Biden proposes banning vast majority of all guns.

STFU with your racist bullshit. Almost all mass shootings are carried out by white cracker dumbshits with real mental problems. And while California is the number one state, that hell hole called Texas, red as can be, is number two. So again, STFU.
Cry racist failed attempt to distract from your failing counter cross point.
Show me where it was proven false...
Read for comprehension, 'boo.

Thus, "the right of the people to keep and bear arms" isn't tied to the militia.
As the right to keep and bear arms is held by the people, and there is no right to serve in the militia, the right to keep and bear arms must include the use of a firearm outside service of same.
This includes the right to use a firearm in self-defense, the most very basic purpose for a firearm.

Thus your statement:
The second amendment was never about self-defense, until Heller. It was always about a militia...
Proven false.

This make you mad, 'boo?
NRA imaginary scare tactics seem to work on you. Sorry, they don't work on me.
No such scare tactic exist. It's the plan democrats will push and take what they can get and come back to take more. So fuck off
And if up to you, you would ban ALL semi-auto rifles and handguns?
Hey, if a school shooter had only a bolt action with a 6 bullet cap, he wouldn't kill that many before he'd have to reload and get tackled.

Simple handguns for home defence is ok.
Hey, if a school shooter had only a bolt action with a 6 bullet cap, he wouldn't kill that many before he'd have to reload and get tackled.

Simple handguns for home defence is ok.

So you would ban all semi-auto rifles then?
STFU with your racist bullshit. Almost all mass shootings are carried out by white cracker dumbshits with real mental problems. And while California is the number one state, that hell hole called Texas, red as can be, is number two. So again, STFU.
You are lying.

Either that or are simply confused.


You are lying.
Either that or are simply confused.
Wow. That's quite remarkable, given that blacks make up less than 13% of the population.
I wonder what the US murder rate would look like if blacks committed murder at the same rate as whites.
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Wow. That's quite remarkable, given that blacks make up less than 13% of the population.
I wonder what the US murder rate would look like if blacks committed murder at the same rate as whites.
Whites in the US commit gun grimes at about the same rate as we see in the European and Scandinavian countries that have strict gun control laws.

Blacks and Browns are our gun violence problem.
Whites in the US commit gun grimes at about the same rate as we see in the European and Scandinavian countries that have strict gun control laws.
Blacks and Browns are our gun violence problem.
2021, roughly
14997 murders
Whites: 5651 murders - 2.41/100k
Blacks: 9070 murders - 22.3/100k
If blacks committed murder at the same rate as whites, there'd be ~8000 (53%) fewer murders in the US.
6.5/100k - 53% = 3.05/100k

Clearly, our problem is the # of guns and our lax gun control laws.
Nowhere in either case does the court hold, or opine, that the exercise of the right to keep and bear arms rests on an individual's relationhip with the militia.
Bullshit. Both the Miler and Cruikshank decisions decided their cases based on the militia use of the guns in question

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