Biden Says Foreign Leaders Want Him to Be President

Is there a Lefty willing to state one reason that’s a good thing? Just one?

Foreign leaders reportedly told Joe Biden, “The world needs you” to run for president

How does that qualify Bite Me for anything?

If Biden were to win, God forbid, this is open-shut case of collusion, when our enemies are pushing for Creepy Joe's election?
Did he ask them for Scumps taxes yet??

I'd like to see Biden's son's taxes. He stands accused of shenanigans in Ukraine.

It would be great to see him face justice over there, and I'm solidly in favor of extraditing him to serve a term in prison over there.
So they would like another status quo globalist as the American President shocking.
I think it's not so much Biden as 'Anyone but Trump'.
Is there a Lefty willing to state one reason that’s a good thing? Just one?

Foreign leaders reportedly told Joe Biden, “The world needs you” to run for president

How does that qualify Bite Me for anything?

If Biden were to win, God forbid, this is open-shut case of collusion, when our enemies are pushing for Creepy Joe's election?
Did he ask them for Scumps taxes yet??
Another non stop insane loon.
Of course they do. Democrats are notorious for giving away the store to foreign interest.

Thank god Trump is President who looks after American interest first.

We all saw how that dipshit Obama gave away the store and we all know that Crooked Hillary would have given away anything to get donations to her money laundering foundation.
Trump is bought and paid for by foreign interests...even you must see that.
Americans are stupid enough to see Biden as an extremist alternative to the GOP.
I think it's not so much Biden as 'Anyone but Trump'.

This is true, we need to stop the suffering. We need to raise taxes so there won't be as many jobs. We need for workers to take home less pay; makes them want to work more. We need more illegals in this country to keep parents on their toes about whether their children are safe in school or not, and to lower wages for American workers because they are making way too much.

Vote Joe Biden, and STOP THE INSANITY!!!!
Of course they do. Democrats are notorious for giving away the store to foreign interest.

Thank god Trump is President who looks after American interest first.

We all saw how that dipshit Obama gave away the store and we all know that Crooked Hillary would have given away anything to get donations to her money laundering foundation.
Trump is bought and paid for by foreign interests...even you must see that.

You are confused Moon Bat.

You didn't see Trump going down to Cuba and giving blowjobs to Castro in front of the whole world. You didn't see hm loading up barrels of cash to send to Obama's Mullah buddies. You didn't see him getting mega rich on a scam money laundering foundation like Crooked Hillary. You don't see him selling 20% of Americas uranium for outrageou speaking fees and donations to a money laundering foundation like Crooked Hillary did, do you? You didn't see him withholding funds from foreign countries to his son out of jail like Biden.

However, what you do see is Trump as President bringing jobs back to America, lowering taxes, stimulating the economy and putting pressure on foreign countries to have fair trade deals. Lowest unemployment in 50 year and high economic growth. That shithead Obama couldn't deliver on that.

Democrats are assholes and weak minded shitheads and foreign countries love them. They said they would love to get that idiot Biden as President so he would give away the store to them. Only a moron would vote for Biden or any of those other corrupt and incompetent Democrat assholes, wouldn't you agree?.
Foreign countries would love to get a Democrat President that would load up barrels of cash and send to them. They would love a Democrat Secretary of State that would give them 20% of our uranium in exchange for donation to a money laundering foundation. They would love to see an American President that would kiss Castro's ass. They would love a Democrat President that weaken America's military and sign up for all this global warming scam transfer of money.

Foreign counties would do very well with stupid weak American globalist President like Biden and the rest of those Democrat shitheads and they know it. They hate somebody like Trump that will stick up for America's interest.
they would like another Chamberlain--a yes man


Is that Neville Chamberlain? The guy who declared war on Nazi Germany, more than two years before the US did? That Chamberlain?

The U.S. never declared War on Nazi Germany. They declared war on us on 12/11/1941.
Well, technically we did after they did.

Granted, but it wasn't like we weren't going to fight them if we didn't.

Biggest mistake Hitler ever made. Bigger than invading Russia. We would have never declared War on Germany if they didn't
declare it on us. He didn't think we could fight a Two-Ocean War. He was wrong...horribly wrong.

When we took out those 4 Jap Carriers at Midway plus 1 other large Carrier at Coral Sea, Both Japan and Germany had their
fate sealed.

The Japs couldn't get at us. We used only 25,000 Marines in the initial assault on Guadacanal, and that created another stalemate
but we were buying time, until we put 100,000 ashore in North Africa and helped chase the Nazi's out of North Africa.

There was still two years of bitter fighting ahead, but the outcome was never in doubt.
There was still two years of bitter fighting ahead, but the outcome was never in doubt.

People were optimistic from the start of the war, for sure. But if the USA didn't keep all of our ducks in the row, including our alliance with Almighty God, it could have easily been different.
Biden Says Foreign Leaders Want Him to Be President

I BET THEY DO. It's snowing snowflakes all around the world. We've just been given the best reason why Biden The World Stooge Puppet must not be president. Trump's policies are working. The world needs us a lot more than we need them and the shit has started running down their legs.

If other countries' leaders support Bidet, that's all the more reason NOT to vote for him. Allies or not, other countries are a bunch of American-hating snotnoses who love to use us, suck money out of us, and fuck us over to their advantage (especially the Zeropean Islamic human condom & the utterly failed nation Mexecrable). As a result, I admit I have such a xenophobic resentment of non-American parasites, I want to do the OPPOSITE of what other countries want from us.

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