem of NATO spoiling your fun of taking Ukraine, I've got those assholes unsure of what I'll do and I've sowed division there just like I did here in this Bank, Ah! I mean country." "Will we be found out? Fuck no! these Americans would send me a hooker if they thought I wanted one. Nothing to worry about on that front!" "And, Vlad ol' buddy, How's that Trump tower Moscow thing coming along? Those stupid voters will believe any fuckin' thing I say." "They're starting to call me the Teflon Don!" What's Teflon?"
Good grief. So what?
Yes he did.

Your childish name-calling is a poor substitute for facts and logic.

You probably shouldn't be trying to draw conclusions without help.

Don't go falsely accusing me of your own name-calling.

Thus you were wrong to call him one. The fact that you can't support your position with facts or logic is no excuse for your childish name-calling.

I doubt it.

Hey protectionist are you the president?

You arrogant republican godbotherers deserve nothing but insults.
BTW, he is the president and there's nothing will ever change that.

It would be of no benefit to a parasitic intellectual disease to live in you.
You arrogant republican godbotherers deserve nothing but insults.
BTW, he is the president and there's nothing will ever change that.
It would be of no benefit to a parasitic intellectual disease to live in you.
The fact that you can't use facts or logic but can only spew insults is evidence of the bankruptcy of your position.

Incidentally, I hate to confuse you but I'm not a Republican. Looking closely at my avatar might help you figure it out.
The fact that you can't use facts or logic but can only spew insults is evidence of the bankruptcy of your position.

Incidentally, I hate to confuse you but I'm not a Republican.
I don't care if you are a communist. You are an ignorant arrogant pig. Is that clear dickhead.
Yes, but he was lying about being opposed to the NRA.

No dough was necessary. Politicians that support the NRA sometimes lie about that support in order to fool progressives into piping down and not squawking so loudly.

We don't require him to care. So long as he supports our position that is fine.

Good grief. So what?
Amazing. You found a way to shift the blame onto progressives! The point is that you believe he cares about the second amendment. He was for sale. Every moment that he putrefied the office he cared about absolutely nothing but how to rake in the loot. If the money was right he would have scrapped that amendment or the entire Constitution in a heartbeat. So what? You proclaim everyone else as being ignorant yet you turn a blind eye just so long as you can still stockpile your arsenal and play John Wayne? You remind everyone of what true ignorance looks like with every post. If it was anyone else, I'd expect you're just a few days late for April fool's day but it's you so I must factor that in. Good luck in your pursuit of gathering enough weapons to satisfy your illusions of being a bad ass. What's next for you? Squirrel hunting with a 50 Cal.? You're not a bad ass but you ARE scary. It's a disturbing thought to visualize a nutcase having a gun obsession to the exclusion of common sense. Yeah, Good Grief is right Charlie. Open Bolt with an open skull.
The fact that you can't use facts or logic but can only spew insults is evidence of the bankruptcy of your position.

Incidentally, I hate to confuse you but I'm not a Republican. Looking closely at my avatar might help you figure it out.
Do the world a favor. Register as a Republican so you won't have to keep being a jerk. As a Democrat, I hope you take a kennel full of blue doggies with ya.
In reality, what he claims as a centrist looks a shit load like a cult member. That's the mark of a coward. Claim to sit on the fence while trying not to be identified as what he is. Then he avoids a certain amount of conflict and he gets to continue to worship at the church of the Orange Idol. He is a Trump clone, dressed as a wolf that is dressed as a sheep that is dressed as Big Blue. Even he can't figure out what the hell he is.
Good luck in your pursuit of gathering enough weapons to satisfy your illusions of being a bad ass. What's next for you? Squirrel hunting with a 50 Cal.? You're not a bad ass but you ARE scary. It's a disturbing thought to visualize a nutcase having a gun obsession to the exclusion of common sense. Yeah, Good Grief is right Charlie. Open Bolt with an open skull.
Thank you for further demonstrating your ignorance, bigotry and irrational fear.
Amazing. You found a way to shift the blame onto progressives!
There is no blame to shift in the first place.

The point is that you believe he cares about the second amendment.
The point is wrong.

He was for sale.
And we bought him. He was well worth the resources that we spent on him.

You proclaim everyone else as being ignorant
No, just the people who resort to childish name-calling instead of using facts and logic.

yet you turn a blind eye just so long as you can still stockpile your arsenal
Of course.

and play John Wayne?
Reliance on bigoted stereotypes shows the weakness of your position.

You remind everyone of what true ignorance looks like with every post.
You are the one who relies on childish name-calling because he can't support his position with facts and logic.

If it was anyone else, I'd expect you're just a few days late for April fool's day but it's you so I must factor that in.
More name-calling because you have no facts or logic to support your position.

It's a disturbing thought to visualize a nutcase having a gun obsession to the exclusion of common sense.
It is funny how every time someone opposes civil liberties, they always invoke some variation of "common sense".

I hope his nonsense is a game as silly as he is but if he's not just a put-on then gun control can't come soon enough.
Gun control isn't coming. The NRA says no.
There is no blame to shift in the first place.

The point is wrong.

And we bought him. He was well worth the resources that we spent on him.

No, just the people who resort to childish name-calling instead of using facts and logic.

Of course.

Reliance on bigoted stereotypes shows the weakness of your position.

You are the one who relies on childish name-calling because he can't support his position with facts and logic.

More name-calling because you have no facts or logic to support your position.

It is funny how every time someone opposes civil liberties, they always invoke some variation of "common sense".

Gun control isn't coming. The NRA says no.
You have some very strange heroes. You call yourself a conservative but it's obvious that you are just another cult member genuflecting to a fool on the hill. But his days are numbered. If he doesn't self- destruct (which he is in the process of unraveling as we speak) the walls that he likes so much will close in on him and many of his rogue's gallery of anti democracy scoundrels. Someday when you are deprogrammed you might realize the damage he has done to our country. This country can't survive four more days with him in office, let alone 4 years. It still amazes that someone seemingly intelligent can buy into that traitorous lunatic and his perverted "policies" He is the most childlike adult I've ever seen. He can't even tell the truth about the minute stuff. The best thing that could happen is if he was to board one of his invisible jets and nuke the eye of the next hurricane. The resultant pollution would have a considerable half-life but the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. He makes Nixon and Andrew Johnson look like the stable geniuses that he likes to describe himself as. And what a burden of the soul it will be for anyone who was naive enough and weak minded enough to buy into his madness. Folks like you. There's one of those FACTS that you like. But maybe it'll be easier than I thought to live it down because you have a lot in common. You both play the role of Alpha male while you are Omega men. I just hope for your sake that your guns give you solace and the pleasure of killing defenseless animals to bolster your perceived image of yourself. I know what you are but I can't help ya when it's time for a little clarity. In the meantime, I've got an M79 Grenade launcher that I could let go cheap. Maybe you could bag one of those big orange Yetis. Best of luck, Comrade. Fuckin' sucker.
You must be looking in the mirror. The right doesn’t even support the nato efforts. You’re a strange dude. The right under Trumps so called leadership, are fascist inclined, Putin sporting anti democratic butt boys. Maybe you live under a rock.
This is a good example of liberal deranged "thinking". Wow. People in mental institutions aren't this far out.
You have some very strange heroes. You call yourself a conservative but it's obvious that you are just another cult member genuflecting to a fool on the hill. But his days are numbered. If he doesn't self- destruct (which he is in the process of unraveling as we speak) the walls that he likes so much will close in on him and many of his rogue's gallery of anti democracy scoundrels. Someday when you are deprogrammed you might realize the damage he has done to our country. This country can't survive four more days with him in office, let alone 4 years. It still amazes that someone seemingly intelligent can buy into that traitorous lunatic and his perverted "policies" He is the most childlike adult I've ever seen. He can't even tell the truth about the minute stuff. The best thing that could happen is if he was to board one of his invisible jets and nuke the eye of the next hurricane. The resultant pollution would have a considerable half-life but the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. He makes Nixon and Andrew Johnson look like the stable geniuses that he likes to describe himself as. And what a burden of the soul it will be for anyone who was naive enough and weak minded enough to buy into his madness. Folks like you. There's one of those FACTS that you like. But maybe it'll be easier than I thought to live it down because you have a lot in common. You both play the role of Alpha male while you are Omega men. I just hope for your sake that your guns give you solace and the pleasure of killing defenseless animals to bolster your perceived image of yourself. I know what you are but I can't help ya when it's time for a little clarity. In the meantime, I've got an M79 Grenade launcher that I could let go cheap. Maybe you could bag one of those big orange Yetis. Best of luck, Comrade. Fuckin' sucker.
You mean there are still some people here reading you posts ? Odd.
You want to see crimes, you need look no farther than Mar a Lago. You know, the place where they found 15 boxes of documents that had top secret docs among them. But that doesn't concern you? LOL
Doesn't concern at all. There isn't a shred of evidence that Trump had one iota of criminal intent in having those documents in his house. They could have been shuffled there in a large pile of papers, by other people hired to move things. Trump could have not even been aware they were in his house.

If anyone looks to claim that he knew they were there, and thinks they have some PROOF of that, let's hear it. :biggrin:

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