Biden Position on Guns Is a Joke

Thank you for further demonstrating your ignorance, bigotry, and irrational fear.
Ignorance and bigotry? That's rich coming from a disciple of the most ignorant and racist bozo ever to occupy any seat of government. And irrational fear? Again, rich coming from a lover of the biggest fear mongerer in history. China will give us the virus, black lives don't matter, Mexicans are coming for your jobs and will eat your children, Bad people from shit hole countries will destroy America! They are forming caravans to come to rape your wife! They are bringing drugs and disease! Democrats are trying to give you healthcare!! Beware! LOL Get a fuckin' grip. You've got your 14? Shoot anyone who isn't pure white and Republican. You're just another Gun Nut out to impress us all with your bolt action substitute for masculinity. Yeah, we are all aghast at your power and intelligence. Is that what you're going for? Just like your orange clown of all clowns? You're all hot air and bluster with a brain that Trump has been using for target practice. Hopelessly indoctrinated by a guy who wouldn't piss on you if you were on fire. Putin's soldier by proxy.
Open Bolt said:"
Putin says the very same thing about all his crimes in Chechnya and Ukraine.

And you geniuses haven't noticed Trump's crimes because he's bold enough to do them right in your faces. He's also confident that you are all too indoctrinated and stupid to notice, and he was right!
Ignorance and bigotry? That's rich coming from a disciple of the most ignorant and racist bozo ever to occupy any seat of government.
Disciple? Lover? Of Trump?
Can you cite one of my posts and copy/paste the text from it that backs up your assertion?

Or are you speaking from your own ignorance and bigotry?
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Ignorance and bigotry? That's rich coming from a disciple of the most ignorant and racist bozo ever to occupy any seat of government. And irrational fear? Again, rich coming from a lover of the biggest fear mongerer in history.
I'd say he described you fairly. After all, you present no facts or logic. The only thing you have to support your position is childish name-calling.

You want to see crimes, you need look no farther than Mar a Lago. You know, the place where they found 15 boxes of documents that had top secret docs among them. But that doesn't concern you? LOL
Your whining about Mr. Trump is boring. Let me know when you want to talk guns.

The tough guy act is wearing thin. You're probably just a coward with a John Wayne complex. That's the case in the majority of Gun nuts. Manliness is not measured by how many fuckin' guns you have. WTF are you so angry about? Could it have something to do with the fact that you are a silly wannabe?
The only angry people here are you Freedom Haters.

Just another bad ass in his own mind. Be careful. Don't shoot yourself when you're making love to your guns. What a fuckin' way to live. I feel sorry for you idiots crying out to convince everyone how tough you are.
The fact that you can't support your position with anything other than childish name-calling speaks to the bankruptcy of your position.
He did nothing of the sort.
Yes he did.

Your stupidity and ignorance deserves nothing better.
Your childish name-calling is a poor substitute for facts and logic.

I thought you were leaving?
You probably shouldn't be trying to draw conclusions without help.

You keep think he is an idiot.
Don't go falsely accusing me of your own name-calling.

He's simply not
Thus you were wrong to call him one. The fact that you can't support your position with facts or logic is no excuse for your childish name-calling.

and us the potus.
I doubt it.

Hey protectionist are you the president?
Disciple? Lover? Of Trump?
Can you cite one of my posts and copy/paste the text from it that backs up your assertion?

Or are you speaking from your own ignorance and bigotry?
I see you have about a half dozen or so insulting lines that you use again and again. That makes you a hypocrite. You also take just about every position that the orange nutjob takes. You make lame excuses about his praise for Putin while nearly 200,000 troops gather at the eastern border. You call people out as insulting while you paste insults with a large percentage of your posts. Every one who disagrees with you and your orange Russian agent is ignorant, bigoted and so on. You're a condescending, indoctrinated know it all who loves to dismiss others as beneath you. In other words, you're an asshole. And just like the majority of gun lovers, you're probably a cowardly bag of hot air. All of your posturing about guns and your knowledge of them impresses nobody but your pathetic ass. You think you're slick by talking in codes while doing what you call folks childish for doing. Those who see what you are all about are just more honest and direct when they voice their opinions of you. They don't hide behind jargon and cut and paste thinly veiled, childish put downs. You don't pack the gear and so you take it out on everyone around you. I think you are exactly the kind of loose cannon that should not be allowed to own even a pea-shooter.
Yes he did.

Your childish name-calling is a poor substitute for facts and logic.

You probably shouldn't be trying to draw conclusions without help.

Don't go falsely accusing me of your own name-calling.

Thus you were wrong to call him one. The fact that you can't support your position with facts or logic is no excuse for your childish name-calling.

I doubt it.

Hey protectionist are you the president?
Open bolt? Is that supposed to be a tough guy name? It sounds like baby talk. It doesn't impress anyone. Lose that shit, it's laughable and downright silly. You and M14 should get a room. Fuckin' wannabes.
You -can't- cite any of my posts and copy/paste the test that backs up your assertion.
Thus, you ARE speaking from your own ignorancy and bigotry.
Just as I expected.
Thanks for the clarification.
Like I said. You are a silly goose. Used another of your rubber stamp insults while asking me to show where you do that? Now, That's fuckin' silly and it speaks to your ignorance. BTW, there's no such word as ignorancy. I see you tried to say what you usually cut and paste and couldn't get'er done. Again, that's fuckin' funny. Careful with that 14 man. Remember, the skinny end goes toward the Democrat.
Since you never say anything intelligent and you only spout childish name-calling, why would he waste anything more than cut and paste on you?

You wouldn't be able to comprehend it. Best you just move on.
Yeah, I'm so intimidated by you. Go kill something, tough guy. You'll feel better, I promise.
Hey, you're just like Putin now. Way to go!

Putin says the very same thing about all his crimes in Chechnya and Ukraine.

I guess progressives really are wannabe Stalinists at heart just like people have always said. You should see the way Stalin whitewashed all his crimes. He even had people removed from photographs. Progressives only wish that they could do that.
You must be looking in the mirror. The right doesn’t even support the nato efforts. You’re a strange dude. The right under Trumps so called leadership, are fascist inclined, Putin sporting anti democratic butt boys. Maybe you live under a rock.
That's why we have the NRA to protect us. The NRA prevents you from causing the harm that you are so desperate to cause.
Sure. The NRA restricts its leadership roles to felons. Great organization of bufferheads who only want what crime can offer them, more buyers for guns.
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You must be looking in the mirror.
No. I don't try to whitewash history like you and Putin do and Stalin did.

The right doesn’t even support the nato efforts. You’re a strange dude. The right under Trumps so called leadership, are fascist inclined, Putin sporting anti democratic butt boys. Maybe you live under a rock.
Anti-Trump whining is boring.

Sure. The NRA restricts its leadership roles to felons. Great organization of bufferheads who only want what crime can offer them, more buyers for guns.
What we want from the NRA is protection from progressives who always try to violate our civil liberties for no reason.

And that's what we get.

I for one am quite happy with what the NRA provides to me.
I just don't care if he was or wasn't.

Or if he (present tense) is or isn't.

I'm happy with Mr. Trump's support for the Second Amendment. That is the only issue that I care about.
Wow, you don’t care about anything else. You think supporting a fascist regime will support the right to bear arms ? Ha ha. Ever look at the gun rights in fascist regimes that Trump supported ? Amazing. I don’t think you know that the second amendment is not absolute and is subject to regulation. You do get that there is not one square inch of territory in the US that doesn’t have firearm regs. They’re just fuking weak and don’t apply to crimInals. You guys on the right have no clue. You support criminals possessing and
owning guns.
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