Biden regime still claiming their "Inflation Reduction Act" is going to lower inflation - LOL


is this you?

Is what who? Fuckaduck?

All of it does maga fuckup.
Uh no Nazi, it sure doesn't.

You lied that "Trump's tax cuts added $1 Trillion to the deficit."

The article - assumedly from DailyKOS or RawSewage, you didn't link it, knowing that the source would reveal what shit it is - in no way supports your lie. In fact it slanders Trump on the strawman argument they create that Trump claimed the tax overhaul would eliminate the national debt. (he made no such claim)
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That really IS the best you Nazis can do..

Paul's gay lover, an illegal alien - OF COURSE got into a spat with him.

“No group in American history has done a worse job running this country than the neo-liberals currently in charge,” Tucker declared. “They’re vicious, they’re intolerant, and they’re utterly corrupt. But above all, they are incompetent. In less than two years…they have run this country into the ground, wrecking our economy, desecrating our military, and opening the borders of the United States to more than five million lawbreakers. The destruction they have wrought is so profound, it’s hard to describe. So of course there will be consequences for that. In a country with democratic elections, how could this party stay in power?”

That’s the bottom line, that’s what they’re afraid of — they know that they’re going to be tossed out and they’re trying to say anything they can to avert it, whether it’s based in reality or not.} - Tucker Carlson
Uh no Nazi, it sure doesn't.

You lied that "Trump's tax cuts added $1 Trillion to the deficit."

The article - assumedly from DailyKOS or RawSewage, you didn't link it, knowing that the source would reveal what shit it is - in no way supports your lie. In fact it slanders Trump on the strawman argument they create that Trump claimed the tax overhaul would eliminate the national debt. (he made no such claim)
Yeah, they actually added close to 3.1 trillion.
That really IS the best you Nazis can do..

Paul's gay lover, an illegal alien - OF COURSE got into a spat with him.

“No group in American history has done a worse job running this country than the neo-liberals currently in charge,” Tucker declared. “They’re vicious, they’re intolerant, and they’re utterly corrupt. But above all, they are incompetent. In less than two years…they have run this country into the ground, wrecking our economy, desecrating our military, and opening the borders of the United States to more than five million lawbreakers. The destruction they have wrought is so profound, it’s hard to describe. So of course there will be consequences for that. In a country with democratic elections, how could this party stay in power?”

That’s the bottom line, that’s what they’re afraid of — they know that they’re going to be tossed out and they’re trying to say anything they can to avert it, whether it’s based in reality or not.} - Tucker Carlson
It’s a factual representation of you position.

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