Zone1 Biden Race Policy Just Went Off the Charts


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
We always knew Biden was a full-fledged anti-white racist. He has shown it by decades of support for Affirmative Action discrimination. He recently made waves with it, in his atrocious "American Rescue Plan" (which ought to be renamed > ARP as long as you're not white). Thankfully, the courts have recognized the ARP for its anti-white racism, and it has been knocked down, every time it shows up there.

But now we have Biden going above & beyond even these abominations. As Rich Lowery eloquently sounds the alarm in this NTY Post opinion piece, Biden "issued an executive order last week to basically create a five-year plan for the implementation of diversity, equity and inclusion across a huge swath of government agencies.

In a push for so-called equity so shockingly far-reaching that, not so long ago, a woke diversity officer wouldn’t have attempted it at even the most progressive liberal-arts college, Biden is pushing to make the federal government a frank instrument of a racialized radicalism."

The administration’s policy, according to the mandate, is “to advance an ambitious, whole-of-government approach to racial equity and support for underserved communities.”
Whoa! Stop right there. "Underserved communities" ? By "underserved communities" Biden's new plan, led by the assistant to the president for domestic policy, who is none other than controversial former Barack Obama official Susan Rice, specifies the groups who deserve to be treated “equitably,” beginning with “Black, Latino, Indigenous and Native American, Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander persons and other persons of color.”
What does "persons of color" exactly mean ? You can be sure of one thing. Just like Affirmative Action & the ARP, it EXCLUDES you, Mr and Ms White American. Pretty odd to hear persons of color being referred to as "underserved" by the federal government, when a trip to your local VA hospital shows thousands of federal employees holding good jobs there, with about 1% of them being white.

Lowery interestingly asks >> "some of the departments and agencies involved are enormously powerful, and their workings shouldn’t be skewed by ideology. Is the Department of Justice, for instance, supposed to try to adjust the FBI’s arrests to achieve greater demographic balance?"
"These agencies of government aren’t private colleges that students are voluntarily attending, knowing they are in for indoctrination. They are meant to serve the public at large (that includes the 252 Million Americans who are white). Biden is changing, or at least distorting, their missions and diverting some portion of their resources to a goal Congress never authorized — or imagined."

Lastly, regarding "equality" I agree with the words of our generation's most famous poet, Bob Dylan, who said >>


Biden’s shocking push to radicalize the federal bureaucracy
It’s the most radical act President Joe Biden has undertaken that almost no one is talking about.
Thread up. :)

:rolleyes:As a 50% Hispanic person myself, who can avail myself of Affirmative Action and other obscenities that Joe Biden creates, (if I wanted to), I just marvel at the gross stupidity of discriminated-against whites, who accept these anti-white abominations, and support them. Wow. Really dumb.:rolleyes:
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Government hiring policies based on diversity, equity, and inclusion are just another form of welfare. They're a social program where the least qualified and least motivated are given lifetime jobs at the taxpayer's expense. It's no wonder our government is so bloated and incompetent.
This is just code for “discriminate even more against whites,” as the government agencies are already staffed disproportionately with blacks (who were hired primarily for their race in the first place).
We always knew Biden was a full-fledged anti-white racist. He has shown it by decades of support for Affirmative Action discrimination. He recently made waves with it, in his atrocious "American Rescue Plan" (which ought to be renamed > ARP as long as you're not white). Thankfully, the courts have recognized the ARP for its anti-white racism, and it has been knocked down, every time it shows up there.

But now we have Biden going above & beyond even these abominations. As Rich Lowery eloquently sounds the alarm in this NTY Post opinion piece, Biden "issued an executive order last week to basically create a five-year plan for the implementation of diversity, equity and inclusion across a huge swath of government agencies.

In a push for so-called equity so shockingly far-reaching that, not so long ago, a woke diversity officer wouldn’t have attempted it at even the most progressive liberal-arts college, Biden is pushing to make the federal government a frank instrument of a racialized radicalism."

The administration’s policy, according to the mandate, is “to advance an ambitious, whole-of-government approach to racial equity and support for underserved communities.”
Whoa! Stop right there. "Underserved communities" ? By "underserved communities" Biden's new plan, led by the assistant to the president for domestic policy, who is none other than controversial former Barack Obama official Susan Rice, specifies the groups who deserve to be treated “equitably,” beginning with “Black, Latino, Indigenous and Native American, Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander persons and other persons of color.”
What does "persons of color" exactly mean ? You can be sure of one thing. Just like Affirmative Action & the ARP, it EXCLUDES you, Mr and Ms White American. Pretty odd to hear persons of color being referred to as "underserved" by the federal government, when a trip to your local VA hospital shows thousands of federal employees holding good jobs there, with about 1% of them being white.

Lowery interestingly asks >> "some of the departments and agencies involved are enormously powerful, and their workings shouldn’t be skewed by ideology. Is the Department of Justice, for instance, supposed to try to adjust the FBI’s arrests to achieve greater demographic balance?"
"These agencies of government aren’t private colleges that students are voluntarily attending, knowing they are in for indoctrination. They are meant to serve the public at large (that includes the 252 Million Americans who are white). Biden is changing, or at least distorting, their missions and diverting some portion of their resources to a goal Congress never authorized — or imagined."

Lastly, regarding "equality" I agree with the words of our generation's most famous poet, Bob Dylan, who said >>


Biden’s shocking push to radicalize the federal bureaucracy
It’s the most radical act President Joe Biden has undertaken that almost no one is talking about.
Inst Joe Biden a "WHITE GUY"? Just saying. Shouldnt he step down, because of him being white?
Race based policies are racist, immoral, and unconstitutional.
You can bet that almost all of their Diversity Officers will be Black.
That doesn't sound like diversity.
That sounds exclusive.
Democrats are dumb and racist.
Notice that they exclude the largest racial group of poor people.
We should help people based on need, not skin color.

Percentage of poor people in America by race.
This is just code for “discriminate even more against whites,” as the government agencies are already staffed disproportionately with blacks (who were hired primarily for their race in the first place).
My local VA Hospital (with thousands of employees), is about 1% white (if that much).
Fortunately, this backward DEI worldview is being obliterated in other areas of life. Biden’s incompetent, identity-obsessed administration has ironically caused a mediocre economy that is leading businesses to shed DEI jobs. DEI layoffs have been most prominent in the technology industry.

And universities are being forced to put the woke genie back in the bottle in states such as Florida and Texas, as Republican governors and legislators rightfully focus on tearing down bloated DEI bureaucracies, that run rampant through college administrations.

Fortunately, this backward DEI worldview is being obliterated in other areas of life. Biden’s incompetent, identity-obsessed administration has ironically caused a mediocre economy that is leading businesses to shed DEI jobs. DEI layoffs have been most prominent in the technology industry.

Universities are being forced to put the woke genie back in the bottle in states such as Florida and Texas, as Republican governors and legislators rightfully focus on tearing down bloated DEI bureaucracies that run rampant through college administrations.

America First Legal said in a Feb. 17 press release that it would fight Biden’s executive order, saying that Biden, without authorization from Congress, “ordered a radical, racist, and fundamentally anti-American overhaul of every federal function under the guise of ‘equity.’ ”

“Equity,” America First Legal noted, “is a euphemism for discrimination based on race, national origin, sex, or economic class with respect to employment, university admissions, and access to government benefits, programs, or services. As applied, ‘equity’ is nothing more or less than a rebranding and reorientation of the racism in the ‘Jim Crow’ era, but now against 250 million white Americans.
America First Legal President Stephen Miller said in a statement: “With the stroke of a pen, Biden has transformed the entire federal government into a DEI cult — putting equity czars inside virtually every single agency of the executive branch and subordinating every department to the marxist equity agenda. Every previous law and regulation must now be reinterpreted to ensure racial and gender equity: in other words, to achieve a predetermined racial or gender identity outcome even if it requires ruthless discrimination against American citizens.

“Biden does this all by passing no new laws, let alone constitutional amendments, but by ordering the permanent bureaucracy to follow his written orders to completely remake government in the image of the ultra-woke ultra-radical left.

‘Shadow president’ Susan Rice handed sweeping powers to re-engineer federal government – World Tribune: U.S. Politics and Culture, Geopolitics, Northeast Asia, China, Geostrategy-Direct, International Security, Corporate Watch, Media Watch
America First Legal said in a Feb. 17 press release that it would fight Biden’s executive order, saying that Biden, without authorization from Congress, “ordered a radical, racist, and fundamentally anti-American overhaul of every federal function under the guise of ‘equity.’ ”

“Equity,” America First Legal noted, “is a euphemism for discrimination based on race, national origin, sex, or economic class with respect to employment, university admissions, and access to government benefits, programs, or services. As applied, ‘equity’ is nothing more or less than a rebranding and reorientation of the racism in the ‘Jim Crow’ era, but now against 250 million white Americans.
He’s basically made racism not merely legal, but mandatory, throughout the U.S. Government.
He’s basically made racism not merely legal, but mandatory, throughout the U.S. Government.
Exactly. And this is what you get when you select a 100% selfish opportunist to be a president. Just to help him get re-elected (by bribing minorities), Biden is throwing 252 Million white Americans to the trash, as if they were yesterdays newspapers.

Even worse he is ENDANGERING all Americans, by allowing lesser qualified (if not totally UNqualified) people to manage our transportation systems (planes, trains), and this has been showing up in the statistics.

What else are we being endangered by with lesser qualified workers ? Building construction & inspection ? Roads & bridge construction and maintenance ? ____?.....?.....?
Fire prevention ?
Government hiring policies based on diversity, equity, and inclusion are just another form of welfare. They're a social program where the least qualified and least motivated are given lifetime jobs at the taxpayer's expense. It's no wonder our government is so bloated and incompetent.
All you have to do is check the right boxes. Black, Brown, LGBTQ you've got a job in Biden's world.

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