Biden punishes oil prices by 25% with his will alone

Lying doesn't change anything.

The fact is that Trump DID have the lowest Black and Hispanic UE rates in history, and the lowest overall rate in 50 years, which is why you Nazis and your CCP masters unleashed your bioweapon on us.

You are retarded. No other explanation.
This week Biden’s policies, actions, but more importantly his rhetoric and sheer will have driven prices of oil down by more than 25%. These unprecedented acts of will, which have been criticized by conservatives who have blamed him for prices on the way up, are ultimately responsible for all oil pricing. It’s about time he unleashed the oil price Kraken!

God bless America and thank you Biden.
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sadly the prices at the pump are still up…due to xiden screwing the supply chain
New York(CNN Business) President Joe Biden is using his bully pulpit to call out the tendency for gasoline prices to go up like a rocket when oil spikes, but only drop like a feather when crude crashes.

Biden fired off a tweet Wednesday morning highlighting the painfully slow decline in gasoline prices in a bid to draw scrutiny to a decades-long trend that critics say hurts consumers by failing to pass savings along to drivers.

"Oil prices are decreasing, gas prices should too," Biden said on Twitter. "Last time oil was $96 a barrel, gas was $3.62 a gallon. Now it's $4.31. Oil and gas companies shouldn't pad their profits at the expense of hardworking Americans."

The administration's focus on the intricacies of energy prices shows the level of frustration inside the White House with one of the central drivers of high inflation.

Gas prices skyrocketed to record highs last week, following a spike in crude oil to levels unseen since 2008.

Prices at the gas pump are going down -- but only very gradually. The national average for regular gas dipped to $4.31 a gallon on Wednesday, according to AAA. That's down a penny from Tuesday and two pennies from Monday.

That's despite the fact that Brent oil collapsed by 28% between the March 6 intraday peak and Tuesday's close.

If you really want the gas prices to fall, stop getting gas for 2 weeks. Supply will back up and prices will fall.
If you really want the gas prices to fall, stop getting gas for 2 weeks. Supply will back up and prices will fall.

We will circle back in 100 weeks to see how it's going, just like Covid.
Again, your graph doesn't support your assertion that TRUMP! was bad for unemployment.

How about this one....Trump's 4 years. Was the UE higher or lower when Trump left office than when he took office?

How about this one....Trump's 4 years. Was the UE higher or lower when Trump left office than when he took office?

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hahah yeah, he had a global pandemic to deal with....saved thousands of lives with his quick actions. He put Americans lives ahead of his "economic numbers" - created a vaccine in warp speed. Only to watch the next Admin, with the advantage of three life saving vaccinees....end up with even MORE deaths. Sad.
hahah yeah, he had a global pandemic to deal with....saved thousands of lives with his quick actions. He put Americans lives ahead of his "economic numbers" - created a vaccine in warp speed. Only to watch the next Admin, with the advantage of three life saving vaccinees....end up with even MORE deaths. Sad.

Actually he put the stock market numbers ahead of American lives.

I wish you all would make up your minds about the one thread Trump is a god for creating them so quickly and in the other they are far worse than the virus and are going to be responsible for killing billions of people.
He is doing a great job and lending strength to America during these hard times. I look forward to the midterms.
His energy policies have influenced and/or negatively impacted energy costs for Americans. This will hurt Democrats in the midterms.
New York(CNN Business) President Joe Biden is using his bully pulpit to call out the tendency for gasoline prices to go up like a rocket when oil spikes, but only drop like a feather when crude crashes.

Biden fired off a tweet Wednesday morning highlighting the painfully slow decline in gasoline prices in a bid to draw scrutiny to a decades-long trend that critics say hurts consumers by failing to pass savings along to drivers.

"Oil prices are decreasing, gas prices should too," Biden said on Twitter. "Last time oil was $96 a barrel, gas was $3.62 a gallon. Now it's $4.31. Oil and gas companies shouldn't pad their profits at the expense of hardworking Americans."

The administration's focus on the intricacies of energy prices shows the level of frustration inside the White House with one of the central drivers of high inflation.

Gas prices skyrocketed to record highs last week, following a spike in crude oil to levels unseen since 2008.

Prices at the gas pump are going down -- but only very gradually. The national average for regular gas dipped to $4.31 a gallon on Wednesday, according to AAA. That's down a penny from Tuesday and two pennies from Monday.

That's despite the fact that Brent oil collapsed by 28% between the March 6 intraday peak and Tuesday's close.

Xi's man is desperate to distract from his fuckups.

But we remember.

{Biden denied the donor's association to the fossil fuel industry before calling the young woman "kiddo" and taking her hand. He said, "I want you to look at my eyes. I guarantee you. I guarantee you. We're going to end fossil fuel."}

Your pain at the pump is from Xi's Man Biden's war on America's middle class and plentiful energy.
If you really want the gas prices to fall, stop getting gas for 2 weeks. Supply will back up and prices will fall.

Is that like spending our way out of Biden's stagflation? Add $10 trillion more in debt to end rising prices?

{"If we pass the other two things I'm trying to get done, we will reduce inflation. Reduce inflation. Reduce inflation. Because, we're going to be providing good opportunities and jobs for people who in fact are going to be reinvesting that money back into all the things we're talking about. Driving down prices, not raising prices. And so, I, I, I, I, I sincerely mean this, prices up now, for example you're in a position where you're trying to build a house, trying to find 2x4s and lumber. Well guess what, people stopped working cutting lumber. They stopped doing it because unemployment was so down. Now all of the sudden there is this need so instead and guess what, instead of paying 10 cents, you're paying 20. You understand what I'm saying."}

Stupid as all fuck, and senile.

You're a lot like Quid Pro.
Then I’m glad we agree that Biden increased the output of oil from where the baton was passed to him.
What is this, a brand new topic that has nothing to with what we were talking about?

Numbers are numbers. If we're producing more than we were, that's what we are doing. Naturally, if you want to credit Quid Pro for that, you also need to credit him for the prices that are going with it, and blame him for the next inevitable downturn. But you won't.
Are you a sock or just trying to help a flailing fellow believer? He tried to make a point with a graph that disagreed with him, and doesn't want to admit he did.

I gave you what you asked for, and now you whine about it.
Actually he put the stock market numbers ahead of American lives.

I wish you all would make up your minds about the one thread Trump is a god for creating them so quickly and in the other they are far worse than the virus and are going to be responsible for killing billions of people.
Nope he saved Americans...the market took it hit...he did what the good Doctors told him to do...he listened....was it right? I don't know, but was the information he was given and he listened.

Not sure what you mean, I've always said the vaccines were good, so has Trump.

There are some that have spread misinformation and distrust about it...folks like Kamela

It didn't really collapsed, but for the sake of argument, let's say it did.

When Biden get in the office, what have changed for his first nine months?

Nothing. Lockdowns were still in effects. Mandates were even worse than during Trump. Some areas still have them. Demand for oil didn't skyrocketed the moment he got in the office. But price of oil did. Inflation was higher every month since Biden took office, and before Ukraine war it was on 7.5%.
100s of US oil companies declared bankruptcy in 2020. Most US wells produce less than 50 barrels a day. Recovery takes time.

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