Biden Position on Guns Is a Joke

Perfect example of the paranoia that Gun Nuts have. Enslave you? Attacks on the constitution? You're just another Trumper spreading nonsense. The right created bogeymen and you sucked it up because you're an indoctrinated fool. That shit is mental enslavement. It's hateful, paranoid babies like you that become gun crazy and shoot up schools and deny that there's a problem.
It's anti-gun nuts who disarm teachers and school personnel, thereby inviting those school shooters to go there and kill people. Every US mass shooting in recent years has been in a gun-free zone. Green light for mass shooters.
Doesn't concern at all. There isn't a shred of evidence that Trump had one iota of criminal intent in having those documents in his house. They could have been shuffled there in a large pile of papers, by other people hired to move things. Trump could have not even been aware they were in his house.

If anyone looks to claim that he knew they were there, and thinks they have some PROOF of that, let's hear it. :biggrin:
LOL. To have classified docs in his home, 15 boxes of them to be exact. Shows that he is either a spy or a moron. Maybe a combination of the two. Who knows what someone could have seen or copied or relayed to someone who could weaponize that information. You ding dongs seem to have a single purpose in life. To suck up to and protect that nutjob no matter how outrageous his conduct.
Yes I can imagine that. More to the point, you have not proven me wrong. I suggest you are getting giggled at also.

Like the rest, your debating stops when your out of ammo. Youre time is too valuable to waste on me.
You have more important things to discuss. Blah blah. Heard it all before.
Come back when you have something to add except hatred.
I've proven you wrong in this forum more times than I can count. You are the clown of USMB.
LOL. To have classified docs in his home, 15 boxes of them to be exact. Shows that he is either a spy or a moron. Maybe a combination of the two. Who knows what someone could have seen or copied or relayed to someone who could weaponize that information. You ding dongs seem to have a single purpose in life. To suck up to and protect that nutjob no matter how outrageous his conduct.
Another example of a post being refuted by the post that it quoted. Height of stupidity.

No need to ridicule this guy. He's doing the job. :rolleyes:
This is a good example of liberal deranged "thinking". Wow. People in mental institutions aren't this far out.
You are the victim of BDS and CSS as well. But take heart because there is a cure. Simply keep your previously unusable eyes open and your previously blocked ears open to gather info instead of just sticking to his ass with your carp lips and never having to do a thing but worship Jesus Trump. It's not a big difficult chore to document his lunacy. It's there and always was there for the un-indoctrinated among us.
You are the victim of BDS and CSS as well. But take heart because there is a cure. Simply keep your previously unusable eyes open and your previously blocked ears open to gather info instead of just sticking to his ass with your carp lips and never having to do a thing but worship Jesus Trump. It's not a big difficult chore to document his lunacy. It's there and always was there for the un-indoctrinated among us.
But you can't (and don't) present what you think an is example of that.

Whenever you want to find out how ignorant you (and other liberals) are, feel free to take one of my "Quiz for Liberals" quizzes. Open to all information-deprived victims of liberal OMISSION media.
It's anti-gun nuts who disarm teachers and school personnel, thereby inviting those school shooters to go there and kill people. Every US mass shooting in recent years has been in a gun-free zone. Green light for mass shooters.
And you idiots focus solely on the aftermath of those shootings and how to protect the NRA and the Gun MFGRS from accountability. A smart approach is to look at the problem and ways to alleviate it by cracking down on availability, gun sales, background checks that are in depth, stiffening sentences for unregistered guns and to mandate training in the proper use and storage of those guns. And yes! Holding the gun lobby and the gun makers to account for carelessness. It's not some big mysterious thing to acknowledge that the country with the largest sheer numbers of guns also has the crime rates to match.
But you can't (and don't) present what you think an is example of that.

Whenever you want to find out how ignorant you (and other liberals) are, feel free to take one of my "Quiz for Liberals" quizzes. Open to all information-deprived victims of liberal OMISSION media.
Hey! You moron! I've outlined Trump's lunacy and his bizarre behavior over and over. The fact that you missed that is a prime example of willfull ignorance and voluntary deafness and blindness. Just now you are excusing his possession of classified material. I'll bet you were one of the loudest voices about the Hillary emails though. LOL HYPOCRISY, THY NAME IS REPUBLICAN. What a silly goose you are.
It's anti-gun nuts who disarm teachers and school personnel, thereby inviting those school shooters to go there and kill people. Every US mass shooting in recent years has been in a gun-free zone. Green light for mass shooters.
No kidding. You wouldn't believe the histrionics that I hear from the Freedom Haters whenever I suggest letting teachers keep an AR-15 locked in a safe in their classroom.
And you idiots focus solely on the aftermath of those shootings and how to protect the NRA and the Gun MFGRS from accountability. A smart approach is to look at the problem and ways to alleviate it by cracking down on availability, gun sales, background checks that are in depth, stiffening sentences for unregistered guns and to mandate training in the proper use and storage of those guns. And yes! Holding the gun lobby and the gun makers to account for carelessness. It's not some big mysterious thing to acknowledge that the country with the largest sheer numbers of guns also has the crime rates to match.
IGNORANT Democrats like this guy are totally unaware that while Democrats preach sanctimonioulsy about "availability, gun sales, background checks that are in depth," it was the complete rejection of these ideas by Democrats, that allowed Nicolas Cruz, to bypass a background check on him, made guns available to him, and allowed the gun sales to him of the guns that l=killed 14 people in the Parkland massacre.

Screwball Democrats, fanatical about protection minority race kids from going to jail, deliberaltely kept their criminal records hidden in the infamous "Promise Program"

Democrats should practice what they preach, instead of doing exactly the opposite and they need to stop ignoring what I said in Post # 1,181, as we clearly see in Post # 1,190.

"It's not some big mysterious thing to acknowledge that" "Every US mass shooting in recent years has been in a gun-free zone." 😐
Hey! You moron! I've outlined Trump's lunacy and his bizarre behavior over and over. The fact that you missed that is a prime example of willfull ignorance and voluntary deafness and blindness. Just now you are excusing his possession of classified material. I'll bet you were one of the loudest voices about the Hillary emails though. LOL HYPOCRISY, THY NAME IS REPUBLICAN. What a silly goose you are.
More inability to cite what the clown considers "lunacy and bizarre behavior". Door is open, Mr DODGE, anytime you want to attempt to back up your hot air. Just be aware that what liberals consider lunacy bizarre behavior,conservatives consider to be refreshing common sense.

.. and repair of the lunacy and bizarre behavior of liberals - ex. employing racial/gender discrimination in appointing a kiddie porn supporter to the SCOTUS, allowing men posing as women, to compete with women in sports, abandoning thousands of Americans in Afghanistan, to be slaughtered by Taliban barbarians,....just to name a few.
No kidding. You wouldn't believe the histrionics that I hear from the Freedom Haters whenever I suggest letting teachers keep an AR-15 locked in a safe in their classroom.
When it comes to loony liberals, nothing surprises me anymore. They will say anything.:rolleyes:
I know you know nothing. You are a gun nut and low iq is the primary qualification.
I think that's my cue to put you on ignore. When stupid people start falsely accusing other people of stupidity there really is no more reason to pay attention to them.

EDIT: Oh cool. I see that this site blocks quotes from people who are on ignore. Not all sites do that.
Assault weapons were all but banned 88 years ago.
Time to invoke the Twenty-fifth Amendment. Traitor Joe doesn't even know what century it is.
Traitor Joe will have to get used to being disappointed. Americans will not allow him to violate their civil liberties.


It's so sad to see how many cunservatives still really believe Joe is in charge. smh
You will never be educated until you realise how much you don't know.
I know you know nothing. You are a gun nut and low iq is the primary qualification.

What the fuk is a "Gun Nut" ?

If you mean someone who gets joy out of using a gun to kill something ...anything they can

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