Biden Refuses To Accept Responsibility For High Inflation

Yes. As goes the US, so goes the rest of the world. Democrats war on business and war on energy have raised inflation around the world and letting Afghanistan fall to the Taliban was an invitation to Russia to invade Ukraine, which caused inflation around the globe to rise. And, democrat's locking down the supply chain also caused inflation to skyrocket when they tried opening back up and couldn't. Democrats also paid off people to quit work and never return to the labor market, which also increases inflation.
You're an idiot.
Neither are Biden's claim to job creation, it is that way around the world.
President Biden set the economic conditions for this huge job growth, all credit to him if you can get over yourself. Hatred is very consuming that why you're so easily suckered by Trump and Triggered.
Yes. As goes the US, so goes the rest of the world. Democrats war on business and war on energy have raised inflation around the world and letting Afghanistan fall to the Taliban was an invitation to Russia to invade Ukraine, which caused inflation around the globe to rise. And, democrat's locking down the supply chain also caused inflation to skyrocket when they tried opening back up and couldn't. Democrats also paid off people to quit work and never return to the labor market, which also increases inflation.
BS, you think too much of yourself. America is just a blimp where I live, we laugh at Trump and GOPer more than anything the does domestically.
President Biden set the economic conditions for this huge job growth, all credit to him if you can get over yourself. Hatred is very consuming that why you're so easily suckered by Trump and Triggered.

Now you've done it...

Don't mention the falling deficit, please...
President Biden set the economic conditions for this huge job growth, all credit to him if you can get over yourself. Hatred is very consuming that why you're so easily suckered by Trump and Triggered.
Hate? Seriously, I don’t hate that is just wasted.time and energy. He passed a bill in August and that money has yet to see the light of day. So then we can blame him for the inflation? The supply chain issues that we see today?
I don’t blame Biden but I don’t credit him either, the economy rebounded big after coming out of a terrible pandemic, passing over $6 trillion in in three years better boost an economy.
I went into exile in 1980....

When the GOP started Courting Stupid...

When did you convert?
Ironically, about the same time. I was pretty much a diehard Democrat before 1980, when I realized that Democrats talked an astounding game but all of their policies actually made things worse for the very people they claim they are trying to help. Then I changed to Republican for about 20 years and now consider myself an independent because both sides want the same thing, total control over 100% of the electorate. Every time either side wins an election 50.1% to 49.9% they claim a mandate to shove their policies down the throats of everyone. We often have a divided government because voters realize that gridlock and getting nothing done is preferable to one party rule.
Ironically, about the same time. I was pretty much a diehard Democrat before 1980, when I realized that Democrats talked an astounding game but all of their policies actually made things worse for the very people they claim they are trying to help. Then I changed to Republican for about 20 years and now consider myself an independent because both sides want the same thing, total control over 100% of the electorate. Every time either side wins an election 50.1% to 49.9% they claim a mandate to shove their policies down the throats of everyone. We often have a divided government because voters realize that gridlock and getting nothing done is preferable to one party rule.
So, after being a "smart" democrat, you grew to become a "smarter republican".....and now you're even smarter.

"For about 20 years"

Why not just say:

"Around 2009....just as you anticipated, 5th.....that's do you do that?"
Now that's real mature. I guess that's your way of saying that you admit you lost the debate because the only thing you have left to debate with is calling others names.
You rattle off a series of unfounded assertions which constitute the evidence "informing" your idiotic conclusions.

Then you demand that this caca be refuted.
BS, you think too much of yourself. America is just a blimp where I live, we laugh at Trump and GOPer more than anything the does domestically.
The thing is, the media in the US and other countries are liberal/progressive so they push that agenda. They throw the news at you that they want to throw at you, anti-Trump, anti-gop. That's the news they want you to hear. They purposely stifle any bad news from democrats and go out of their way to find stuff that makes the other side look bad. Your media are only telling you the side of the story they want to promote.
The thing is, the media in the US and other countries are liberal/progressive so they push that agenda. They throw the news at you that they want to throw at you, anti-Trump, anti-gop. That's the news they want you to hear. They purposely stifle any bad news from democrats and go out of their way to find stuff that makes the other side look bad. Your media are only telling you the side of the story they want to promote.
What bad news from the Democrats, list some. BTW how is this news of your treasonous Russian compromised guy not true. UPDATED Trump’s fake electors: Here’s the full list
What bad news from the Democrats, list some. BTW how is this news of your treasonous Russian compromised guy not true. UPDATED Trump’s fake electors: Here’s the full list
Oh please. The MSM are like RT is to Putin, an arm of the democratic party. They stifle as much news as they can that makes democrats look bad, hype up what makes democrats look good, and do the opposite when it comes to Republicans and Trump.
Oh please. The MSM are like RT is to Putin, an arm of the democratic party. They stifle as much news as they can that makes democrats look bad, hype up what makes democrats look good, and do the opposite when it comes to Republicans and Trump.
What news have they stifled about the Democrats? What we do know is several examples of Trump's criminal and treason.
What news have they stifled about the Democrats? What we do know is several examples of Trump's criminal and treason.
Just to show a few which show a clear bias to the left:

Just to show a few which show a clear bias to the left:

Show me Dem issues that the media have been bias against, you won't because there aren't any.
Just to show a few which show a clear bias to the left:

The reality is they report to facts unlike right wing fascist apologist media like Newsmax and Fox conspiracy theory entertainment.
Show me Dem issues that the media have been bias against, you won't because there aren't any.
I showed you independent ratings of the news media which prove they have a left bias. I thought your side liked to deal in facts? I showed you the facts. You are a fact denier.
The reality is they report to facts unlike right wing fascist apologist media like Newsmax and Fox conspiracy theory entertainment.
The reality is they are biased to the left. This has nothing to do with Newsmax or Fox News. YOUR media are biased.
I showed you independent ratings of the news media which prove they have a left bias. I thought your side liked to deal in facts? I showed you the facts. You are a fact denier.
Minor left that's because the left deal in facts, your right wing Neo Nazis media just make up lies and conspiracy theories.

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