Biden reinstating Trump border policy

He says too little to late, I disagree. It is NEVER to late to exercise COMMON SENSE

He says too little to late, I disagree. It is NEVER to late to exercise COMMON SENSE

It can be too late, pretty easy. A policy (even a shitty policy) in place and working somewhat, that you stop with your ink pen and an announcement to world that you are changing, and it's changed. But to put it back in place takes the agreement of Mexico. Mexico does not want them in their country either, unless somebody else is going take up payments on them, so they aren't having any "let them file in the US and then the US send them back to Mexico to wait until their application is adjudicated". They obviously want some pot sweetening. Can you blame them? If you don't understand that, you've had too much pot. Mexico had been holding a lot of people in towns at their southern border, but when Joe announced, I think the Mexican government was like "Fine Joe, we'll let them come to you" and did.

I don't know how Donny got them to agree in the first place. It was quiet, whatever it was. I figure one of his lesser known but best negotiations, I don't even remember hearing about at the time. Not a perfect long term solution, by any means. But it was working, and Joe took it down, mainly because Trump had put it in, just like Dumb Donny took out some working policies and agreements that were by no means perfect but were working, yet he took them out in many cases just because Obama put them in.

Joe started looking to start the old policy, back up about 3 months into this mess, and they have negotiating off and on since. Don't look for it anytime soon, and if it happens, it ain't gonna be free and probably never was.
His border debacle already achieved his goal of flooding the country with over 2 million unneeded, unwanted, uneducated and unbathed illegal immigrants as well as refiring the pandemic with over a million fresh positives. Why? Nobody with half a brain can figure out why Democrats do what they do.

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