Biden Position on Guns Is a Joke

Here's what Joe Biden has repeatedly said he want to do about guns in America.

1. Ban what he calls "assault weapons"
2. Ban high-capacity magazines.
3. Hold gun Manufacturers "accountable"

Strike 1....Strike 2......Strike 3

First, according to the second amendment of the Constitution, the right to bears arms SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED (exactly what Biden is proposing to do)

Second, I don't think Biden, or any of his leftist friends, clueless about guns, have any idea what they're talking about, when they loosely throw the phrase "assault weapons". I've heard some of them refer to the AR-15 rifle as an assault weapon , when it's just an ordinary rifle, that fires one shot with each pull of the trigger.

Third, unlike Biden's claim that high capacity magazines have no place in a civilized society, and his question of why there is a need for that, there easily could be a need. What if a whole gang of thugs show up in your front yard ? (let's say 10-15 of them). A 6 shooter wouldn't cover that.

Third, gun manufacturers have nothing to do with any of this. In addition to the guns possessed by police, there are far more guns in the hands of law-abiding people (with CCW permits), than there are criminals in possession of them. And you cant blame an inanimate object. Some people kill or injure others with a car. Wanna ban cars ? Some people are attacked with baseball bat. Wanna ban baseball bats ? Some people are killed with a kitchen knife. Wanna ban them ?

Lastly, banning assault rifles (whatever anybody defines that to be) or any kind of rifle, doesnt ,match up with the facts. Relatively, very few people are killed with rifles.
The court will turn and reason will return.

Till then buy more guns.
That way you''ll have less money for other stupid stuff.

Oh, and...
I invite you to get a "six shooter" with an extended magazine.


No Blacks so I guess you're just shooting one another.

THAT is what the stats say.
Most firearm deaths are the result of the gun owner killing:
His family
His friends
His neighbors

So, please, buy more guns. Kill more of yourselves.

I say win win!
The only problem is, the more guns they buy, the more guns are moved on to felons, underaged and mentally incompetent, which sometimes occurs during the first purchase by gunaholics.

No Blacks so I guess you're just shooting one another.

THAT is what the stats say.
Most firearm deaths are the result of the gun owner killing:
His family
His friends
His neighbors

So, please, buy more guns. Kill more of yourselves.

I say win win!

Many of those gun crimes where the shooter kills his family, friends or neighbors are inner city Black on Black crime. However, many more are druggies, gang bangers and street thugs, mostly in minority communities, in these filthy ass big city Democrat controlled ghetto shitholes. That is the great amount of gun crime in this country.
Many of those gun crimes where the shooter kills his family, friends or neighbors are inner city Black on Black crime. However, many more are druggies, gang bangers and street thugs, mostly in minority communities, in these filthy ass big city Democrat controlled ghetto shitholes. That is the great amount of gun crime in this country.
Sure, that‘s what makes most of the ten most dangerous cities under Republican control. Hilarious. You guys just make up shit. Most crime are by whites. 80% of murders were white on white. Keep making up shit. Fix News lives it.
Banning bump stocks doesn't limit the 2nd Amendment.

So, you are ok with the Govt banning any accessory they wish for fire arms? If they can ban the bump stock, why not scopes or suppressors or magazines above a certain size?

Once the door is open, it will never get closed again...and Trump did his best to open it
So, you are ok with the Govt banning any accessory they wish for fire arms? If they can ban the bump stock, why not scopes or suppressors or magazines above a certain size?

Once the door is open, it will never get closed again...and Trump did his best to open it
You don't understand the difference between those items and a bump stock. Do you?
Banning bump stocks doesn't limit the 2nd Amendment.

Now, redefining words and giving them fake definitions, is infringing on our 2A rights.
Yup. Got to protect the rights right to arm felons, underaged kids and the mentally deranged.
Sure, that‘s what makes most the ten most dangerous cities under Republican control. Hilarious. You guys just make up shit. Most crime is by whites.

Sorry Moon Bat but you are confused. The great majority of gun crime in this country are in the Democrat controlled big city shitholes like Chicago, Detroit, Baltimore, Dallas, New York, DC, Atlanta, Memphis, Houston, San Francisco, Philadelphia, etc. I could go on and on.

Hell, Chicago by itself had 4,542 shootings last year just by itself.
Yup. Got to protect the rights right to arm felons, underaged kids and the mentally deranged.
Anyone who can't be trusted with a firearm should be locked up. As far as kids go, it's their parents' job to regulate their use of firearms. BTW, an 18 year old isn't a "child". They're trusted with our national security. They can be trusted to own a gun.
Sorry Moon Bat but you are confused. The great majority of gun crime in this country are in the Democrat controlled big city shitholes like Chicago, Detroit, Baltimore, Dallas, New York, DC, Atlanta, Memphis, Houston, San Francisco, Philadelphia, etc. I could go on and on.

Hell, Chicago by itself had 4,542 shootings last year just by itself.
Silly you. You’re truly astonished that the more people you have, the more shootings there will be. Maybe the math of rates keeps you from posting the truth. The most dangerous places to live, are mostly in gop controlled cities and states.
Here they are !

Most dangerous states in America for 2021:​

  1. New Mexico (Photos)
  2. Alaska (Photos)
  3. Louisiana (Photos)
  4. Arkansas (Photos)
  5. South Carolina (Photos)
  6. Tennessee (Photos)
  7. Alabama (Photos)
  8. Oklahoma (Photos)
  9. Missouri (Photos)
  10. Arizona (Photos)
Silly you. You’re truly astonished that the more people you have, the more shootings there will be. Maybe the math of rates keeps you from posting the truth. The most dangerous places to live, are mostly in gop controlled cities and states.
Here they are !

Most dangerous states in America for 2021:​

  1. New Mexico (Photos)
  2. Alaska (Photos)
  3. Louisiana (Photos)
  4. Arkansas (Photos)
  5. South Carolina (Photos)
  6. Tennessee (Photos)
  7. Alabama (Photos)
  8. Oklahoma (Photos)
  9. Missouri (Photos)
  10. Arizona (Photos)
You are really confused Moon Bat.

Alabama (including Democrat controlled Birmingham), Louisiana (including New Democrat New Orleans) Arkansas (including Little Rock) , Alaska and South Carolina (with high Negro population) combined don't have the shootings that Chicago by itself has. I would include Tennessee in that list but it has that Democrat controlled shithole of Memphis that would skew the results a little.

New Mexico and Arizona have all those goddamn Illegals so no wonder they are dangerous.

Besides, there is really no such thing as red States and Blue States. There are the filthy ass Democrat controlled big city shitholes and the rest of America. Most of the crime in this country take place in the Democrat controlled big city shitholes.

Pull your head out of your ass. You embarrass yourself with your stupidity.
The only problem is, the more guns they buy, the more guns are moved on to felons, underaged and mentally incompetent, which sometimes occurs during the first purchase by gunaholics.
Yes but if we can get them to kill one another off the problem will solve itself.
Many of those gun crimes where the shooter kills his family, friends or neighbors are inner city Black on Black crime. However, many more are druggies, gang bangers and street thugs, mostly in minority communities, in these filthy ass big city Democrat controlled ghetto shitholes. That is the great amount of gun crime in this country.
Not what the actual factual data says.
Just your NRA propaganda that you're too naïve to understand.
You don't understand the difference between those items and a bump stock. Do you?

They are all accessories, if you can ban one, you can ban them all. None are vital to the operation of a fire arm.

That is the problem with the EO.

If Biden or Obama had made the exact same EO you would be losing your shit. But you are mindless drone and are not allowed to ever say a fucking bad thing about Trump.

Shitty way to live, but it seems to make you happy
They are all accessories, if you can ban one, you can ban them all. None are vital to the operation of a fire arm.

That is the problem with the EO.

If Biden or Obama had made the exact same EO you would be losing your shit. But you are mindless drone and are not allowed to ever say a fucking bad thing about Trump.

Shitty way to live, but it seems to make you happy
A magazine isn't an accessory. It's literally a required component for the gun to

I've said many-a-time that Trump's EO banning bump stocks is unconstitutional.
A magazine isn't an accessory. It's literally a required component for the gun to

Yes, but a 30 rd magazine is not a required component for the gun to function. It functions the same with a 5 round magazine. So, you would be cool with the Govt banning anything above 5 rounds?

A scope is not a required component for the gun to function, so you would be good with the Govt banning them?
Yes, but a 30 rd magazine is not a required component for the gun to function. It functions the same with a 5 round magazine. So, you would be cool with the Govt banning anything above 5 rounds?

A scope is not a required component for the gun to function, so you would be good with the Govt banning them?
A 30 round magazine is necessary to provide superiority of fire.

A scope increases accuracy, especially for someone with poor eye sight. Increased accuracy lowers the possibility of missing the target and hitting a innocent during a self defense situation.

Suppressors illuminate noise pollution and prevent hearing damage. They also allow the use of subsonic ammunition. In a self defense scenario, in a home, the shooters hear drums can take a lot of shock from an unsuppressed firearm using super sonic ammunition. It also reduces recoil, creates better accuracy and quicker follow up shots.

A bump stock is a toy that has no other purpose than to waste ammo for recreation.
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