Biden puts Americans at risk

He does not want a bill that will secure the border, protect American citizens, require the millions of illegals already here to leave. I guarantee you that.
Have you seen the bipartisin bill?
I can back up everything I post.
Ok. Back up the accusations you just made at me. Quoting MAGA cult talking points wont do Prove I specifically believe all the things you just accuse me of. it.

Biden puts Americans at risk​

Biden's letter and promises are yet another crock. He needs no new special powers to carry out his sworn basic constitutional responsibilities.

We HAD a secure border and all he and the democrats have done is fight tooth and nail to tear it down.

There can be no plan to close the border without another plan on also deporting all 15 million illegal invaders.

America became at risk on Nov. 3, 2020 when our elections were hijacked by a cabal of secret shadow organizations funded by billionaires to steal the election.

It has been all straight downhill ever since.

There is a traitor in the WH, and traitors deserve only one thing, and it isn't deals giving them more powers.
I sense a very strong shift in America. The people that "Can't Understand Normal Thinking" are taking a beating. Common sense is finally coming to light. This thread, on this forum, is a very good example. The pathetic attempts from the "left" posters are so over the top childish, that any visitor to this forum can easily distinguish from posters that understand normal thinking, from those that do not.
Ok. Back up the accusations you just made at me. Quoting MAGA cult talking points wont do Prove I specifically believe all the things you just accuse me of. it.
If you don't want to be accused of supporting that stuff, I suggest you don't defend it and don't accuse those who don't support or defend it.
If you don't want to be accused of supporting that stuff, I suggest you don't defend it and don't accuse those who don't support or defend it.
So you got nothing. typical MAGA cult member who spouts anything that they can think of, but can't back up any of it. Repeating right wing lies and unfounded accusations is not proof of anything.
I posted what Biden agrees to. Which is obviously not a secure border. Just a lot more people and cost who are not securing the border.
If you haven't seen the bill, you have no idea what he agreed to, so quit lying.
For three years Biden and KJP have been telling us ad nauseum that the border is closed and secure and there is no crisis at the border. Or if there is, it is Donald Trump's and/or the Republicans' fault. Now he says he'll close the border immediately IF the Republicans allow him more money for the Ukraine!

So if we don't give him more money for the Ukraine, the border won't be closed or secured. That's the only way he'll agree to close and secure the border???? The Ukraine is more important than America and Americans?

If that is not criminal I don't know what is.

Correct, you don’t know what is.

For three years Biden and KJP have been telling us ad nauseum that the border is closed and secure and there is no crisis at the border. Or if there is, it is Donald Trump's and/or the Republicans' fault. Now he says he'll close the border immediately IF the Republicans allow him more money for the Ukraine!

So if we don't give him more money for the Ukraine, the border won't be closed or secured. That's the only way he'll agree to close and secure the border???? The Ukraine is more important than America and Americans?

If that is not criminal I don't know what is.

Title 42, a COVID-19 public health restriction affecting migrants at the U.S.-Mexico border, expired on May 11, 2023, when the public health emergency for COVID-19 was lifted.Jun 5, 2023

What Does the End of Title 42 Mean for U.S. Migration Policy?​

He said "pass a bipartisin bill, and I will sign it." Why do the MAGA cult members refuse to do that?
We don’t need any new legislation. Enforce the laws that already exist.

Problem solved.

Why do liberal Democraps refuse to acknowledge that?
The Biden administration does what China wants in every crisis we will and are facing....

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